You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 862: Will you be familiar with too much?

If you want Yan Qiu to hold this tone, then this thing must be successful, if it fails, Yan Qiu will be dead.

Zhao Lin did not speak any more. After watching Yan Qiu tired, he silently stepped forward, tucked the quilt for her, and then went out again...


After class one day, Qingmang saw some crowds in front of him, and immediately turned around and left.

In the past two days, Xiao Junyi didn't know if he was annoyed by some nerves, and he actually started to talk to her on his own initiative.

Seeing that she ignored her, she finally went directly to the door of the classroom to stop her, do you think she was not peaceful enough recently?

I really don't know how this brain grows, it's literally, there is a problem with the brain, just like a neuropathy.

Because Xiao Junyi came to stop her, many classmates began to have opinions about her, and even in class, some people began to make things difficult for her.

The most ridiculous thing is that even the teacher followed Xiao Junyi's way, and it was all the fault of that face.

The funny thing is, if they saw Lu Yanmu's face, they would only feel that Xiao Junyi was eclipsed in front of Lu Yanmu.

After all, even a woman like her was jealous of Lu Yanmu's face, and it was to the point where people and gods were angry.

"Qingmang, why is it so difficult to meet you?"

With sharp eyes, Xiao Junyi saw Qingmang who turned around and left at a glance through the people who surrounded him. He quickly pushed aside the group of fans and quickly followed Qingmang's back.

On the other hand, Qing Mang pretended that he could not hear or see anything, and walked on his own path, with wind blowing under his feet, and walking fast.

Xiao Junyi's enthusiasm was not hindered by Qing Mang's look of disgust, and he walked directly in front of Qing Mang and reached out to stop her.

Qing Mang raised his eyebrows, "Young Master Xiao, we are not familiar, what are you doing?"

Qing Mang's voice was not too loud, but it was just enough to be heard by the onlookers.

It was really a hassle for so many people to watch. If it was possible, she really wanted to knock Xiao Junyi faint and then sell it, so as not to have nothing to do all day long and find fault.

"Oh, Young Master Xiao, it's really not easy to see you." Qing Mang glanced at Xiao Junyi in front of him.

"Unfamiliar?" Xiao Junyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingmang, with a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

Qing Mang glanced at him indifferently, and directly raised his foot to walk forward, not wanting to leave others a chance to continue speaking.

"Why did you go so fast?" Xiao Junyi saw Qingmang leaving, and followed him, changing the coldness he had before, and followed with a shy face.

Qing Mang was a little annoyed in his heart. Seeing the more and more onlookers, he secretly scolded Xiao Junyi several times before he almost brought his ancestor with him.

"We are unfamiliar, don't follow me." Qing Mang refused with a face. "Trouble you, Master Xiao, please stay away from me. Thank you."

Qingmang's face was full of refusal, just writing directly on his forehead, don't follow me, hate you.

Helpless Xiao Junyi seemed to be completely invisible, completely abandoning the burden of idols, and followed Qingmang all the time, turning a blind eye to her cold face.

"If you mix too much, you will be familiar, right?" Xiao Junyi had a thick skin, no longer the cold and frosty appearance before, when facing the green mans, it was like a spring breeze and snow, and it was extremely warm.

Qing Mang just wanted to say something crazy, so he simply ignored him.

At this point, if you pull with him, it will make more people doubt their relationship.

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