Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 256 Dazi, look who I am

On the other hand, Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei were almost crying and knelt down to call daddy.

If I had known you were so unrestrained, how could I have just summoned a garbage monster to make you happy while talking about trivial books and showing off ridiculous operations?

If you leave others alone, no matter how good-tempered you are, you can still scold them.

But this one was different. He had always been the only one to hit people, and no one dared to scold him. After just two words of scolding, did he still want to live?

Fudo Yusei couldn't bear the stimulation for a while, he covered his heart and said sadly: "If you want a sacrifice... you can use my 'Technology Super Librarian', why should I sacrifice my 'Liutian Class Star'?" dragon'……"

Judai Yujo was better, he knew Sok's temper after all. After feeling depressed for a while, he quickly thought about it and cheered: "As expected of the teacher! You summoned your trump card so easily! Use us as much as you like. You’re welcome!”

"Well, Judai can still talk! Of course, the ace monster should be sacrificed with the best sacrifice to be more shocking. Those of you who don't understand metaphysics won't understand even if I say it."

Sock smiled proudly, and turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and asked: "How is it, did my operation just now show off? Does it look like Muto Yugi himself?"

The little penguin smiled and nodded repeatedly: "You are much more handsome than him!"

"Hey, it's my family after all!"

After Suok said this, his proud look disappeared in an instant, and his face suddenly changed. He turned his head and stared at Dazi sinisterly, with an evil smile on his lips!

For some reason, Da Zi, who was still holding back his laughter, suddenly felt the blood running cold from the soles of his feet to his heart, as if he was being targeted by some kind of terrifying existence that transcended this world and this dimension!

This...this is...

"Yushiro Judai! Fudo Yusei! Your power has definitely been conveyed to me! The trump card sacrificed by your strongest monster will definitely not be just a white monster with an attack power of only 2500! "

Before Dazi could react, Suoke directly drew four cards from his hand and inserted them into the environmental magic area of ​​the duel plate. He laughed wildly and said, "Dazi! At that moment just now, did you think you had a chance to win!? Hahaha... …Just watch, next, after being baptized by Oliha Gang’s power, my ace ‘Black Magician’ will show his original power!”

"'Oliha Gang's Barrier', activate!"

"'Oliha Gang's Qi', activate!"

[Aura of Oriha Gang, environmental magic card, effect: It can only be activated if there is "Oliha Gang's Barrier" on the field. This card shares the environment magic area with "Olihagun's Barrier".

1. This card cannot be destroyed.

2. When the opponent's monster attacks, you can send a monster on your side to the graveyard to invalidate the attack and destroy the attacking monster.

3. Once per round, it can be activated during our main phase. Recovers base points equal to the number of monster cards on your side x 500. 】

"'Olihagun Tolitos', activate!"

[Olihagun Toritos, environmental magic card, effect: It can only be activated if there are "Olihagan's Barrier" and "Olihagan's Aura" on the field. This card shares the environmental magic area with "Olihagun's Barrier" and "Olihagan's Aura".

1. This card cannot be destroyed.

2. Your own monsters are not affected by the opponent's magic and trap cards.

3. The opponent cannot activate magic cards. 】

"'Oliha Gang's fourth-layer boundary control array', activate!!!"

[The fourth layer of Oriha Gang's enchantment control formation, environmental magic card, effect: When this card is in the hand, activate 'Oliha Gang's Barrier' and 'Oliha Gang's Barrier' from the deck and hand. Qi', 'Olihagon Tolitos'.

1. This card shares the environmental magic area with the first, second, and third enchantments.

2. Use the number of monsters required for summoning from our or the opponent's deck, hand, or field as sacrifices, or let your life point be 1. We can special summon monsters with 'Oliha' in their names from anywhere. The monster just came on stage.

3. This card cannot be destroyed. 】

Four green haloes of light descended from the sky and quickly landed on the ground, sealing off the entire island!

Green light shot up into the sky, and "Muto Yugi" actually activated "Oliha Gang's Barrier" before Dazi! And there is actually a fourth layer of enchantment that Dazi does not have - the God-Controlling Formation!

The matter is now over, there is no need for Sok to pretend!

In an instant, his face changed, and Suoke returned to his original appearance - evil, chaotic, and crazy!


The sound of wild laughter echoed throughout the world, and Suoke just stood there, making people feel like he was boundlessly arrogant: "Dazi! Let me see where you can run this time!?"

"It's you!!!???"

Dazi's face no longer had the calmness of the past. It was distorted and frightened. He gritted his teeth and read out the name that made people frightened and even desperate: "The Great Evil God of the Underworld - Suok!!" !”

In an instant, Dazi turned around and ran away without hesitation!

The God of Oliha Gang died in the hands of this monster not long ago. Although he has been resurrected, he is still extremely weak and cannot be this guy's opponent!

If he dueled normally, he might still have a chance to win, but...

This evil god has absolutely no consciousness or dignity that a duelist should have!

How many opponents have been beaten to death by his fists in a duel with him? ?

No, you must escape! ! !

The above thoughts just flashed through my mind in an instant, and Kadazi's body had already reacted instinctively and turned into a stream of light rushing towards Oliha Gang's evil barrier!

He still has the last bit of luck in his heart!

He is also Oliha Gang's manipulator, so maybe this barrier can't trap him at all!


"Get back here!!!"

Suok roared angrily, and the phantoms of the three phantom gods of Olihagang immediately appeared on the green light screen of Olihagang's barrier. He opened his mouth and sent out three extremely powerful sound waves, giving Dazi a head-on blow!


The flowing light that Dazi had transformed into was knocked back to its original shape, and he fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and even his consciousness became a little blurry.

Yujo Judai was okay, but Fudo Yusei next to him was just dumbfounded.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Fudo Yusei stiffly asked Yujo Judai: "I...are we still dueling now...?"


Judai Yusei nodded with great certainty: "But whether it will be a card duel or a real person duel depends entirely on Mr. Sok's mood!... I know Yusei, you can't accept it for the moment, but you will be beaten by him in the future. Once you get used to it, you will definitely acquiesce in Teacher Suoke's unique dueling method in the world."

"...It's not a matter of acceptance or not."

Fudo Yusei seemed to have thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to say, but in the end he could only sigh. I don’t know if he was lucky or emotional: "Fortunately, I was born in the future... But I also envy this era. If Mr. Sok It still existed in my time, and maybe not so many people would have been harmed..."

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