You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 815: Can the person Sanye assigned me use it?

"I don't know. Different majors are not often together. It's really hard to tell." Qing Mang is also not good at making judgments, whether he has really offended people by accident or was targeted.

Just beating people directly like this, she couldn't bear this, why?

"You are in the same major as her. Ask your classmates when you are free, and you will probably know it." Qing Mang said lightly.

Under normal circumstances, things like this are the easiest to spread.

It may be a little difficult if you are behind the scenes, but on the bright side, it is hard to know.

"Well, I see." Lin Suqing agreed, which was regarded as a note.

Qingmang was eating, listening to the patter of water inside, her eyes deep.

After being connected for a few days, Qingmang and Suqing could always see a little swelling on Wan Ying's face, as if they had been beaten and then swollen by themselves.

Whenever I wanted to ask her what happened, I kept silent and didn't want them to know.

"Wan Ying, what's the matter with you?" Lin Suqing looked at Wan Ying, her face was a bit like a pig's head.

If it continues to be so spoiled, what will happen to it in the future.

"It's okay, maybe it's because you have practiced too much dance, some of your blood has gone down." When Lin Wanying spoke, she was a little shy and she didn't want them to know the appearance.

Lin Suqing's temper is quite mild, but seeing her like this, she sighed in her heart.

Lin Wanying couldn't ask anything here, as if he didn't even know what happened when he was studying there.

Can she blatantly ask others if she knows what happened to Lin Wanying.

If nothing really happened, if you ask this question, people might think that something really happened.

It's really an individual who died in desperation, but the person concerned didn't care about anything.

"Qing Mang, look at her, I really don't know what she thinks in her heart." Lin Suqing looked helpless.

Qingmang looked at Lin Wanying lightly, not worried, but frowned slightly.

Don't say why you can hide everything.

In this world, there has never been an impermeable wall, some just didn't say it.

"It's okay, I'll go out." Qing Mang put on a coat casually on his body, and went out.

When I came to a corner, I took out a cell phone and dialed a call.

After the phone rang a few times, it was connected.

Qing Mang took the lead and asked, "Song Yuan, can the person assigned to me by the third master use it?"

"Ah? What?" Song Yuan was a little confused, and didn't know what Qing Mang meant.

"Don't pretend to be a fool, San Ye arranged for me in secret, I know." Qing Mang also didn't want to make a fuss with Song Yuan.

Otherwise, Lu Yanmu would know everything about her at school, and someone must be watching her.

Song Yuan hesitated for a while, and then slowly said, "Actually, it can be..." But, did it cause some trouble again at school.

If it is a big trouble, he may need to go out and solve it.

"Don't worry, I didn't do something bad, don't worry, I just understand some things." Qing Mang seemed to see through his thoughts and said directly.

Does she look like this kind of troublemaker?

Don't you?

Of course, Song Yuan didn't dare to speak directly. There was someone staring at him. How could he dare to say such things.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuan felt his scalp numb for an instant as he met some deep eyes behind him.

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