You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 844: Did you deliberately lead him to commit a crime?

Well, I just watched it for a while, what's the big deal, it's not that I haven't watched it.

Seeing Qingmang's calm appearance, Lu Yanmu coughed lightly, turned his head, and said faintly, "I'll take a bath first, and you can sleep first."

After speaking, he went directly to the bathroom.

Qing Mang looked at him a little bit of escape, and for a moment he wanted to laugh.

Such an innocent appearance really makes her feel...a little cute?

I didn't expect Gao Leng, like Lu Yanmu, to have such a day. It was really lovely.

Of course, she didn't dare to tell Lu Yanmu directly about these things. If she did, she might not be able to deal with her.

Qing Mang wrapped herself in a bath towel, and then suddenly thought that her clothes had fallen in the bathroom...

At this time, Lu Yanmu is in the bathroom, she can't go directly in, or let Lu Yanmu pass it to her...

She thought, calmly for a chance, and directly fell to Lu Yanmu and had nothing to do.

But Lu Yanmu doesn't seem to have such thoughts. Thinking about it, it really is that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the **** is in a hurry.

Qing Mang directly wrapped a bath towel and went to the cloakroom. After thinking about it for a while in the closet, he finally fell on Lu Yanmu's shirt.

Um, wearing Lu Yanmu's shirt at this season seems...a little bit like I want to take a break.

After thinking about it, he immediately lost the bath towel, and then wrapped her shirt in Lu Yanmu's shirt, making her legs long, straight and white.

When Lu Yanmu came out of the bathroom, he saw Qingmang’s long legs, which were dangling in front of his eyes, until it reached his heart, as if everything in front of him was only Qingmang’s. Legs.

"Lu Yanmu, my whole body is sore, can you help me apply the medicinal liquor." After seeing Lu Yanmu coming out, Qing Mang shook the medicinal liquor in his hand and smiled brightly.

Lu Yanmu only felt that there was a rush of enthusiasm in his lower abdomen, which made him feel a little hot suddenly.

Reached out and touched his nose, he coughed clearly, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and change my clothes..." A little fleeing, he turned back to the bathroom and closed the door.

Did this little fairy deliberately lead him to commit a crime! ! !

He wore his shirt directly! ! !

If it weren't for his good concentration, I'm afraid he would really just rush to eat and wipe it out!

Is there any sense of being a girl?

Thinking of this, Lu Yanmu sighed quietly.

Anyway, it is oneself who suffers.

This goblin who specializes in anger and is not responsible for putting out fires.

When Lu Yanmu went out again, he had returned to his usual appearance, and he was very calm. There was no strangeness in his whole body.

Naturally, I took the medicated wine from her hand, first applied some on her hands and legs, and finally took a deep breath, then lifted her shirt and pushed it to the back, poured the medicated wine on her hand, and heated it up. , This is covering her body.

Qing Mang only felt that after applying medicated wine on her body, the muscles all over her body slowly changed, becoming less sore, and because of the right massage, she was extremely enjoyable.

It was the ultimate enjoyment to let Lu Yanmu give her a massage.

"Hmm..." Qing Mang snorted, really comfortable.

It was this sound that almost made Lu Yanmu break his power in an instant.

Lu Yanmu was tensed throughout the whole process, and he didn't dare to be careless or have a chance to relax.

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