You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 900: Some things have to be done

It's not that there is a problem with the brain.

Qing Mang was faintly angry, and in front of Lin Wanying, it was not easy to curse directly.

Lin Wanying glanced at Qingmang's face, knowing that she was angry, her head was lowered, and she was a little uneasy: "They were drunk and had an accident, and they were taken to sober up by the traffic police... I followed the ambulance to bring Su Qing of……"

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't match Suqing to dinner together, or else I won't make it like this...I'm sorry for Suqing, if something happens to Suqing, I won't be able to make it through the rest of my life..."

Lin Wanying's eyes were already swollen from crying, and she looked extremely pitiful. Qing Mang couldn't bear to say more words of blame at this time, so she could only sit and wait.

When I waited here the other day, it was Lu Yanmu. I didn't expect that after more than a week, after waiting here, he became Lin Suqing.

Two times in less than two weeks, it is really hard to say.

After a while, the lights in the operating room went out, and the doctor walked out, and Qing Mang hurried forward to ask.

"The leg is broken, and the internal organs are damaged. It should be fine for half a year." The doctor replied formulaically with a straight face.

"Okay, thank you doctor." Qing Mang thanked him, and the doctor left.

As soon as Qing Mang wanted to see Suqing's situation, the nurse behind chased him over and spoke mechanically: "Which one is the family member, please pay me the fee."

Lin Wanying was stunned for a moment, a bit of embarrassment flashed across her face, Qing Mang knew what was going on when she saw it.

"You go and see Suqing me first, I'll pay the fee." Qing Mang understood the embarrassment on Lin Wanying's face and knew that she didn't have much money now.

Being in the same dormitory, I know something about it. Lin Wanying's home is a single-parent family and the family situation is not very good.

On weekdays, Wan Ying will work part-time to subsidize her usual life.

Lin Wanying opened her mouth, lowered her head after all, did not speak any more, just nodded.

Qing Mang patted her hand, signaled that he already knew, and immediately followed the nurse.

Lin Wanying looked at Qing Mang's back with a bit of guilt in her eyes. After all, she was sorry for Qing Mang. She only hoped that Qing Mang would not hate her when she knew about it.

In life, after all, there are certain things that have to be done, and she has no choice.

Qing Mang followed the nurse, filled in the information, and after paying the fee, he wanted to go upstairs.

While standing waiting for the elevator, he noticed that a maintenance notice was posted. After Qing Mang raised his eyes and glanced at it, he went straight up the stairs.

At the corner of the second floor and the third floor, Qing Mang just turned around. When a person passed by, Qing Mang glanced up slightly, and then after missing it, the person quickly hugged Qing Mang’s neck from behind, with a handkerchief. She covered Qingmang's mouth and nose, and when Qingmang was struggling, she was already holding someone to hide in a blind spot.

At the beginning, Qing Mang was unprepared. When he reacted and wanted to struggle, he was firmly restrained and could not move. As a result, his struggle consciousness became more and more distracted. In less than ten seconds, Qing Mang's body Has limped down.

After Qing Mang lost consciousness completely, the man quickly hugged Qing Mang to the wheelchair, took off the hat he was wearing and buckled Qing Mang’s head, and then took out a mask to cover Qing Mang’s face. Then she took off the clothes she was wearing and put on Qingmang. After straightening her body, she pushed Qingmang out...

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