Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 281 Hel'Akti, the Creator God of Light

Justice is in the name of God.

The king is also a god, and in the name of Pharaoh, he commands the three illusory gods!


A white light suddenly lit up in An Yuxi's heart, and he shouted: "Now, the seal of the king's name has been unlocked! Use the light in my heart as a guide, resurrect, Three Illusion Gods!!!"

Thousands of rays of light burst out from the chaotic and dark sky!

Suddenly three cards with dazzling gold, blue, and red lights appeared in Yami Yugi's hand!

Three rays of light broke through the card and penetrated into the sky and the earth, once again calling for the coming of God!

The BGM of God's Arrival sounded, and the dark clouds rolled away!

The red dragon and the golden firebird descended from the sky in an unstoppable manner! The earth shattered, and the Obelisk God of Destruction was reborn again!

The three illusory gods gathered together.

Finally waited for this moment!

"Then, in the king's name—"

Yami Yugi opened his arms and shouted out the call that resounded throughout the world with his soul: "Three illusion gods are united into one, the ultimate dream god of light miracles. I am here to call your true name, break through the darkness of chaos, and reveal you. Your true appearance!"

"The Creator God of Light—Hel'Akti!!!"

In the light that shone through the sky and the earth, the goddess of light and hope landed on the earth, staring pitifully at the devastated earth and the other side shrouded in darkness.


The God of Creation who is born to restrain all darkness has arrived, but as the condensed body of all darkness in the world, Sok not only did not panic, but laughed wildly, turned around and stretched out his claws towards the God of Light, igniting the dark magic fire: " I've been waiting for you to appear for a long time, Hel'Akti! Now - die!!!"

"I won't let you succeed!"

Yami Yugi waved his right hand suddenly and roared: "Under the illumination of light, all darkness will disappear without a trace! Sok, disappear!"

A divine light pierced the dark world.

"Light Creation!"

In the endless light, the body of the Great Evil God began to shatter and crack!

The claws reaching out to the Supreme God were also annihilated at the last millimeter that was about to touch!

But Suoke had no happiness or sadness. He seemed to feel no pain, and he didn't know that death was coming. He still smiled like a madman!

"Hahaha... darkness... will never disappear!"

Sok's face finally began to break, and the crazy evil smile at the corner of his mouth made the Creator God of Light frown slightly: "I will come back again, until then...be careful behind you!!! Hahaha……"

The last remaining thoughts were burned away by the light!

The evil god is dead!

All darkness was driven away by light, the sky let go of light again, and the golden sun returned to the sky!

The God of Creation, who has the only attribute, and the God of Destruction, who has the only attribute, are two sides of the same coin.

They both belong to the highest level of gods.

But light naturally restrains darkness. When the God of Destruction comes to the world, the God of Creation will definitely stop him and drive the God of Destruction into darkness and return to where he belongs.

The trial has been completed.

Soon, as the winner, the Creator God of Light can use Sok's soul as material to complete his own incompleteness.

But, until then...

"This disaster originated from my trial with the evil god..."

The Creator of Light stared at the corpses on the ground in the shattered royal city, slowly raised his right hand, and his fingertips glowed: "Those who died because of this war, in the name of the only Creator God, I give you the second I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes and rebuild your home..."

Light falls on the earth.

Living and dead, flesh and bones.

Those people who were killed by the Suoke natural disaster were all resurrected and stood up from the ruins.

Although the home is destroyed, as long as people are still there, everything can start from scratch.

The crisis is over and things are getting better step by step...

But what no one noticed was that right where the great evil god was destroyed, a small cross badge fell to the ground, glowing brightly.

"Atum, the light has dispelled the darkness, and it's time for me to return to the God Realm..."

The Creator God of Light walked up to An Yuxi, lowered his head and whispered softly: "From now on, the Great Evil God and I will completely disappear from the world, and the Three Illusion Gods will also cease to exist... The two unique gods will become one again. This is the final drama of light and darkness..."

Yami Yugi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "In the future, I will use our own power to continue to protect our world. Thank you very much, Creator God of Light..."

Before he finished speaking, everything in the world suddenly turned bright blood red!

At this moment, everyone's heart suddenly stopped!

The darkness that had been shattered returned, and behind the Creator God of Light, it regrouped into the form of the Great Evil God of the Underworld!


Yami Yugi's pupils contracted violently, and he suddenly pointed his hand behind the Creator God of Light and shouted: "Be careful!!!"

But it's too late!

Before the Creator God of Light could react, the Great Evil God's body had already condensed in an instant. He reached out and grabbed the Creator God of Light's neck, and pressed her body heavily to the ground!


The huge body of the God of Creation collapsed to the ground!

this time

Darkness overwhelms light!


After hitting the target, the evil god's ferocious smile resounded throughout the world: "Didn't I tell you to be careful of what's behind you!? But you don't seem to have heard it, woman!"

The Creator God of Light struggled hard: "Damn it...let me go!"

"Hey, hey, hey... stop struggling, we are the same level, a god and an evil god with two sides in one body!"

The Great Evil God Sok pressed the Creator God of Light firmly to the ground, and breathed out a faint breath of death: "If you don't count your natural restraint on me, purely in terms of strength, I am not even a little bit stronger than you. , if I seize the opportunity, there is nothing you can do about it, hahaha!"

The Creator God of Light no longer resisted, but the fingertips of her right hand glowed brightly again.

"Hey, pointless struggle!"

The evil dragon head on Sok's abdomen instantly wrapped around the right hand of the Creator God of Light with lightning speed. Immediately afterwards, Sok's strong left hand also tightly grasped the left arm of the God of Light Creator...

Use all your strength and pull hard!

With a "tearing" sound, both arms of the Creator God of Light were torn off by Sok!

Golden blood spilled on the ground, and Hel'akdi let out a painful groan, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed...

"I will never let you release light again, woman!"

The linear pupils of the Great Evil God Suoke became more and more ferocious and evil, with a scarlet magic light in his eyes: "Now, obediently merge with me, and then become the nourishment of my soul! Hahaha..."

"I am...the embodiment of light..."

Heer Akti gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "Sock...your darkness can't do anything to me..."

"Oh, is it so?"

Sok slowly opened his mouth: "Then do you want to know, three thousand years later, why did I give the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' to Yu Yu? Because that card has already been injected with my dark power...that is, says……"

"You're no longer invulnerable, woman!"

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