You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1154: She seems to have caught Lu Yanmu's woman

With the convergence of Lu Yanmu's edge, the atmosphere instantly returned a bit.

In less than five minutes, the foreman took a laptop in his hand, and when he came over, he looked at Mr. Zhao with a worried expression on his face.

He was afraid that the third master would want to kill after watching this video...

Mr. Zhao couldn't understand the foreman's eyes and directly motioned him to show Lu Yanmu.

The foreman had no choice but to lower his head and show Lu Yanmu with his computer.

The surveillance video inside began to play after Qingmang came out, until she was brought in.

After watching the video, Lu Yanmu's bloodthirsty factor that was soothed by Qingmang broke out in an instant.

Picking up the notebook and smashing it directly, Mr. Qian was caught off guard and was directly smashed in the forehead.

The notebook shattered, and the blood gurgled from Mr. Qian's forehead, dripping onto the broken notebook, which seemed a bit oozing.

Lu Yanmu's gaze fell on Mr. Qian's hand.

In the video, his hand grabbed Qing Mang.

President Qian was a little panicked by Lu Yanmu's gaze, and then retracted his hand.

His hand just now seemed to have caught Lu Yanmu's woman...

It's over...

This time is really over...

Lu Yanmu stared at Mr. Qian, then picked up the ashtray on the table, walked over and kicked him over, then took the ashtray and smashed it directly into the hand that had touched Qingmang just now.

It happened so suddenly that none of the people present reflected it.

Including the money that was smashed in his hand, the wiping reaction came after a second or two, and he wailed in pain.

Lu Yanmu stepped on that hand and crushed it hard, and Mr. Qian wailed like a pig.

"This is just a little bit of interest!" Lu Yanmu's voice was as if it were poisoned, as if he was about to kill someone.

Seeing Lu Yanmu's bloodthirsty chill and eyes, everyone present didn't dare to move, lest the next unlucky one was themselves.

Sure enough, when they thought about it, Lu Yanmu's sight had already fallen on them.

Those eyes, as if they are like prey to be slaughtered, will be torn apart in the next second.

Qing Mang stepped forward and pulled the corner of La Lu Yanmu's clothes, raised his head and said, "It's too boring here, let's go out."

Qing Mang's words easily relieved Lu Yanmu's chill, his eyes fell on the pair of plain hands, and then moved up, it was the red wrists.

His pupils shrank, and when he nodded to go out, he pulled Qingmang's hand out.

Just when I walked out, I slammed the hand on the sole of my foot, and there was a sound of broken bones, followed by a miserable cry.

Qing Mang didn't look at it, but looking at Lu Yanmu's face, Mr. Qian's hand was completely abandoned.

When passing by Mr. Zhao, Lu Yanmu stopped for a while, glanced at him, and said coldly: "This matter, handle it cleanly! I don't want Meili to have similar things again! Otherwise..."

After Lu Yanmu finished speaking, he didn't look at Mr. Zhao again, and went out with his arms around Qingmang's waist.

Lu Yanmu didn't say the rest, but Mr. Zhao already knew what Lu Yanmu wanted to express.

If this person is not cleaned up, then the one who is cleaned up is him.

Obviously he was bigger than Lu Yanmu, but in terms of aura, he always bowed his head.

The aura has nothing to do with age.

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