Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 181 Sky Duel Field

Next to me, Isono was almost crying.

Is this a card duel or an underground black boxing ring?

Before the cards were played, one person was almost killed.

Today is my first time as a referee. Do you want to play such a big role?

"Well, Mr. Sok..."

Isono rubbed his hands carefully and said to Sock with a smile on his face: "How about we start the game first? After the game is over, you can fight whoever you want. I will cheer for you and call like crazy... …”

Suoke patted his shoes, nodded and said, "Okay, you say what you want, I'll try to remain restrained."

Isono was sweating profusely.

Many of the speeches that I had prepared were not ready to be delivered. Now I want to start the game as soon as possible. When the game starts, maybe Sock will not want to beat others but play cards instead?

But there was one thing he still didn't fully understand, that is, for Sock, there was no clear distinction between playing cards and beating people.

There is always one unlucky guy who needs to be beaten anyway.

Launching the lottery machine, Isono quickly announced the rules loudly: "The order of the knockout round will be determined by drawing lots! The balls numbered in the order in which everyone gets on the boat will be randomly matched! Then, the next step is the two sides of the first game..."

The lottery started, and the eight balls representing the eight players kept flying around...

Everyone was watching the ball flying, but Sock was keenly aware of Licid's absent-mindedness.

With a roll of his eyes, Suoke basically figured out what was going on.

The Light of Destruction and DARKNESS are undoubtedly not simple things. Cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

Malik was blinded by hatred, but Lycid could sense something was wrong.

Hey, interesting...

Since you are so worried, I will help you!

After thinking about it, Suoke raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers!

"First decision!"

After Isono saw the ball coming out, he immediately announced loudly: "Tairang Amane vs... the bald old black guy pretending to be Malik!"


Except for Malik and Licid, the crowd burst into laughter.

Especially Jonouchi, who laughed so much that snot bubbles came out of his nose: "Hahaha... this referee is really interesting..."

The livid face of Kaiba next to him twisted a few times strangely. He wanted to laugh but felt that he had just been scolded by Sok. It was a bit inappropriate to laugh now. He could only snort angrily and said to Isono: "...As the host, , you are such an amateur, Isono."

Isono wiped the cold sweat from his forehead nervously and said: "I'm sorry, Master Seto, because he didn't tell his real name, so..."

"My name is Licid!"

Licid stood up and said with an ugly face: "I don't know what's so funny about this, but soon, I will use my deck to make all of you laugh!"

The strong spirit of a duelist burst out from Licid's body, and the laughter gradually subsided.

Yugi lowered his head apologetically: "Um...I'm sorry..."

Licid didn't appreciate it at all and said with a cold face: "You don't need to apologize, unknown Pharaoh, because... I will take your life soon!"

Yugi was stunned for a moment, he hesitated to speak, but in the end he just sighed.

Tapir Liang Tianyin next to him glanced at Lixid, smiled strangely, and said to Malik: "Hey, Malik, now that we are on the same team, let's stop killing each other... Why don't you let your family How about this servant voluntarily surrendering?"

Malik, who had just gotten up from the ground, frowned and glanced coldly at Tapirang Tianyin, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

Lycid occupies a very important place in Malik's heart.

For Malik, Lycid was his family. Being humiliated like this, even if it was a partner, made him want to get angry.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly reached Malik's mind through the thousand-year-old tin staff.

"Sir Malik, I think this is an opportunity..."

Lixid looked at Tairian Tianyin steadily, and said to Malik telepathically: "Although we have reached a cooperation, we still don't know anything about them... Let me use my deck to test it myself. Show their courage, if they can't even win against me, then they are not qualified to cooperate with you, Sir Malik."

Malik squinted his eyes and replied in his mind: "Use all your strength to show this stinky girl some color!"

"Yes, Lord Malik!"

After Licid responded in his heart, he immediately raised his hand, pointed at Tairian Tianyin and shouted: "No need to say more! Use a duel to prove yourself, unknown assassin!"


Tapirang Tianyin raised her eyebrows slightly.

Of course she knew that the thousand-year-old tin rod had the ability to communicate with people's minds. In other words, Licid's provocation to her was a signal from Malik?

Hey, interesting!

A sickly smile appeared on the corner of Tairang Tianyin's mouth, revealing two tiger teeth.

If that's the case, let's get on with it!

I also happened to use this first blood sacrifice to warm up the three fantasy demons in the deck!


After killing this servant, Malik will surely become more honest!

Thinking of this, Tairiang Tianyin turned to Isono and said: "Okay, let's start the game. Do you want to duel here?"

Isono shook his head, walked to the door, turned around and said to everyone: "No, the knockout competition will be held at the Sky Duel Arena, a special venue for duel boats. Please come with me... By the way, your support team can also be called together. The first game is about to start!”

Sky duel arena?

what is that?

Everyone followed Isono and took the central spiral escalator to the top of the duel boat!

The biting cold wind almost makes it hard to open your eyes!


Peacock Dance covered her arms and sneezed, looked at the surroundings to the left and right, and said in surprise: "Isn't the final set here!?"

Kyoko and Shizuka couldn't help but lean against each other to keep each other warm. Their voices trembled as they said, "It's... so cold here..."

"This is one thousand meters above the ground..."

Kaiba didn't even look back, and said in a cold voice: "Not only is there a ten-degree temperature difference between the temperature and the surface, but the strong airflow will bring physical pain to the duelist like a blade! It requires the duelist to use huge willpower to overcome it. Okay..." At this point, Kaiba glanced coldly at the lively Sok next to him, and continued: "It was a certain villain who made me understand that duelists not only need superb dueling skills, but also a strong body... …”

Several girls wore relatively cool clothes, which seemed to be at a disadvantage in this environment.

Yugi very considerately took off his anti-gravity cloak and put it on Kyoko's shoulders. Next to him, Jonouchi and Honda also took off their coats and put them on Shizuka. Yugaruji was originally wearing short sleeves. I can only watch Honda being so attentive.

Shizuka received two coats, looked at Maoque Wu who was not paying attention to her, walked to her side in small steps, handed Jonouchi's coat to Maoque Wu and said: "Miss Wu, please put on your coat too, it's very cold here. of……"

Peacock Dance was startled, then smiled and shook her head and said, "I don't have to..."

He said no, but Peacock Wu touched his cold arm, but still glanced in Suoke's direction with some disappointment.

But it doesn't matter at this glance, Suoke actually walked towards him!


Peacock Wu's pretty face turned red, and her heartbeat suddenly became much faster.

Does he also want to...

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