You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1160: He really doesn't want to serve

After Lin Suqing almost vomited all the bile, her stomach felt better, and she sat on the grass without any strength on her feet, with a dazed expression on her face.

Xu Mo walked heavily behind, looking at Lin Suqing who was sitting on the ground, his teeth itchy with anger.

"Did you vomit? Still drinking?" Xu Mo almost gritted his teeth.

Lin Suqing had finished vomiting, but the person was still drunk, and he couldn't understand what was going on, and he was a bit at a loss.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Lin Suqing was already dizzy. He only felt that this person was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he was.

Xu Mo was so angry that he clenched his back molars. Very well, he asked who he was.

It seems that I won't be able to clean up today, maybe I have to be a demon.

Xu Mo took a few steps forward, took her hand and directly carried the person on his shoulders.

"You let me go!" Xu Mo's movements were too fast, and Lin Suqing was too late to react. When the reaction came over, he was carried on his shoulders.

The blood was rushing all over the head, and it was a bit uncomfortable, and it was even more uncomfortable after drinking.

"I want to vomit again..." Lin Suqing's stomach rolled, feeling terribly uncomfortable.

But Xu Mo didn't let it go. When Lin Suqing finally couldn't help it, he had already opened the door.

Lin Suqing touched the ground and threw up in front of Xu Mo's face.

Xu Mo closed his eyes, and the corners of his lips twitched unconsciously, only to feel that he had picked up trouble and came back.

She should be left alone...

After two tossings, Lin Suqing was already too tired to bear it, and with the catalytic effect of alcohol, it was very uncomfortable.

After vomiting, he spread directly on the ground, yelling uncomfortably with his throat.

He was so angry that Xu Mo's temples were suddenly painful, and the pain was severe, but it seemed that he couldn't do anything to her.

"Get up." Xu Mo bent down and tugged at her.

With the smell of alcohol, his living room was ruined.

Seeing such a situation, Xu Mo couldn't stand it anymore, but he couldn't care about a drunkard.

"I don't! I want to drink water! I feel uncomfortable!" Lin Suqing yelled, now that there is no image at all.

Xu Mo gritted his posterior molars, come on, this is the person he likes, there seems to be no other way except to admit his fate, he can only admit it.

He bent down and picked him up. When he picked him up, the person in his arms was not honest and tried to make noise.

When he arrived in the bedroom, Xu Mo threw the person on the bed.

Love it! He really doesn't want to serve!

After shaking and leaving, after a few minutes, he came in again with a water glass.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he lifted Lin Suqing up, put his arms in his arms, and carefully rinsed her mouth. After rinsing her mouth, he gave her a little bit of water.

But the person in his arms didn't cooperate at all, and he was still drunk crazy. After he finished feeding the water, his clothes got wet.

After drinking the water, Lin Suqing was quiet for a while, and when Xu Mo went to change his coat, he began to make noise again.

Looking back, yes, the person jumped up directly on the bed.

Xu Mo stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows, feeling helpless.

"Come down!" Xu Mo said sharply with a stern face.

"I don't! I want to take off~to fly~" Lin Suqing had no image at all at this time, covered in sheets, completely intoxicated in his own imagination.

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