The fragrance suddenly filled the air of the shop, miraculously suppressing the smell of bread and cakes in the bakery!

Gu Hongti almost fainted from the smell?

Was it because of too many spices?

But when he put his nose close, it was not spices at all, but the smell of chicken and dried bamboo shoots, original flavor, with a faint chicken oil floating on the surface of the soup, like a beautiful landscape painting.

Without the slightest hesitation, he picked up a piece of chicken with chopsticks.

"Hey, Tang Ningning, how did you know that I like chicken wings the most?"

Gu Hongti picked up several chicken wings in succession, and was a little surprised. Ningning was too considerate to pack several chicken wings for her.

"Uh... I don't know about this."

Tang Ningning had already eaten more than half of the tiramisu, and couldn't help licking her thin lips with her little tongue. This feeling was really delicious.

Hearing Teacher Gu's question, she didn't know that this dish was actually left for her by Chen Yuan. As a chef, it is reasonable to have a few more chicken wings in the chicken soup for herself, right?


Gu Hongti is also a foodie, and she is the kind who will not gain weight no matter how much she eats. She eats bread and cake every day, but her figure is still slim and well-proportioned, which makes many people envious.

The two foodies were eating happily in the store, and the people outside were so greedy that they had to go into the store to buy something to satisfy their cravings.

Gu Hongti's parents were still busy in the kitchen, so the front sales area was handed over to her.

At this time, seeing a customer coming in, Gu Hongti could only put down her chopsticks and walk over to ask the customer what he wanted?

"What new products have you launched in your store? Why does it smell so good?"

Two young women came into the store, sniffed the air, and drooled with greed. They had never smelled such a good smell before.

Gu Hongti said embarrassedly: "It's the chicken soup I drank. The bread and cakes in our store are all freshly made and taste good."

"It turned out to be chicken soup..."

The two were a little disappointed for a moment. They thought it was a new product, but how could chicken soup be so fragrant? It's really strange.

"Xiaolu, look at that little girl, she's eating so happily, that's tiramisu, it must taste very good."

"Watching her eat, I'm greedy myself, give me one, oh, two, the same tiramisu."

The two female customers saw Tang Ningning eating with relish, her mouth full of fragrance, and immediately asked for two of the same tiramisu.

Gu Hongti packed two portions of Western pastries, and when the customer paid and left, she was about to eat her chicken.

But someone else came in, also tempted by the dried bamboo shoots and chicken pot, and came in to buy a Western pastry to satisfy his craving? You can't eat someone else's chicken soup!

Gu Hongti watched the customers slowly enter the store. She could only stamp her feet anxiously. She couldn't drive the customers out, could she?


Gu Qianyue was making pastries. He suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.

"Xunfang, do you smell anything special?"

"Special smell, no, it's just the smell of sweat on your body!"

Wu Xunfang said unhappily.

"I'm not telling you this. There is really a special smell. Why don't you come over here and smell it."

"Hey, it's true. This smell seems to be chicken stewed with bamboo shoots."

"I know. It must be the feast that Ningning brought back. But why is this feast so fragrant? No, I have to go out and take a look. Please help me watch the oven. Don't let the things inside burn."

Wu Xunfang approached the door and smelled the special smell. After Wu Xunfang reminded him, Old Gu immediately remembered that his daughter had said that Tang Ningning's cousin was getting married today and would bring her a feast.

Smelling the fragrance, Gu Qianyue could no longer stand, and handed the work to his wife and walked out.

As soon as he opened the door, he was a little confused.

Why did so many people come into the store?

In the past, at this time, there would not be so many people coming into the store, and there was a long queue of people scanning the code to pay.

Old Gu hurriedly greeted the guests, and when the guests left, the things in the store were almost sold out.

Now is the off-season for the Western pastry industry, and it shouldn't be so popular. Why is it so popular?

"Dad, chicken soup... It's all thanks to the chicken soup."


Before Gu Qianyue could react, he saw his daughter rushing towards the chicken soup.

Woo... It's all cold.

Gu Hongti could no longer care about anything else. She walked over and drank a few mouthfuls of chicken soup. The delicious taste passed through her throat, accompanied by deep comfort to her soul.

"What kind of soup is it? It smells so good."

Gu Qianyue looked at his daughter's intoxicated face and was very curious.

"Dad, why don't you bring another bowl and I'll pour some for you.Try it."

"Okay, don't finish it all, leave a bite for your dad."

Old Gu, who was so greedy, quickly brought the bowl and chopsticks.

"Pour more, my goodness, this thick soup, you can tell at a glance that the chef spent a lot of effort to stew it, and you can tell at a glance that this chicken is a farm chicken. Titi, give your dad a chicken wing, there are still so many in the bowl anyway."

"No way! There are only five or six in total, I haven't eaten enough myself, or you can eat the chicken, all the chicken is for you."

"Okay. "

Gu Hongti poured a bowl of thick chicken soup for his old father. Gu Qianyue was still staring at the chicken wings in the lunch box. The soup was so delicious, so the chicken wings must be delicious.

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, his daughter was reluctant to share one with him.

However, Gu Qianyue got a big bowl of chicken soup and a lot of chicken at this time, and his heart was full of happiness.

Old Gu took the rice bowl, found a seat in the dining area, and ate happily.

Oh my god, this chicken soup is so delicious, and the chicken is tender and juicy, and the meat is compact. How is it made!

"Old Gu, I asked you to come out and see, why are you eating, how old are you, and you are still fighting with your children for food."

Wu Xunfang saw that her husband had not returned to the kitchen for so long, so she came out to take a look. Seeing Gu Qianyue fighting with her daughter for food, she was a little angry.

"Don't worry, I'll go to work after I finish eating. Woo, this chicken is really good, and the dried bamboo shoots are also delicious. ”

“It’s hopeless. It’s like he hasn’t eaten for 800 years.”

Looking at the way my husband eats, I really don’t want to watch!

“Mom, I’ll give you a chicken wing.”

“I don’t need it. I don’t want to eat it…”

Gu Hongti reluctantly gave up, wanting her mother to taste the chicken wing. Wu Xunfang still wanted to refuse to eat it. She was not like someone who had never eaten chicken.

But her daughter had already stuffed the chicken wing into her mouth. In an instant, she was overwhelmed by the fragrance and couldn’t help biting it with her teeth.

After taking a bite, the slippery gravy burst in her mouth instantly. It was oily but not greasy. The light taste of dried bamboo shoots, with the long-lasting breath of spring, lingered on the tip of the tongue, and the fragrance lingered on the lips and teeth. It was a perfect match!

“Good daughter, give mom another chicken wing!”

“Mom, are you done eating now? "

Gu Hongti looked at her mother, then at the chicken wings in the lunch box, gritted her teeth, "I'll give you one last one, there's really no more, I didn't eat any chicken, I gave it all to my dad."

Wu Xunfang ran straight to Old Gu with a chicken wing in her mouth: "Gu Qianyue, you're yelling about losing weight, aren't you afraid of gaining weight by eating so much at night?"

"What do you know? How can you lose weight without eating meat! I'm fighting poison with poison! !"

"Stop talking nonsense, give me a sip of chicken soup."

"Hey... you said you'd take one bite, what do you mean by finishing half of my bowl, why did you take a piece of my chicken!"

"Hey, what's burnt?"

"It's over, I'm still baking something in the oven, didn't I ask you to help watch it!"

Tang Ningning watched the three of them fighting over stuttering, she ate the delicious pastry in small bites, completely forgetting that cousin Yuanzi was still waiting for her to go out of the supermarket.


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