You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 982: How intense was the battle last night

Qing Mang lay on the bed for a while, and after waiting for a long time, he woke up slowly.

When the feet first touched the ground, they almost fell on the ground, barely supporting the edge of the bed, and there was no close contact...

Qing Mang said that it seems to be really a bit too weak!

Slow Tengteng helped the wall into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and his body was full of bruises, showing how fierce and crazy the battle last night was...

Some scenes that are not suitable for children appeared in my head...

Qing Mang quickly turned on your faucet and calmed it down with cold water...

Hmm... Gu Qingmang, you are really a **** girl, you are not wrong at all!

After washing and rinsing a little, Qing Mang casually put on a piece of clothing to cover it, so he didn't bother to care about the marks on his neck, so he didn't want to cover it up and went straight downstairs.

Everyone is an adult, and there are some things that you don’t need to think about.

She didn't believe that all the people in Suyuan hadn't heard such a big movement last night!

Qingmang walked crookedly, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Yanmu with a refreshing spirit on his face.

Qing Mang saw that they were so energetic, and then looked at his deathly appearance, feeling indignant!

She must exercise well in the future! Try to suppress Lu Yanmu once, and you can't always be suppressed!

Lu Yanmu saw that Qing Mang's face was a little uncomfortable, so he hugged her and went back to the room, putting her on the bed.

"What's the matter, isn't it uncomfortable?" Lu Yanmu regrouped and Qing Mang's face, and finally said: "Did I hurt you last night?"

Lu Yanmu didn't know Qing Mang's inner condition at this time, and he should regard her as a sequelae from last night.

Qing Mang's face suddenly turned red, looking at the instigator in front of him, he felt a little itchy in his heart, but it was refreshing to think about it, and I am sorry to blame others.

He hummed and said coquettishly, "Um...I have sore back and legs, and sore all over my body."

Lu Yanmu's expression was suddenly tinged with distress and self-blame. Looking at some traces on Qing Mang's body, he secretly cursed himself: a beast. A beast!

He was very careful last night, but once he was stained with green light, it was like something that he couldn't give up. It made him understand the taste and want more. In the end, he only knows to ask for it.

It's useless to be careful, so many times, Qing Mang still hurts.

He hugged her and sat on her lap, stretched out her big palm and gently rubbed her back: "It's all my fault, next time I will be gentle."

Qing Mang groaned, and didn't take it seriously. Anyway, what a man said is the same. Just listen to it right now, but it doesn't necessarily matter when you get to the bed.

"It's okay, my skin is strong." Qing Mang was comforted, not wanting to make Lu Yanmu feel guilty.

It's two people's affairs, and it can't be attributed to the other party's body, she is not so unreasonable.

The most important thing is that she took the initiative last night and can't blame anyone.

While speaking, Lu Yanmu opened Qingmang's clothes and looked around.

The green mansions are white, and they are easily bruised with just a little touch. After a night, the traces left are a bit shocking.

If I didn't know, I thought I had a grudge against Qingmang and tossed her fiercely.

"I'm sorry..." Lu Yanmu lightly kissed Qingmang's cheek, speaking with a slight guilt.

He actually did it too!

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