Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 157 The duel begins

"It's not a cuckold, it's a green hair."

Due to cultural differences, Super Power Yichang, who did not understand the meaning of the cuckold, corrected Sok's statement seriously, and then asked Sok: "Are you the one who wants to challenge me next?"

Sok inserted the deck into the duel plate, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Sniping is more suitable."

"The guy who hides his head and shows his tail..."

Super Power Yichang frowned slightly, clasped his hands in front of his chest and said: "It doesn't matter who challenges me, my super power is impeccable anyway! But before that, let's confirm each other's bet cards first!" At this point, Super Power Neng Jieba drew a card from the top of the deck, showed it to Sok and said: "As you can see, my rare cards are 'Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker' and a puzzle card! So, your rare card What’s your card?”

Sock thought for a while, then opened his deck and looked at it, and found that there were extremely powerful cards from beginning to end. However, these martyrs were too advanced, and the cuckold opposite probably didn't know what he was dealing with, so Sock simply put " "Sky Dragon of Osiris" came out and said towards the super power field: "Well, every card in my deck is very valuable, but the least valuable one is probably this guy!"

The penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder whispered: "It's obviously fifty cents a bag..."

"what is that?"

Chao Mengzhang looked blankly at the sky dragon in Sok's hand, and said curiously: "This is the first time I have seen a red card... But its star rating is very high, and it can indeed be used as a bet..."

Suok clicked his tongue and said: "Hey, just take a look, this is not something you should peep at, not to mention... the 'weight' of this card is not something you can afford!"

"It's just a card, how can I not be able to pick it up?"

Super Power Gamer thought that Suoke was mocking him, so he snorted unhappily, added the android Suojia to the deck, shuffled the cards, inserted the duel plate and shouted: "Then, the bets for both sides have been set, now the game begins!"



Sock, LP: 4000

Super Power Festival, LP: 4000

"My turn, draw a card!"

Super Energy Field pulled out a card from the deck, put his hands on his temples pretending to be mysterious, and said loudly: "I feel the energy of the universe. This energy penetrates my body and merges with me." One... right here and now, I will win this game! This is the fate determined by the consciousness of the universe!"

On the other side, Suoke impatiently shouted at the super banquet: "Can we play cards? I just killed a magic stick named Fox Zangno a few months ago. If you dare to pretend to be a ghost again, I will pull him up and bring him to you." Walk!"

Chao Neng Jie Chang was startled, thinking that this guy must be joking, how could he talk about killing people so casually...

After calming down for a moment, Chao Neng Ye Chang whispered carefully into the pinhole microphone on his sleeve: "Brother, have you seen that guy's hand?"

On the rooftop not far behind Sok, the younger brother of Super Energy Festival heard the inquiry through his earphones, and quickly asked the younger brother holding a telescope next to him: "Brother asked what the cards in that guy's hand are, hurry up and take a look. Tell me after you finish."

"Well...I'm watching..."

The little green-haired boy holding the telescope looked at it for a long time and said with some distress: "That guy covered his hand card so tightly that I couldn't see it at all..."

"Hey, what a cautious guy."

Chao Neng Jie Chang heard the reply and frowned: "But it doesn't matter. As long as he plays his cards, his hand will be exposed. You can report to me then."

The little boy nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, brother!"

"Then, let me attack first!"

Super Power Card drew a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted: "I want to summon the 'Electronic Raider' to attack. Then, I will put a cover card on it to end the turn!"

[Electronic Raider, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1400, defense: 1000, effect: When this card is summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned, select 1 of the following effects to activate: 1. Select 1 card on the field Destroy the equipment card equipped to the monster. 2. Select an equipment card equipped on a monster on the field and equip it on this card. 】

"Then, it's my turn..."

Sock drew a card from the deck and put it into the pile of cards without looking at it.

Aware of the glances from behind and the somewhat impatient eyes of Super Cantonese, Sok raised his eyebrows at Super Cantonese and said: "Cuckold, you really want to know what cards I have in my hand, right?"

Super Energy was stunned for a moment, then said without changing his expression: "It's not that I want to know, but I already know all the cards in your hand! That is exactly the power I have after communicating with the consciousness of the universe!"

"Oh? So powerful?"

Sok deliberately unfolded his cards in his hand and asked towards the super power field: "Then you might as well guess, what are the cards in my hand from left to right?"

Seeing Sok unfolding his cards, Super Power Player felt happy and secretly thought that he was lucky!

So he pretended to be communicating with the universe, put his hands on his temples, and took the opportunity to whisper to his brother: "Hurry up and see what cards he has in his hand!"

The little boy with the telescope zoomed in on the camera, licked his lips and said, "Hey...it's on me! That guy's card is..."


A sudden piercing noise came from the headset, which startled Super Power!

"What are you doing!"

Chao Neng Yanchang complained softly toward the microphone: "Why did you scream so suddenly? My ears hurt so much from being pricked!"

"Yes...I'm sorry, brother! But..."

The little boy holding the telescope sniffed in frustration and said, "But that guy held six 'Holy Shield-Reflector Power' in his hand, so I was shocked..."

What! ?

Six sacred protective shields! ?

Chao Neng Jie Chang was shocked at the time and said in disbelief: "Brother, did you read that correctly? He really added six sacred protective shields!?"

"I definitely saw it right!"

The little boy holding the telescope nodded with great certainty at first, but then he felt that something was not normal, so he looked at it again with the telescope because he was worried.

In the telescope, Sock first stacked the six cards in his hand and then unfolded them.

This time, what finally appeared again was not the six sacred protective shields.

But the little boy holding the telescope was about to cry.

Putting down the telescope, the little boy said blankly towards the microphone in a tone of doubt about life: "Brother... I really saw it wrong, but this time it is even more exaggerated than last time. He now holds six black holes in his hand... …”


Chao Neng Jie Chang was also dumbfounded.

Now there are six gods and black holes.

You don’t play mahjong with such a uniform attitude!

On the opposite side, Suok looked at the confused expression on the Super Banquet's face, knocked the cards in his hand, and urged the Super Banquet in an angrily manner: "Hey! It's been almost three minutes, can you guess? If you can’t guess it, how about you honestly admit that you are a charlatan?”

"I'm not a liar!"

Chao Mian Jie Chang gritted his teeth and said that he had given up. He pointed at Sok and shouted: "I have seen through the cards in your hand. They are six black holes, right!? This competition stipulates that only three of the same cards can be added at most! But you violated the rules and added six identical cards, so I won this duel without a fight!"


The audience immediately exploded.

This person is so shameless in adding six black holes to his deck!

It's simply worse than Sock who openly beat the referee at the game!

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