You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 993: There is always something that can be done

"It doesn't seem to be?" Qing Mang considered this sentence, saying that it seemed to have some information.

"It doesn't seem to mean anything? I have encountered it, but I'm not sure?" Qing Mang explained the meaning of this sentence himself.

Lin Suqing's face was stained with a few blushes, and she was a little embarrassed: "Oh, no, don't talk nonsense."

Okay, this performance shows that it is really a bit treacherous. Love is there.

It seems that Xu Mo is not that bad, at least it will be remembered.

"Let's talk about it?" Qingmang was good at tempting.

"In fact, it's nothing. Someone accidentally bumped into me when I was hospitalized. It was probably because of guilt and took good care of me." Lin Suqing probably said, very simple.

"Well, isn't it handsome? Is it good-looking?" Qing Mang showed the spirit of gossip to the end.

"It's... It's pretty..." Lin Suqing was a little shy.

This boy looks better than a girl, with red lips and white teeth, and looks quite high in quality.

"How? Are you throbbing?"

"No, it's just that I just encountered it. Any thoughts." Lin Suqing denied.

She didn't want to think about it. Since there is no ending, why should she think about the beginning.

At that time, I only felt that Xu Mo was familiar, but I forgot where I saw him. After he came several times, the nurse said that he was Xu Mo, one of the four sons of Hwaseong.

Such a giant, she has no idea at all, she should do her own thing honestly, down-to-earth, and don't fantasize about having any relationship with the giant.

Looking at Lin Suqing's somewhat worried expression, Qing Mang couldn't understand.

It doesn't seem to be completely meaningless, but there are some obstacles?

If it hinders, it is probably Xu Mo's identity.

"The future is still very long. There are some things. Don't worry about it. Who knows if you have a future." Qing Mang said lightly.

Thinking too much is not necessarily a good thing, it is very possible, because too much thinking, the happiness in hand is gone.

How could it have fallen to that point if it weren't for a strain in the previous life?

Lin Suqing smiled: "Well, you are right. You shouldn't think so much."

Do I still need to think about this kind of thing? It must be impossible. Since it is impossible, don't spend your time on this and waste your time.

What Qing Mang said was one meaning, but Lin Suqing understood it into another meaning, as if it had never happened.

"Qing Mang, in fact, I really envy you." Lin Suqing said without a word.

"Huh?" Qing Mang looked up to Lin Suqing, a little puzzled.

She has heard this sentence many times, but it seems to have the same meaning every time.

"How do you say?" Qing Mang said seriously.

Should she be ready to start the mentor mode? Save this girl who was trapped in the mist.

"I just think you are brave. If you think of doing something, you will do your best. When you meet someone you like, no matter what kind of gossip you face, you can ignore it and do it very calmly. It seems that everything is I can't interfere with you." Lin Suqing summed up his impressions since he met Qingmang.

The Qingmang she knew seemed to be so cool, and he lived what she originally wanted.

If she had a half-green style, she would probably become happy, but she couldn't do it...

In life, there is always no way to do things.

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