You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 999: It seems to be unscrupulous after receiving the certificate

If Wan Ying really did these things, there would be no way to forgive it, but as a friend, she couldn't bear to see Wan Ying's life ended in this way.

If possible, she wants Qingmang to put the cherry blossoms in the evening.

After all, there are so many unsatisfactory things in this world.

Involuntarily, how many people do things they don’t like.

Qing Meng paused for a while, then slowly said, "If I say I don't know, do you believe it?"

In fact, what happened to Lin Wanying, she didn't know.

Lu Yanmu didn't tell her, and she didn't want to know.

Not everyone can retaliate with virtue, she can't do it, and doesn't want to be grateful to those who hurt her.

Her only bottom line is not to hurt the people around her. This is her bottom line.

Life is involuntary in this world, but there is something to do or not to do.

Many things, in the final analysis, are their own choices.

Lin Suqing was silent for a while, and there was a moment of silence around him, the atmosphere was a little weird, and finally he said lightly: "I know, I shouldn't ask about it."

She should know that Qing Mang's character, if she really wants to kill someone, she won't be merciful.

Wan Ying did such a thing, nothing happened, Qing Mang was already a free rider, and couldn't blame anyone.

"Well, I'm leaving." Qing Mang replied lightly, and left directly.

I don't want to care about so many things. These things shouldn't have so many entanglements.

Hey, it's so annoying. When I grow up, I'm so sad.

Can she go back to the past, at that time, it was really simple and simple.

After Qing Mang left the school gate, Lu Yanmu had arrived.

Qing Mang pulled the car door directly and sat in. First, he put his arms around Lu Yanmu and gave him a mouthful.

"How long have you waited?" Qing Mang hugged him and didn't want to let go.

Lu Yanmu was so petting and let her go: "It's just been a while."

He wiped a hand on Qingmang's forehead, a little bit of fine sweat.

"Come here?" Lu Yanmu asked.

"" Qing Mang denied.

She wouldn't admit that she wanted to see him so much that she rushed over.

"Yeah." Lu Yanmu replied indifferently, obviously knowing she was lying, but did not reveal it.

"Did you miss me?" Qing Mang hugged his neck, with a little bit of coquetry.


"What do you mean, thinking or not thinking about it?" Qing Mang was a little dissatisfied.

People who are so cold on the stall have to guess by themselves what they think, so tired.

What happens if you take the initiative to say a few more words.

She is really a little pitiful.

Lu Yanmu reached out and pressed the baffle, lifted Lu Yanmu up to sit on his lap, and kissed her lips: "Can this show me?"

Qingmang was held in his arms by him, half of his face was pressed against his chest, and his cheeks were slightly red.

Lu Yanmu is definitely Meng Sao!

If you don't agree, you will be loved.

It seems a bit unscrupulous after receiving the certificate.

However, she likes it!

"Yeah, I got it." I silently added a sentence: next time I don't want to talk, I can use action to express it, she is very happy.

Thinking about it this way, in fact, she seems to be a little bit brighter than Lu Yanmu...

"How about studying today?" Lu Yanmu asked about the situation at school.

When Lu Yanmu asked this, Qing Mang instantly became serious and looked up at him: "Um...I want to kill someone."

Lu Yanmu raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't expect that she would say so directly.

"Who do you want to kill?"

"Xiao Junyi!" Qing Mang gritted his teeth and said.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you look good! ! !

Xiao Junyi's looks, she won't eat it! ! !

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