Yu Beast: It Took Me Two Years To Evolve My Talent Into A God Level

Chapter 76 This Is Our Brother, So Fucking Handsome, So Fucking Strong! !

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Let the group of little Kappa go back to their place.

Kung Fu Kappa led Chen Xuan and Bao towards the location of Nianpiguo.

Tap! Tap! Tap!


With kung fu kappa leading the way.

Chen Xuan brought Bao to a very secret area.

This piece is a small mountain nest.

Surrounded by a large area of ​​naughty vines.

And on top of the naughty vine.

Many naughty vines have already blossomed and bore fruit.

Grow naughty fruit.

"here is!"

I saw this hidden mountain nest.

Chen Xuan couldn't help being taken aback.

There are at least hundreds of naughty vines here.

And there are more than fifty naughty vines that have blossomed and bear fruit.

【naughty fruit】

The second-order, two-star top-grade fruit is a special fruit grown from naughty vines. It is a fruit that many phantom beasts like to eat, and some phantom beasts can even undergo wonderful evolution after eating it.

【naughty fruit】

Tier 2 and 1 star top grade fruit,

【naughty fruit】

The second-order five-star top-grade fruit.....

After a closer look, there are already many naughty fruits that have matured.

At least more than thirty or forty.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The kung fu kappa yelled at Chen Xuan.

Pointing to himself, then pointing to those naughty fruits.

"I see, you often pick these naughty fruits for those little Kappa to eat!"

"Is that why they grow so fast?"

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Kung Fu Kappa nodded.

It found here by accident.

Relying on the innate characteristics of great resistance to toxicity.

It picked the naughty fruit here to devour.

And its level is constantly improving.

Even "883" evolved in the end.

In the days to come.

It often relies on its own ability,

Picked these fruits to feed those little Kappa.

Sometimes some will be picked and given to the villagers.

This is the resource from which they grow.

"I see, I just need to pick a few for evolution!"

"Won't pick too much!"

Chen Xuan understood the meaning of Kung Fu Kappa.

With these fruits, they can grow quickly and protect the village.

This is a very suitable fruit for them to devour.

Chen Xuan's several Eudemons, except for the little Pipi Dog, which can be used for evolution.

Swallowing these naughty fruits did not improve the level of Chen Xuan's Eudemons much.

Chen Xuan is not prepared to pick a lot either. ,

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Kung Fu Kappa shook his hands nervously.

Said he didn't mean that.

Chen Xuan can take as much as he wants.

Those fruits will grow back anyway.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'll pick some!"

Chen Xuan laughed.

Then let Bao rush over.

While those naughty vines didn't react.

Quickly picked a few naughty fruits and came back.

*Successfully use the [God-level Mutation] talent to get Mutated Naughty!"

*Successfully use the [God-level Variation] talent to get a Mutated Naughty Fruit!"

*Successfully use the [God-level Variation] talent to get a Mutated Naughty Fruit!"

There was a flash of light.

Chen Xuan's naughty fruit has changed.

It became smoother and oilier.

A strong fragrance came from them.

"To express my gratitude, these two naughty fruits are for you!"

Chen Xuan let Bao pick a total of seven naughty fruits.

Some are for spare.

The remaining two were mutated and handed to Kung Fu Kappa and Kappa.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

He felt the strange changes in the two naughty fruits in Chen Xuan's hands.

Kung Fu Kappa happily took over.

It felt the two naughty fruits after the human contact.

a huge change occured.

The contained energy is more powerful.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Excitedly took the fruit in Chen Xuan's hand.

Kappa Kappa thanked Chen Xuan.

Then he ate those two naughty fruits with big mouthfuls.

whoosh whoosh!

next moment!

Spiritual power surged from Kung Fu Kappa.

There was a burst of light from its body.

Its level has actually increased.

It has been upgraded from the second-order three-star to the second-order four-star level.

Nianpiguo is very suitable for cultivating Kung Fu Kappa.

The mutated naughty fruit has greater energy.

So after eating the mutated naughty fruit, the level was instantly raised.

And seeing Kung Fu Kappa raised the level.

Chen Xuan also put the other mutated naughty fruits back into the black cat's space backpack.

"Okay, thank you very much!"

"I should leave too!"

After collecting the naughty fruit.

Chen Xuan said to Kung Fu Kappa.

He was going to leave here to find other materials.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Kung Fu Kappa also nodded.

Wave goodbye to Chen Xuan.


Just at this time.

In the distant forest. ,

There was a sound of fighting.

It caught the attention of Chen Xuan and Kung Fu Kappa.

"Damn it!"

"This is not an A-level difficulty task at all!"

"This is at least S-level difficulty, and it's not something we can handle!"

Zheng Yang cursed with an ugly face.

There are four other people around him.

They all wore the school badge of Tianlan Middle School.

Obviously a student of Tianlan Middle School.

"Didn't you say there are only about twenty little hyenas?"

"Unexpectedly, there are more than a dozen bloodthirsty hyenas!"

"It's a trap, and they lure people like us here on purpose!"

"Damn it, these guys are too cunning!"

"What should I do, my spiritual power is almost exhausted, and I can no longer summon Eudemons!"

"If this continues, we will almost be unable to sustain it!

Wang Wenhui's face was pale.

In the school, they received a team task.

Clear some of the small hyenas in this area.

The little hyena is a very vicious phantom beast.

Often attack other creatures and humans.

Very dangerous.

And there is a village near here.

The Academy in order to clean up these dangers.

Post A-level squad missions for the students to clean up.

Unexpectedly, after they came here.

Not only encountered more small hyenas.

In addition, there are phantom beasts in the evolved form of the little hyena, the bloodthirsty hyena.

This is difficult for first-year students like them.

At least it has reached S rank.

It is a team task that only students above the second grade can receive.


Those little hyenas and bloodthirsty hyenas are very cunning.

Usually hidden.

Wait until the enemy is too much before appearing together to surround them.

That's the trap they fell into.

It caused all the Eudemons to fall into a hard fight.

Now their last phantom beast is also struggling.

And their spiritual power is almost exhausted.

Once the spiritual power is exhausted.

Their Eudemons must be summoned back.

When the time comes, the only thing waiting for them is death.

And they are now surrounded by dozens of baby hyenas and dozens of bloodthirsty hyenas.

It feels like they are running out of spiritual energy.

Maybe his Eudemons are already dead.


"Unexpectedly, the first time we performed a team mission, we were about to fail!"

A chubby student panicked, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

A mighty rhino from his Eudemons.

It is a defensive Eudemons, but now it is covered with scars.

There was blood everywhere.

Obviously, even a defensive phantom beast can't withstand the siege of so many phantom beasts.

We are not trying to fail the mission!"

"It's about to die!"

Another team member said cruelly.

On closer inspection, he was also pale.

full of fear.

He was already full of despair.

Has given up resistance.


The only girl in the team couldn't help crying.

Their crying made other people panic even more.

For a moment, the entire team was filled with despair.

Their Eudemons are still supporting their injured bodies outside.

protect their masters.

"Save us?"

"Who can save us now?"

Zheng Yang laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

So many baby hyenas and bloodthirsty hyenas here.

Even if a beast master appears.

Then there must be a bronze level,

Eudemons are only second-order teams that can save them.

Otherwise, if you come here to help, you will only be sent to death.

"Woooo, I don't want to die yet, I'm only sixteen years old!"

"I haven't been in love yet!"

Zeng Shanshan, the only girl, cried again.

"Woooo, I don't want to die either, I'm the only child in my family!"

"How worried my parents were when I died!"

"I don't want to die either, I also want to fall in love!"

"I want to chase the most beautiful girl in the class!"

Zeng Shanshan's crying immediately broke the psychological defense of several others.

Immediately they too began to cry.

After all, she is only a sixteen-year-old boy and girl...

Never before has such danger been encountered.

They who were on the verge of death felt extremely hopeless.

"Don't cry, don't cry anymore!"

As the captain of the team, Zheng Yang originally wanted to dissuade his teammates from persevering.

But seeing those little hyenas and bloodthirsty hyenas that had shown ferocious expressions were coming towards them.

He also started to cry immediately.

"I don't want to die either, I'm still a virgin!"

"Who will save us!"

wow wow wow!

this moment!

Zheng Yang's emotions completely collapsed.

His cries drowned out even the others.

"Whoa whoa!"

"woo woo 1"

Immediately, the five-member team burst into tears.

full of despair.

Even their Eudemons were shaken.

A group of teenagers and girls aged sixteen or seventeen.

Always been the flower of the house.

Never experienced this kind of encounter at all.

Suddenly fell into the crisis of death.

Let their psychological defenses collapse all at once


They're just kids who just came out of battle.

Tap! Tap!

At this moment, not far away, Chen Xuan and Kung Fu Kappa also saw those students who were in crisis.

Aside, saw the situation crisis.

The kung fu kappa cried out anxiously.

"You mean to save them?"

"Tapba, tapba!"

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Kung Fu Kappa is a very sense of justice Eudemons.

In fact, it is because of its experience of being rescued by humans when it was a child.

Make it very close to humans.

So seeing that human beings are in trouble, it can no longer maintain reason.

But the kung fu kappa helped him, so Chen Xuan naturally chose to help.

Otherwise, with the number and strength of the group of little hyenas and bloodthirsty hyenas.

Kung Fu Kappa is no match for them at all.

Plus Chen Xuan saw the school badges of that group of students.

It was my classmate, who should be a first-year student.

So Chen Xuan chose to help

Tap! Tap!

Hearing Chen Xuan's help, Kung Fu Kappa was very happy.

The next moment, it was the first to rush towards the group of bloodthirsty hyenas.

"Ben, come out!"

Chen Xuan didn't hesitate, and summoned the little Pippi.

"Bao, stupid, let's get up!"

woof woof!

whoosh whoosh!

The speed of the two Eudemons is like lightning.

Go forward quickly.


"No one comes to save us, we are going to die here!"

"God, save us!"

The frustration of the boys and girls made their Eudemons even lose their fighting spirit.

And facing the crying of these teenagers and girls.

The faces of those little hyenas and bloodthirsty hyenas showed cruel and ferocious smiles.

Constantly approaching them.

But the next moment!

Aww 3.0 Aww!

Suddenly there was a scream.

I saw a few little hyenas whose bodies were shattered and sent flying over.

fell in front of the crowd.

The body sank in and blood flowed out.

There was no breath in an instant.


In a sudden scene.

Immediately, several teenagers and girls stopped crying.

I saw only one handsome boy.

Command the three phantom beasts to gallop among the little hyenas and the bloodthirsty hyenas.

Wherever you go.

There was a lot of screams.

The bodies of the little hyena and the bloodthirsty hyena kept flying in the air.

"God heard us!"

"Someone is here to save us!"

"It's the school emblem of Tianlan Middle School!"

Zheng Yang exclaimed excitedly.

"Is it our senior brother??"

"Really are!"

After being surprised, what they showed in the next moment was incomparable admiration.

I only saw the group of little hyenas and bloodthirsty hyenas that they couldn't deal with at all.

In front of their senior brothers, they are like ants.

They swarmed away, but were easily hunted one by one, or even slices.

Wherever they passed, there were screams.

That majestic look.

Let several teenagers and girls completely stare dumbfounded.

"So handsome!"

Zeng Shanshan, the only girl in the team, even showed obsessed eyes.

After a while.

The little hyena and the bloodthirsty hyena who were still invincible just now are already fleeing to death.


Screaming in horror, it ran away with its tail between its legs.

But he was soon blocked by that kappa-like phantom beast.


"This is the strength of our senior brother, so fucking handsome!"

The eyes of several teenagers are full of fanatical admiration. .

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