You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1173: When to have a baby

"Wow, this stinky boy, he was so fattened to do such a thing behind my back. Seeing him come back, how can I clean up him!" The old man was angry, with a super unhappy and unhappy expression on his face. .

He said how Lu Yanmu's phone could get through, but Gu Qingmang's phone could not get through. Before, he thought that Gu Qingmang had an opinion on him, but he didn't expect it to be this bastard!

Annoyed him! Sooner or later, Lu Yanmu will be **** off.

He was so angry that he was short-lived for a few years.

"Yes, yes, I have to clean up. He owes too much this time, the typical itchy owes to clean up!" Qing Mang quickly stated his position so as not to be misunderstood by the old man.

She had already secretly stamped Lu Yanmu on Lu Yanmu's body and kept several accounts.

After I come back tonight, I must have a good meal, and it won’t work if I don’t.

I even dared to use her mobile phone to do some tricks.

If you don't hit the house for a day, let him kneel durian tonight!

"When will the **** come back?!" The old man was also frustrated.

This kind of **** is also out of anger.

How cute is the grandson of other people's family, and how does this **** of his family look and want to clean up.

Since he was ten years old, he hasn't beaten Lu Yanmu again, but every time he was angry to death.

He will be short of breath for several years sooner or later.

"It should be around six o'clock." Qing Mang looked serious and sold Lu Yanmu without hesitation.

"Okay, I'm just here waiting for him to come back and clean him up." The old man was so angry that his beard curled up and he was not very happy.

"Grandpa Xing, I'll find a stick for you!" Qing Mang was bitter with the enemy.

Clean up, you must clean up, it's no good, it's too much.

"Good!" The old man expressed his satisfaction with Qing Mang's performance.

So Qingmang asked people to find and come back with the stick, and he also specifically confessed that he wanted the kind that looked thick, but there was nothing to do with it.

Although Lu Yanmu was a little angry, he didn't want to really beat him, and he was expecting other people to earn money to support his family.

The grandfather and grandson reached a consensus in a few words and solved Lu Yanmu's problem in a while.

An agreement was reached on this matter, and Father Lu looked at Qingmang and liked it more and more.

This girl is good, much better than his bastard, at least like a grandson.

She would still act like a baby at him, just like it too much.

The old man looked at Qingmang, his eyes rolled, and then he said, "Well, when on earth did you want a child to bring your grandfather? While grandpa can still hold him, in a few years, I don’t know if he is still there Up."

Qing Mang: "..."

The spawning topic turned so fast that she caught her off guard...

Wait online, how to answer this topic.

She was totally unprepared for giving birth.

No preparation, what kind of baby...

She refused, not wanting at all.

But in front of the old man, she couldn't say rejection.

"Grandpa, you are in good health, you can definitely live a hundred years, but you can't scare us like that." Qing Mang picked up the loopholes in the old man's words and replied.

The old man glared at her, knowing that Qing Mang had deliberately avoided it, and in an instant he had a bitter face, "Old man, I may be dreaded one day, and the poor can't see my great-grandson. It's really pitiful."

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