You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 856: Song Yuan sold him all

Miss Qingmang said that if he let him look at the third master, nothing could happen. Otherwise, he naturally dared to confide in the news.

Lu Yanmu inside, but didn't know that he had been sold by Song Yuan in this way.

Less than three minutes after Song Yuan's message was sent, Lu Yanmu's cell phone vibrated.

Lu Yanmu didn't want to pick it up because of stomachache, but after seeing the flashing green light on the screen, he took it up after slowing his mind.

"Qing Mang?" Lu Yanmu said solemnly.

"Um... it's me." Qing Mang didn't expect that he would speak first. Hearing the clear voice like a mountain spring, he suddenly forgot what to say. After a few seconds, Qing Mang reacted, "Have you eaten yet?"

Well, okay, she asked it knowingly. Just now I received news from Song Yuan that San Ye had been busy with work and had not eaten. He knew San Ye’s temper, so he didn’t dare to speak directly. He was afraid that San Ye was unhappy, so he sent him to the remote mountainous area. went.

San Ye hasn't been in a particularly good mood recently, I don't know why, or because of the company's affairs with Ms. Qingmang, I'm a bit exhausted.

Anyway, San Ye wouldn't do anything to Miss Qingmang, no matter what he said, he would always be smoothed out, and then he would treat him as nothing.

Qing Mang didn't know Song Yuan's thoughts. If he knew, he would definitely have to screw his head off.

Lu Yanmu paused for a while, narrowed his eyes, listened to Qing Mang's question, then squinted his eyes to look outside, and instantly understood the purpose of Qing Mang's call.

So it was Song Yuan who confided to Qingmang, heh, the courage was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed that he was really going to be dispatched to another place for a while.

Song Yuan, who was worried by someone, only felt cold all over, but he didn't know why a chill rose from the soles of his feet, and he trembled twice.

How do you feel, it's a bit cold? After shaking twice, well, something was wrong, so I quickly withdrew.

Lu Yanmu paused for a while, then slowly said, "I have eaten."

Qing Mang frowned slightly when he heard it, then squinted and asked, "Are you sure you really ate it?"

Lu Yanmu heard that, no matter what, it was already reflected, Song Yuan sold him everything.

"I was busy with work just now, and I ate a bit." Lu Yanmu pressed his eyebrows and said helplessly.

"I ordered a takeaway for you, and I will bring it to you later. Remember to eat it. If you dare not eat, see how I clean up you after I go back. You don’t care about your body at all. Do you want to deliberately? Makes me worried." Qing Mang didn't complain, but said a little bit wronged.

To abruptly took Lu Yanmu's fault to himself. Under normal circumstances, if Lu Yanmu's fault is mentioned directly, he is at best perfunctory, but he takes Lu Yanmu's fault to himself, so that even if Lu Yanmu is no longer happy, regardless of his own body, he can't ignore it.

Such a method has been summed up by her for so long.

"Okay, I'll eat it later." Sure enough, Lu Yanmu softened his tone and compromised with Qingmang.

He didn't know that Qing Mang was using this trick to subdue her, but in such a situation, he had no other method, and he couldn't always make Qing Mang so unhappy.

He cared about Qingmang far more than his own.

If not, how could it be so fettered.

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