You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1151: Nothing will end

After all, she felt Lu Yanmu's chilly anger across the phone.

Okay, when Lu Yanmu's face was playing with his wife, this hatred was a big deal.

In less than two minutes, Lu Yanmu had already come over with anger.

The temperature of the Tingfeng Hall plummeted to freezing point because of his arrival.

When Lu Yanmu came in, the foremen had never met Lu Yanmu, and naturally they didn't know that Lu Yanmu was their boss.

When he saw him coming in, he subconsciously wanted to stop her, but when he confronted Lu Yanmu, he was shocked by his aura and took a few steps back.

This person is a bit scary, the aura exuding from his body is like trying to kill someone, but the look in his eyes makes him feel chill oozing from his bones.

"Sir..." the foreman yelled in panic.

"Fuck!" Lu Yanmu didn't even look at it, and directly scolded him, and walked past the foreman to Qing Mang's face.

"Is there anything wrong?" When Lu Yanmu stood beside Qingmang, he pulled her up and looked around. After confirming that she was okay, his frowned brows were slightly loosened.

"It's okay, I haven't done anything yet." Qing Mang was like a child, wanting to be praised by Lu Yanmu.

Lu Yanmu frowned helplessly, not knowing what to do with Qingmang.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yanmu held Qingmang's hand, showing a deep love in helplessness.

Qing Mang raised his eyebrows, and then looked in the direction of President Qian, "That person, I don't like it very much."

Qingmang rarely expresses his like or dislike for someone in front of Lu Yanmu.

Once she spoke, according to Lu Yanmu's method, she would basically not let this person off easily.

But now, she really wants to kill Mr. Qian.

People who offend her will not end well.

Lu Yanmu followed Qingmang's eyes, and when he saw Mr. Qian, his deep eyes burst out with a strong killing intent.

"Want him to die?" Lu Yanmu made no secret of his dislike for Mr. Qian.

Qing Mang thought for a while, and then said lightly: "Just don't kill it."

She didn't want to get blood on Lu Yanmu's hands, at least not because of her.

"Good." Lu Yanmu agreed without hesitation.

The people present didn't even know that in a few words, the fate of some people had already been decided by two people.

As early as when Lu Yanmu came in, President Qian had already felt a strong sense of oppression. When Lu Yanmu's gaze swept over, he had a feeling of cold rising from his feet, and he could not help shaking.

This person feels dangerous to him!

It's like a person who has been in the top for a long time, with an aura that makes people surrender.

Who is this person?

Young and gentle, but there is a sense of aura and oppression that even his age does not have.

And the more I look at it, the more familiar it seems, but I don't know where I have seen it, and I can't remember it for a while.

Alcohol paralyzed the nerves, and the brain was not very flexible.

But he knew that this person was definitely more powerful than himself.

When Lu Yanmu was talking to Qingmang, he trembled a little bit for some reason.

Talking about his life and death is like talking about something that is so common that it can't be more common, just wanting to make my heart tremble even more.

The foreman was a little afraid of Lu Yanmu, but when he saw that people didn't care about the rules here, he was a little dissatisfied.

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