You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 890: Where are you

Except for some issues related to principles, I was basically responsive to her, and I had never seen a tantrum at her after getting along for so long.

This point is really very praiseworthy.

Thinking of this, Gu Sui's heart felt like honey was added, sweet and unhappy.

Looking at her like this, Qing Mang knew that she was already in love and could not extricate herself from it, but this was rare, so she didn't have to worry about her all the time.

"Qingmang, where are you and Lu Yanmu?" Gu Sui suddenly approached her ear and asked.

Qing Mang suddenly looked at her suspiciously, squinting his eyes slightly, as if a little, not very good foreboding.

"Ji Jinchen took you to bed?" Qing Mang came to this conclusion.

Unexpectedly, when Ji Jinchen looked at such an upright gentleman, he did not expect to be so fast.

Gu Sui's cheeks flushed immediately, and he smiled shyly, "No, we still have a pure relationship."

"Then you ask me what I am doing, isn't it about to be abducted?" Qing Mang made a smirk and teased him.

Such a simple little white rabbit has been swayed by the wolf Ji Jinchen. I don't know what kind of feelings Brother Gu will have.

Gu Sui didn't know what to say for a while, but was a little embarrassed to wash the apples without turning his face.

"Brother Gu knows about your business?" Qing Mang suddenly thought of this matter.

If the Gu family and Ji family knew, they would definitely take a sigh of relief. They didn't expect how this matter would be solved.

Gu Sui hesitated for a while, and then slowly said, "Big brother knows, but he hasn't told my parents yet. They don't know yet..."

Gu Sui had no confidence, and he didn't know how to speak to the family.

Back then, the trouble was so fierce that the parents of the two families almost couldn't come to Taiwan, but now she took the initiative to speak up, and her face is a little thin.

"I'll talk to my parents in the future." Gu Sui planned this way first.

Anyway, there is a marriage contract between the two families, so it won't happen, and it shouldn't be inherited at that time.

Qingmang didn't quite agree with Gu Sui's meaning.

"If you come true, it is best to tell your parents first, at least let them know. You were so violent before, maybe uncles and aunts, thinking about solving the marriage contract for you." She is used to doing the worst in everything. I only hope that such a thing will not happen when the time comes.

In case they fell in love, the parents of both parties announced the dissolution of the marriage contract, which would be embarrassing.

Gu Sui didn't pay much attention to it. He accepted it first, but thought that after a while, the relationship between the two people would stabilize. When it was announced to his parents, he would be engaged directly, saving it. One step.

But everything was not like what I had expected. I didn't know until later that the original disapproval at the beginning would let me put myself in what kind of situation in the future.

When the two of them came back after washing the fruit, they also finished talking.

Rarely, Qing Mang cut an apple for Lu Yanmu and handed it to him.

Lu Yanmu didn't really like eating apples at first, but when he saw Qingmang's peeling, his eyelids turned slightly, he took it, and after a bite, he handed it back to Qingmang.

"What's the matter?" Qing Mang didn't understand.

Does this mean it's not delicious?

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