Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 163 Old Man Satan


The Titan Soldier's attack returned in vain. Although Kaiba was unwilling to give in, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and say: "I will put a cover card and end the round. It's your turn, Sok!"

"Then...my turn, draw a card!"

Sok slowly pulled out a card from the deck, and as the god throbbed, a bright red light seemed to flash away!

Looking at the card he just drew in his hand, Suoke slowly closed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth and said: "Oh, I actually drew this card... Should I say it was God's will, hum..."

The seahorse opposite seemed to have noticed something, and subconsciously said: "God?"


With a grin, Suok turned over the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' he had just drawn from his hand, and showed it to Kaiba: "Osiris, the King of the Underworld, has come into my hands!

Since fate has arranged a duel between two gods, then I am also happy with the beauty of adulthood. At this moment, let the gods come to my field! "

“I want to offer the ‘Martyr Sea King Inspector’, ‘Martyr Dragon Guiding Awakening’, and ‘Martyr Headless Messenger’ on the field as sacrifices!”

Sok held the God Card high, scarlet light shining in his hands, and shouted a cry that shook the world: "In the name of the Great Evil God, I will command the Phantom God, and I will call your true name here! Come out! 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' '!"

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds!

Three thunderbolts fell from the sky, accurately hitting the three martyrs on the Sok field!

Their bodies turned into streams of light, soared into the sky, and dived into the dark clouds!

After a while.

God has arrived!

"This...this is the second phantom god card - Osiris's Sky Dragon!?"

Looking up at the red dragon surging in the sky, Kaiba's body was unable to move due to the amazing momentum of Osiris!

It was a trembling feeling that I had never experienced before!

If Obelisk's Titan Soldier is the extreme cold that destroys everything, then Osiris is the darkness that annihilates everything!

Only by truly facing God can we understand how terrifying the power of the phantom God is!

"Ha ha……"

Kaiba's breathing became rapid, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead unconsciously. He looked at Suo Keqiang and said with a smile: "The pressure of the Phantom God makes me a little breathless... But, Suo Ke... what are you doing?" What a terrifying monster... Even when faced with Obelisk's courage, he can still be so calm..."

"I've seen a lot of gods. Obelisk and the others are the worst. Just this guy wants to scare me? Hahaha..."

Sok's whole body was ignited with black magic fire that could not be seen by mortals. He pointed at Kaiba and said with a ferocious smile: "Listen carefully to me, Kaiba! Osiris's attack power is determined by the number of cards in my hand! Each of my A card in my hand can increase its attack power by a thousand points! And I currently have six cards in my hand, which means..."

"Osiris's attack power is 6,000 points!"

A shocking dragon roar came from the dark clouds, and the huge red dragon head penetrated the mortal world, spraying out hot white mist!

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack: 0→6000!

Sok tapped Osiris in the sky with his thumb and sneered at Kaiba: "Haima, you only have 1,700 health points left, and the difference in attack power between Osiris and Obelisk is 2,000! As long as this Once the attack is successful, you will be finished immediately, do you understand? Hahaha..."

A drop of sweat dripped from Kaiba's forehead. Kaiba clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Then let your horse attack and come over and have a look!"

"Oh? The look in your eyes doesn't seem to give up..."

Sock was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something, and suddenly said with a sinister smile: "Ah... By the way, there is a card in your backcourt, and that is your last resort, huh... But your This plan is about to fail, God has the highest level of resistance, and no trap card can stop God’s attack!"

"Come on, Kaiba!"

Suok's face suddenly changed, and he shouted coldly: "The fateful duel between the two gods will be decided here! The 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' attacks the 'Obelisk Giant God Soldier'! Super-electrically guided wave!" !!”

Following Sok's command, Osiris opened its jaws, and a violent electric shock was launched from its mouth, spraying towards the Titan Soldier like a destructive force!

The giant god soldier waved his fists as if to resist, but the power of the sky dragon is now even greater than that of the giant god soldier!

At the moment when Osiris was about to be wiped out along with Obelisk and Kaiba, the cover card on Kaiba's field suddenly turned over: "Activate the trap card!"

Thok shouted sharply: "Trap cards are ineffective against gods! Osiris continues to attack!"

"It is true that trap cards are not effective against gods, but they are effective against you, Sok!"

Kaiba pointed at the turned-over trap card and shouted loudly: "The trap card 'Attack Incapacitation' is activated! According to its effect, when you declare an attack, that attack is invalid... Although this effect cannot stop God's Attack, but after that, the combat phase will be forcibly ended! Sok, it’s your weakness that is dragging the god down!”

[Attack incapacity, counter trap card, effect: When the opponent's monster declares an attack, that attack is invalid. After that, the combat phase ends. 】

The electric shock began to fade away before hitting Obelisk, and finally disappeared.

Osiris returned to the clouds and continued to hover.

Kaiba wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled reluctantly at Sok: "I said, my destiny will not end here! Whether it is you or God, I will eventually be surpassed!"

"Tsk, it seems I let you escape, President..."

As Sok spoke, he slowly drew a card from his hand: "Although I did not reduce your health to zero in this round, the fate of the Titan Soldier being buried is inevitable... "

The cards were inserted into the duel plate, and glistening white snow suddenly fell from the sky.

"VIP13 exclusive card - 'Old Man Satan', summon!"

A demonic figure dressed as Santa Claus, riding in a Christmas car pulled by a three-headed dog from hell, glided from hell to the shoulders of the ‘Obelisk Titan Soldier’ with the heavy snow in the sky.

Old Man Satan put down the bag with gifts on his shoulder and happily greeted Obelisk: "Happy Satan, my friend!"

Kaiba looked up at the terrifying yet funny face of the monster, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

The Titan Soldier did not answer Old Man Satan's blessing, but its body gradually began to petrify and decay with Old Man Satan as the center...

Kaiba was shocked and inexplicable, his eyes filled with disbelief: "What...what is going on!?"

"Hum hum……"

An evil smile appeared on Sok's lips, and he slowly said: "The effect of Old Man Satan can offer a monster on the opponent's field as a sacrifice, summoning this card to the opponent's field, and the sacrifice I choose, It is the only monster on your field...'Obelisk's Titan Soldier'!"

[Old Satan, 6 stars, divine attribute, phantom beast type, attack: 1200, defense: 2500, effect: sacrifice a monster on the opponent's field to be specially summoned on the opponent's field (it does not belong to the monster effect, it is regarded as a rule sacrifice )]

"Do you like this Satan's Day gift?"


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