Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 107 Evil God Avatar

"Damn it, no matter how many cards you draw, you are still no match for the Evil God!"

Pegasus Ye Xing drew a card from his hand and shouted: "I want to activate the magic card 'Magic Stone Mining'! According to its effect, I discard two cards from my hand to 'increase' the magic card in the graveyard." Add to hand!"

[Magic Stone Mining, Magic Card, Effect: Discard 2 cards in your hand, select 1 Magic Card in your graveyard to activate. The selected card is added to the hand. 】

"The next step is the ceremony for the arrival of the evil god..."

Tianma Yexing suddenly slapped the "value-added" magic card that was added back to the hand onto the field, and shouted: "I want to use it to increase the value of the 'feather derivatives' on the field into three! Then, I will use these three Feather derivatives are presented as sacrifices!”

"Come out! The highest evil god, show your impeccable and perfect posture to the mortals!"

"Evil God·Incarnation of God!!!"

Accompanied by the call of Pegasus' night walk, the bright moon in the sky was gradually shrouded in black shadow, and a black ball as huge as the sun rose slowly, completely covering the moon!

Shadows are reflected on everyone's face, the loneliness and desolation that seems to be about to lose everything.

The majesty that swept across the earth and poured into its face all proved its unrivaled power!

This is the evil god who surpasses God!

There is no card that can defeat it!

Everyone's bodies suddenly became extremely heavy, as if there was a huge evil voice in their minds, telling them to surrender!

Kajiki Yuta covered his chest and said with difficulty: "What... what is this?"

Even Pegasus' night walk became difficult for him to breathe, but the smile on his face became stronger: "Hmph, hum... it is the dark side of the world, the black sun, and the evil god that surpasses the highest level of the sun god! There is no There are ways to hit it, and no one can stop its power, not even the dreamy Three Illusion Gods..."

[Evil God·Incarnation of God, 10 stars, divine attribute, phantom beast tribe, attack:? ,Shou:? Effect: This card is not affected by any spells, traps, or monster effects of the opponent, and its attack power and defense become the attack power + 1 of the monster with the highest attack power on the field] (comic version)

"Did you see it, Sok! This is my most powerful evil god!"

Tianma Yexing's expression gradually turned ferocious, and he laughed loudly: "The evil god's attack power is always 1 point higher than the monster with the highest attack power on the field. In other words, the evil god is an existence that can never be defeated, lasts forever, and dominates everything. !Hahaha……"

In this slightly infiltrating laughter, the evil god's attack power finally appeared. It was 2101 points of attack power and defense power that was 1 point higher than Sok's Blue Flame Swordsman!

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Evil God, who was originally like a black sun, slowly changed and turned into the appearance of a blue flame swordsman and landed on the battlefield of Pegasus Night Walk!

The evil god settled down, and just when he opened his eyes, he saw Sok's figure!

Suddenly, the Evil God's already stable body changed again, gradually turning into the appearance of Sok!

Tianma Yexing was stunned: "What...what's going on? Why did the evil god turn into the player's appearance?"

The evil god stared blankly at Sok's figure opposite, without answering.

Next to him, Pegasus suddenly figured it out and said in shock: "The effect of the evil god is to transform into the person with the highest attack power on both sides. That effect includes monsters, and of course also includes duelists! Could it be that... The evil god has judged that the strongest person on the field currently... is Mr. Sok!?"

Hearing his name, Sok stopped talking to the little penguin, turned his head curiously, and was surprised to find that there was actually himself on the opponent's field exuding a dark aura!

It was covered in dark colors, and it was obviously just a virtual illusion, but it looked at Sok as if it were really alive.

That look seemed like nostalgia, confusion, joy, and sadness.

Sok had never thought that there could be so many complex emotions in a person's eyes.

What's more, it's just a virtual duel monster.

Suddenly, Suoke seemed to have caught something, and his heart suddenly beat violently!

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Suoke seemed to have returned to the era of yellow sand in the sky. The real touch slapped on his body. He raised his hand and called out the black sun...

The next second, return to the present world.

Suoke suddenly came back to his senses and met the evil god's extremely familiar eyes!

"It's you!?"

It was obviously just a virtual image, but the evil god opposite him actually nodded, opened his mouth, and silently told Sok something.

It's really her!

She is the black sun that replaced the Winged Dragon!

Suoke didn't know why he would use the title "she", but it was an intuition, an intuition imprinted in his bones!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little weird.

Pegasus Yexing looked at the evil god she had summoned, and then at Suoke who was looking at her across the way, wondering what was going on.

It's obviously a monster that I summoned, but why does it feel like I'm more intimate with the other person...

It must be an illusion!

Don't scare me!

Pegasus Ye Xing shook his head fiercely, and bravely ordered to the Evil God: "Go! The Evil God, the incarnation of God, attacks Sok's Blue Flame Swordsman! Dark God Fire Slash!"

The evil god didn't obey Pegasus Ye Xing's orders without hesitation like other monsters. Instead, he turned around and gave him a fierce look with murderous eyes before flying towards Sok's field.

Tianma Ye Xing was confused.

What's going on?

The monster he summoned actually threatened him?

No, no!

Before that, it was obviously a virtual monster, how could it have such complex and real emotions! ?

Before Pegasus Ye Xing could figure it out, the evil god had already landed in front of Suoke's Cang Yan Swordsman. With just a wave of his hand, he smashed the Cang Yan Swordsman into pieces. The butterfly's dagger - Echo also fell down and penetrated deeply. ground.

But after getting rid of the enemy, the evil god did not go back. Instead, he stood in front of Suok, opening and closing his mouth, silently confiding to him.

The water-controlling general and the little penguin, exuding divine light, flashed in front of Suok.

Sok waved his hand: "Stand back, she has no ill intentions."

The evil god nodded, and for the first time, a smile appeared on his originally expressionless face.


Suoke scratched his head in confusion: "It's been so long that I can't even remember your name..."

The evil god smiled and nodded, making a sound for the first time.

It was an extremely soft, gentle female voice: "My name is... avatar."

"After traveling through thousands of years, I finally waited for you..."

"Lord Sok..."

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