"Dad, Master Gao, you are finally back. You must be hungry! Come on, wash your face and start eating."

Finally seeing Chen Jianjun, Master Gao and others come back, Chen Ping almost jumped up with joy.

The workers are back, doesn't that mean it's time to eat?

Seeing his son take over the tools in his hands so actively, Chen Jianjun looked at the boy in surprise and was a little moved. The sun is rising from the west?

"Dad, what are you still dawdling about? Wash your hands and eat."

"Hmm? It smells so good. What kind of dish is this? Why is it so good!"

Gao Jianshe and others were still washing their hands and faces under the faucet. On the other side, Chen Yuan dug out the beggar chicken and knocked off the yellow mud on the surface with a hammer.

Suddenly, a wonderful fragrance could no longer be hidden and permeated every breath of air.

"Yuanzi, the people who worked are back, we can have dinner."

Chen Ping was so excited that he almost jumped up when he saw his cousin digging out the beggar chicken buried in the soil.

The smell was so delicious that it must be good!

"...I was wondering why this brat was different today. It turns out he was just here for food." Chen Jianjun glared at his son. He was wrong after all. "You guys can have dinner later. I'll go take a shower first."

"Why don't we eat first? The dishes are ready. This beggar chicken tastes better when it's hot. It will taste bad when it's cold."

"You dare! Don't think I won't spank you just because you're older now!"

"Dad, how can you do this! You can't let everyone wait for you alone."

"Stinky boy, wait for me. Don't eat yet. I'll wipe my body and go over."

For the sake of food, this father and son are really kind and filial.

Chen Jianjun was sweating from working. He wanted to take a shower and come to eat, but he was afraid that they would start eating before he could wait for him, so he wiped himself with a towel and rushed into the house in a hurry.

"Everyone has worked hard. The food is ready. Let's sit down and eat. Master Gao, do you want beer or white wine?" Chen Yuan was tongue-tied and didn't know what to say.

"Do you have ice beer? This weather is suitable for drinking something cold." The assistant who worked with Master Gao said.


Chen Yuan's refrigerator had been scrapped a long time ago. He rode his electric donkey to the village store early to buy a box of beer and put it in his uncle's refrigerator.

"Brother Ping, why don't you go home and bring the ice beer."

"You should go. I'll give you the key."

Chen Ping looked at the table full of delicious food. His butt was stuck on the stool as if it was glued by 502 glue. How could he bear to move? If he left, wouldn't the delicious food be eaten up?

Chen Ping stuffed the key into his cousin's hand, and his eyes fell on the dishes on the table, and he was stunned.

My goodness, this dish is really delicious. Why didn't I know that lotus root can be used to make so many delicacies?

Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly, took the key and ran out.


I thought they all wanted to drink white wine, so I forgot to bring the ice beer.

When Chen Yuan brought the beer over, oh wow, the people in the main hall of his house were already eating enthusiastically.

"Chen Yuan, sit down and eat."

Auntie ate the dishes in her mouth and moved her big butt to the side, making room on the long bench.

"Tsk tsk, the cold lotus root is really delicious, it's perfect for drinking. The taste is really amazing, anyway, I can't make such a delicious delicacy. And the knife skills, how come it is cut so thin, almost like paper, no wonder it is so tasty."

"The hot and sour lotus stems are also very good. This is the best way to cook lotus stems I have ever eaten in my life. I don't know how you cook it, Chen Yuan!"

Master Gao and his friends were tired after work, but under the temptation of delicious food, the previous fatigue was swept away.

Each person took a bottle of ice beer from Chen Yuan, and blew it directly with the bottle with the appetizers, and drank it down in big gulps. After drinking a mouthful, they didn't forget to pick up a large chopstick of food and put it in their mouths, praising Chen Yuan's cooking skills while eating.

"Grandma, I want to eat hot and sour lotus stems too."

Chen Dabao came to Chen Yuan's aunt with a bowl of rice and asked grandma to help pick up the food.

There was not enough space, so the two children did not sit at the table. They moved a small stool to eat on the side.

The eldest aunt picked up the food for her eldest grandson with chopsticks, and she also thought the dish was very good.

The lotus stems are as long as chopsticks and as thin as fingers. They are white, plump, tender and fresh. The sour and spicy lotus stems are slightly added with red pepper and vinegar. The crisp and delicious lotus stems absorb the sour and spicy taste, which is appetizing and refreshing. It is the best condiment for rice.

They often cook this dish at home, but Dabao never eats it.

DabaoBao Bao can eat spicy food, but Er Bao can't eat spicy food, so he clamors for big chicken legs.

There was a table full of dishes, but the beggar chicken showed no signs of being eaten.

Because no one had tried this way of eating, it was like a fox catching a hedgehog - they had no idea where to start, so they could only wait for the chef Chen Yuan to come.

Chen Yuan peeled the whole beggar chicken from the lotus leaf. The steaming chicken meat was bright red and fragrant. In an instant, everyone who was still talking quieted down, and their eyes more or less glanced at the chicken.

Chen Yuan was not polite and twisted the two big chicken legs off with force.

Da Bao and Er Bao each handed one. Everyone should have no objection to children eating chicken legs!

Then he took it to the chopping board and cut it into even-sized pieces in no time. Of course, he couldn't treat himself badly. Chicken wings were his favorite, so he must keep them for himself.

As soon as Chen Yuan put the plate of cut beggar chicken on the table, it caused a scramble.

Such a big rooster, which must weigh at least 7-8 catties, was ruthlessly divided up by these diners in a short time, as if they had never eaten in their eight lifetimes.

"Chen Yuan, with your cooking skills, if you open a restaurant in the city, I think the door will be squeezed to pieces."

"If he opens a restaurant, I will definitely go there every day."

"By the way, brother Jianjun, didn't you say before that your son will hold a wedding banquet in a few days? Is Chen Yuan the chef? If so, can I come to the banquet with the gift?"

Everyone praised Chen Yuan's cooking skills.

Gao Jianshe even exaggeratedly wanted to come to Chen Ping's wedding banquet.

"Yes, my nephew will also cook the big banquet that day. You can come when the time comes. Our Chen family welcomes you very much."

Chen Jianjun looked at Master Gao in great surprise. Logically, the two families did not have any personal connections. When the Gao family was doing things, their Chen family did not give gifts. When Chen Ping held a wedding banquet, Gao Jianshe did not need to come to the banquet.

But today, after eating the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan, I was simply amazed. With such good cooking skills, he would definitely help with the banquet when my uncle's family was having a party.

As expected, I heard Chen Jianjun say that Chen Yuan was the chef that day.

Then he must come to the banquet!

Hearing that Master Gao was coming to the banquet, the three assistants said they wanted to come too. If these home-cooked side dishes were all delicious, wouldn't the main dishes at the banquet be so delicious?

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