Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 280 The King’s True Name

"Obelisk's Titan Soldier!"

"The Sky Dragon of Osiris!"

"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

Red, blue, and yellow, three rays of light illuminated the darkness, rushing out from the highest point of the stone temple of the palace!

Three illusory gods descended on the Pharaoh!

His majestic power was on par with Sok for a moment!

"Eat God's strongest combined attack and then be defeated, Sok!"

Yami Yugi clenched his fists and roared: "Gods, destroy the great evil god! 'God's Fist Crush'! 'Super Electric Guided Wave'! 'God's Phoenix'!"

The vortex of the gods began to sweep across the sky, and the breath of the gods had reached its peak!

The attacks that shook the world were launched at the same time, as if even space and time were torn apart. The anger of the gods was bound to put Suok to death!

But at this moment!

The black sun in the sky suddenly set and merged into Sok's back spine, turning into a pair of exploding wings filled with dark energy!

The power of darkness is strengthened once again!

Great evil god...



Wave after wave of sound waves and air waves blew away all the attacks of the three phantom gods, and the entire earth was overturned. The royal city was instantly reduced to ruins, and cries and calls for help could be heard endlessly!

Great Evil God·Explosion Mode!

Black fission and fusion energy is attached to Sok's body surface, and amazing energy is erupting every minute and every second!

"The Three Illusion Gods...have fallen far behind me..."

Sok spread his wings, the earth cracked, lightning and thunder roared, and countless tornadoes swept everything in sight: "Explosion mode - natural disaster!"

The giant god of the earth was buried deep under the loess, the god of the sky was swallowed up by the thunder of darkness, and the god of the sun was torn into pieces by the hurricane!

A sudden disaster brought everything to naught!

The three illusory gods were killed in battle!

In front of the overturned royal city, a lonely figure stood there, looking blankly at everything in front of him.

Everything that was once familiar was destroyed.

All the efforts made are ultimately of no avail and nothing can be done...

I really……

Is he a qualified king?

"Oh? Even the Three Illusion Gods were killed by me, but you are not dead yet, Pharaoh..."

Suok lowered his head and saw the golden light on his body gradually dimming, and the Pharaoh whose whole body suddenly became void. He suddenly said: "Ah... I see, the soul you dedicated to the Three Illusion Gods was taken away by me before they could collect it." Kill them all, so your soul will be put on the balance of claims and will not be wiped out by natural disasters in the physics department..."


In the endless sky, Suok slowly stretched out his claws and said with a ferocious smile: "How to destroy souls, I am very good at it! Now, sleep with your kingdom forever! Hahaha..."

Yami Yugi stood there defenseless.

The kingdom and people all died violently, and he had lost the will to live.

The ruined king finally stared at the former land and slowly closed his eyes...


"You are not allowed to hurt the prince!"

The Dark Magic Girl floated in front of Yami Yugi out of nowhere, raised her hand and threw out an energy ball: "Dark Magic Wave!"

The weak black magic only caused a little smoke.

If Sok is willing, the Dark Magician Girl will turn into ashes at the same time as Yami Yugi in the next second.

However, Suok unexpectedly stopped moving, stared at the black magician girl at his feet, raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Who did I think it was, it turned out to be the black magician girl... Humph, I was looking at you back then. I have grown up, and now I will give you this face..." At this point, Sok hooked his fingers towards the black magician girl, with an evil smile on his lips: "How about it, as long as you become my concubine, I will Just let Pharaoh live!"


Mana, who originally thought she would die, never expected that Sok would say such a thing!

This does not seem to be commensurate with his identity as the evil god who kills people without blinking an eye...

However, now that the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, even the prince is about to die at the claws of the evil god. If he can really keep his promise, in fact... it doesn't matter what happens to him! ?

Having made up her mind, the dark magician girl fixed her eyes and raised her head, just about to agree to Sok's conditions!

But before the first word could be uttered, the dark magician girl suddenly saw the evil dragon head hundreds of meters long swinging back and forth on Sok's abdomen!

"No! No! No! No! No!"

The black magician girl shook her head desperately in fear, raised her wand, and said righteously: "Justice will not yield to evil! Even if I die, I will not agree to your terms! Fight to the death, evil god, I will not be afraid of you. of!"

"Oh, what an amazing spirit!"

As Sok said this, he secretly glanced at the map in his mind and breathed a sigh of relief.

A huge white light point was rapidly approaching the royal city.

That should be Mahat who brought back the pharaoh’s true name!

Just now he accidentally killed the three phantom gods too quickly. Suoke was worried about how to delay the time and find excuses to let the Pharaoh survive. Fortunately, it seemed that Mahat would arrive soon. Now his plan should be Can continue to develop...

But seeing that Yami Yugi is already determined to die, I have to remind him...

"What a pity, Pharaoh..."

Suok slowed down his speech and sneered: "I believe you should also know the only possibility of defeating me through Aknadin... That is to command the three illusory gods in the name of the king and summon the one who is born to restrain darkness. The ultimate phantom god, but now not only did you not get your name in time, but I also killed all three phantom gods... If you carry the three phantom gods from the future, maybe you still have the last glimmer of hope, but now... ...You have no chance of winning, hahaha..."

"The three illusory gods of the future?"

The lost Pharaoh finally had a flash of inspiration in his mind!

Those three fantasy cards from the future, made by Pegasus...

It seems to be on my own body!

At this time, Yami Yugi also remembered what Sok once said to Kaiba during the Duel City finals...

"Although I can destroy these cards, I don't recommend that you do that... because the real body of the phantom demon is not in these cards... just like the stone slabs of the three phantom gods were destroyed by Dazi three thousand years ago, but they And with the help of Pegasus, he was reborn in the duel monster card..."

Just because the stone slab was destroyed and the embodiment of God was killed, it does not mean that God is really dead!

They just lost the bridge of communication with the human world!

The light of hope flashed through Yami Yugi's heart again!

I am far from exhausted!

You can also summon the three phantom gods once!

At this moment, the figure that Sok and the Pharaoh were waiting for finally appeared!

The black magician Mahat rushed out of the specially opened extra-dimensional space, found Yami Yugi immediately, and shouted: "Pharaoh! I have brought your real name back! Your name is..."

"Atum!!!" ((Atum)

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