You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1146: Have you drunk

Qing Mang looked down and wrote it down, and then sent him a message after the dinner room was seated.

[Delicious and delicious green mansions]: Where are you?

After sending it, there was no movement for a while, and Qing Mang put down the phone.

The dishes were served quickly, but Qingmang was a little absent-minded.

All of his thoughts fell on Lu Yanmu, but he didn't know what he was doing here, whether he was talking about things or simply having a dinner party.

It's impossible for Qing Mang to be a woman, and for a man like Lu Yanmu, there is absolutely no need to worry about being derailed.

The wine table was scrambling, and it was necessary to drink two glasses of wine. Qing Mangrao was the man behind the investor. When he was in the mood for drinking, he would inevitably drink one or two glasses on the scene.

However, they were able to carry it clearly, and did not think about filling Qingmang with wine. After this meal, Qingmang was quite relaxed, but Lin Suqing was different, he was a newcomer, and some things in the scene had to be dealt with. .

After three rounds of wine, Lin Suqing was already a little dizzy.

Lin Su has a bad amount of sake, and Qingmang knows it.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xu Mo, and sent a location by the way.

When the phone was about to be retrieved, news from Lu Yanmu came in.

[Lu Yanmu]: What's wrong with socializing outside?

Qing Mang looked at the phone and thought about it, then went back.

[Tasty and nice green mang]: I heard your voice in a place just now, and I am not sure if it is you.

Just a while after Qing Mang's message was sent, Lu Yanmu's call came in.

Qing Mang held the phone and gestured to the person next to him, "I'm sorry to answer the call." Then he went out successfully.

"Where are you?" After connecting, Lu Yanmu's voice came over first.

"I'm in the Tianzi box." Qing Mang replied.

"Did you drink?" Lu Yanmu's voice was deep and he couldn't hear his anger.

Qing Mang replied honestly: "Drank a few cups..."

It is estimated that Lu Yanmu may be a little upset when she knows that she is drinking.

Sure enough, Qingmang could feel Lu Yanmu's sudden cold feeling through his mobile phone: "How much did you drink?"

"Just... three or four glasses of red wine..." Qing Mang was a little confused.

It's miserable, Lu Yanmu seems a little angry...

Uuuu... She was a little bit scared, a little afraid of what to do.

"How long is there?" Lu Yanmu asked in a deep voice.

"It's about half an hour to finish." Qing Mang estimated the time.

It's almost half an hour to eat inside.

"Don't leave after the end, and go back together." Lu Yanmu's voice was cold.

"Okay, I get it." Qing Mang buckled the railing, inexplicably joyful.

"I went in first, and Suqing is still inside." Qing Mang was somewhat relaxed.

"Well, don't drink anymore." Lu Yanmu couldn't help but confessed.

Qing Mang accepted, and exhorted: "Don't drink too much."

Lu Yanmu responded, and then someone called him. Qing Mang didn't say much, so he hung up the phone.

When Qing Mang turned around and went back to the box, he was accidentally hit by someone, and hit the waiter passing by, causing his clothes to get drenched.

"Sorry, sorry..." The waiter immediately apologized, Qing Mang waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and let the waiter go first.

Under the accident, Qing Mang never liked to be held accountable, but it was different in other places.

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