Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 298 There is a secret in the darkness

Asuka was a little creeped out by Sok's actions and the inexplicable terrifying atmosphere here.

Obviously I wasn't afraid at first...

However, Sock is a legendary duelist, and he just casually tore off such a thick reinforced concrete pillar. He is top notch in both dueling strength and personal force!

Maybe he can really find out the whereabouts of his brother!

She wanted to leave, but seeing Sok's perfunctory attitude, Asuka felt that Sok was just dealing with her.


As expected, you still have to rescue your brother with your own hands before you can rest assured!

In the end, Asuka did not leave, but trotted all the way to catch up with Sock, following him quietly but keeping a distance.

Asuka has not forgotten the frightening murderous aura on Sok just now.

Although he didn't hurt himself, someone with such murderous intent would never be a good person...

Seeing Asuka following up, Sock didn't say much. Just follow if you want. There is no danger around him this time, but if you still don't avoid danger next time, something will happen sooner or later... I still remember this comic masterpiece. It's called "Goblin Slayer". It just so happens that there are monsters from the dark world in this dormitory. If the plot in that comic appears, it's really exciting to think about...

Walking into the dormitory, there was thick dust everywhere.

But there are many strange words and patterns painted on the left and right walls... Are they seven thousand-year-old artifacts?

Asuka also saw the pattern painted on the wall and subconsciously asked, "...What is that?"

"Those patterns are thousand-year-old artifacts made by alchemists in ancient Egypt..."

Sok looked at it from beginning to end, and found that the patterns and text here were just a copy of the King's Memory Slate that had been exhibited at the Tongchenye Art Museum: "In order to resist the invasion of the enemy country, they surrendered to the evil god in the darkness. He borrowed the power to control the elves...but then the evil god took back all the thousand-year-old artifacts, which no longer exist in the world..."

Asuka glanced at Sok: "As expected of a legendary duelist, he also knows such secretive things very clearly..."

"Humph, of course it's clear..."

Sock glanced back at Asuka: "Because I am the evil god."


Asuka was a little horrified for a moment: "Are you kidding, Mr. Sok... didn't that happen in ancient times..."

"There is a secret in the darkness."

Suok narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "Maybe you will be lucky enough to see my true body later..."

Before he finished speaking, the space in the room gradually became blurry.

The darkness became thicker and thicker, and everything in front of me began to become unreal.

Sok was stunned.

It seems that whatever is hiding in this house has found itself intruding on its territory.

However, he has clearly deliberately exuded the aura of the Great Evil God. The monsters entrenched here actually dare to act as monsters under his nose. Either they are extremely powerful or they are extremely stupid.

Asuka was startled and looked at the dark patch of darkness in front of her in panic: "What... what is this!"

"Don't panic!"

Sock reached out and grabbed Asuka's wrist and shouted: "Hold my hand, don't run around. That guy is provoking me. After I kill him, everything will return to normal!"

Asuka didn't have time to think about it, and quickly hugged Sok's arm, her soft body pressed tightly against Sok, panicking like a kitten at a loss.

But then, Asuka seemed to think of something, raised her head with a blushing face and asked: "Teacher Suok... are you taking advantage of me?"



Good intentions are like a donkey’s liver and lungs!

Believe it or not, I will show you my two-hundred-meter leading cannon right now to show you the world?

Suoke said angrily: "You guessed it right! Let go quickly!"

Asuka was startled, and subconsciously let go of Sok, crossed her arms over her chest and took two steps back.

But as soon as she left Suoke's side, she immediately felt that her ankles were tightly wrapped by something sticky, and those things had a tendency to climb up!


Lowering her head, Asuka saw countless unknown black substances with eyes and mouths squirming on her calves. She screamed and tried to struggle away, but found that she was powerless no matter what she did!

Just as those dark monsters were about to climb onto her thighs, a white light suddenly shot out from behind and scattered all the dark monsters surrounding Asuka!

Not only that, those dark monsters were rushed by the white light, and immediately began to scream and collapse as if they had encountered natural enemies!

That is the light that inherently restrains all evil!

Even the former Great Evil God of the Underworld was unable to resist, let alone these low-level earth-bound spirits.

After the restraints were released, Asuka was so frightened that she immediately returned to Sok's side, hugged Sok's arm tightly, and refused to let go with lingering fear.

"Now you know?"

Suok glanced at her angrily: "I told you, I am the evil god of the underworld. Those low-level monsters can't get close to me, so you have to follow me to be safe. Do you understand? Besides, you little girls What’s so good about someone who is about to get married, so I’m going to deliberately take advantage of you?”

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

Asuka carefully lowered her head to admit her mistake, feeling ashamed of her pettiness and said, "I shouldn't have doubted you, Mr. Sok..." But just after she finished speaking, Asuka raised her head curiously and asked, "Marriage? Yes... yes With Mr. Hibiki Midori?"

"Sound green?"

Suoke scratched his head in confusion: "What does it have to do with her?"

"Even I can tell that Mr. Hibiki Midori likes you, Mr. Suoke..."

Asuka sighed: "But looking at you, Mr. Sock, I'm afraid Mr. Hibiki Midori will be disappointed... You are obviously such a beautiful woman."

Suoke was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said nothing.

Following the smell of darkness, Sock quickly found a secret passage beneath the dormitory building.

After walking in, there was a vague sound of someone talking coming from the other side of the passage...

Asuka approached Suok with some fear and whispered: "How...how could there be someone in here..."

"have no idea……"

Suok shook his head, but frowned slightly.

Because the voice coming from the other end of the tunnel sounded vaguely familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before...

Pulling Asuka, Sok went deeper and deeper into the dark passage.

And the sounds coming from the other end of the tunnel are becoming more and more clear and audible...

"Long live the great prophet Foxzono-sama!"

"Long live the great prophet Foxzono-sama!"

Fox Zangnai?

Sok was stunned.

Isn't that the little fat man who was once thrown into another dimension by him?

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