When Chen Yuan thought of Ruhua's face, he shuddered and got goosebumps. He shook his head and decided to do his job.

There were still meats simmering in several large pots. The aroma of meat could not be hidden. It not only occupied the village square, but also spread everywhere and filled the whole village.

At this time, many villagers had gone to bed, but even if you fell asleep, the smell of meat would still penetrate your nose, making it impossible for people to fall asleep.

"Why did you get up in the middle of the night?"

"I thought I would never see the old secretary again after tonight, so I had to go and keep watch for him."

"I'll go too. I can't sleep anyway if I smell this smell."

"Let's go together. The old secretary was such a good person. How could he just disappear? I want to kowtow to him again."

"Yes, we used to kowtow to the old secretary."


Such scenes and such conversations appeared in many corners of Chen Village.

They all stayed up late at night, and after they kowtowed to the old secretary, they stayed in the open-air kitchen.

The culprit that prevented them from sleeping was right here!

How could they not eat and smell the food to relieve their cravings?

"Village chief, is it too late for us to give gifts now? I want to have the big feast tomorrow."

"How can this be possible? The dishes are all prepared in advance. If you suddenly increase the money, the dishes you buy will definitely not be enough."

The old secretary had no children, and his funeral was handled by the Chencun Village Committee.

It was clearly agreed in advance that only those who gave gifts could have the final big feast. Many people thought that it didn't matter if they didn't eat the big feast before, but it's different now. The food cooked by Chen Yuan was so fragrant that it pulled them out of their sleep. It was really terrible.

It would be a sin if they couldn't eat such delicious food.

Many people wanted to make up for the gift money, but when they heard the village chief's refusal, they immediately became anxious.

"Village chief, please be flexible. If it was the old Master Chen, it would be fine if he didn't want to eat. But I heard from others that the cooking skills of this young Master Chen are so delicious that they licked the plates clean after dinner."

"That's right. I can't even sleep just by smelling the aroma of meat. I would rather die than not eat tomorrow's feast. Then you can eat my feast."

Chen Dahe looked at this "tough guy" helplessly. He was really fighting hard for a feast.

"Chen Guizhu, calm down. It's the middle of the night, and you suddenly said you want to have a big feast tomorrow. You haven't prepared any dishes yet. What the hell, can I conjure up dishes like Monkey King?"

"Anyway, I don't care. I want to have a feast. I can pay more."

"Okay, others pay 200, you pay 300."


Chen Guizhu was slightly stunned, feeling something was wrong, but thinking that he could have a big feast tomorrow, he was relieved. It's just 300, he will pay.

Chen Guizhu also came prepared and took out the gift money on the spot.

According to the custom of Chen Village for funerals, a tail should be added to the whole money, so he gave 301.

After Chen Guizhu left, the village chief smiled triumphantly, and the corners of his eyes seemed to have a red light effect instantly.

Fortunately, he had foresight and deliberately added five tables when discussing with Master Chen. Now if he wants to have a feast, he really has to pay more.

The news that Chen Guizhu paid extra for the banquet spread, and many people expressed their willingness to pay extra for the banquet. The aroma was unbearable just by smelling it. If you can only watch others eat, won’t you be so greedy?

It was already past midnight when Chen Yuan finished his work.

Many people looked at him eagerly, but they were too embarrassed to ask him to help with midnight snacks.

"Yuanzi, help with midnight snacks. Everyone said that cooking noodles would be enough."

"Chen An, what are you talking about? Master Chen is tired enough, and you still want to help you with midnight snacks."

As soon as Chen An opened his mouth, someone stood up and deliberately rebuked him.

"... It was obviously you who instigated me to come over and say it."

Chen An said that he was innocent. These people were really dogs. He was too embarrassed to come over and say it, so he asked him to say it. But after saying it, he wanted to act as a good guy. Bah, it's really shameless and shameless.

"Then I'll cook some noodles. I just cooked some more mutton soup, and there's some leftover stewed meat in the pot."

Chen Yuan didn't complain. Everyone was probably really hungry after working so hard at this point, so cooking noodles for them wasn't a big deal.

He took a piece of the remaining pork belly and cut it into slices. He put a spoonful of fragrant lard in the pot. When the lard was heated, he put the sliced ​​pork belly in to stir-fry until fragrant, and then added the thick, milky mutton broth.

Mutton soup is made with the best lamb legs, special spices, two farm hens, and a fewThe golden rice fish is carefully cooked for several hours.

There is no smell of mutton at all, the soup is delicious, fragrant, and the milky white soup makes people salivate.

"Wow, this is mutton soup? If you didn't tell me, I would have thought it was a bucket of milk."

"Bah, milk? Nowadays, milk is full of additives, and you can still taste the meat flavor?"

"Only Master Chen's hands can make such a magical soup."

"It feels so luxurious to cook noodles with this soup, but I guess I can finish two big bowls of noodles after they are cooked."

Everyone looked at the bucket of milk-like soup next to them, marveled, swallowed their saliva, and praised Chen Yuan's superb cooking skills without paying.

Chen Yuan cooked a big pot of noodles and called everyone to start eating.

He also found a pair of bowls and chopsticks, scooped up a bowl of noodles, added a small spoonful of the remaining soup from the stewed meat, sprinkled in some coriander and scallions, and the strong aroma lingered in his nose.

The wheat aroma of the noodles and the meat aroma of the mutton soup blended perfectly together, and half a spoonful of chili oil was added, which was so delicious that it made people cry.

Everyone gathered around and learned from Chen Yuan's method to make a bowl of soup noodles. The boiling mutton soup made them scream, but they still couldn't help slurping.


While screaming, they ate heartily and heartily.

A simple bowl of noodles was enough to comfort many hungry stomachs in this late night.

Chen Yuan didn't dare to eat too much, fearing that he would not be able to sleep later.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was 1:18. He had to get up early tomorrow, so he didn't go home. He borrowed a bamboo chair from a nearby villager's house, placed it under the willow tree in the square, and lit a mosquito coil, otherwise he was afraid that the mosquitoes would carry him away.

Just after lying down, a flash of light flashed through my mind, and the system attribute panel popped up.

Wow, this dog system also has bullet screen.

Host: Chen Yuan

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Occupation: Village Banquet Chef

Cooking Level: God Level (System Novice Gift Pack Reward)

Hobbies: Watching short videos, browsing a well-known website

Props: 0

Physical Fitness: Poor (Comprehensive evaluation of functions such as speed, strength, endurance, agility and flexibility)

(The host's body is in sub-health and needs to strengthen exercise. A good chef must first have a good body.)

System Task: Accept Chen Dahe's commission to hold a funeral banquet for Chen Qianjin, the former village chief of Chen Village. (Task in progress...)

After glancing at the densely packed fonts, Chen Yuan tilted his head and fell asleep.

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