Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 315 The Messenger of the End

"The attack power of 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness' is infinite, and as long as there are martyrs in the cemetery, it will not be destroyed..."

Misawa Daichi stared at the sky, and without thinking, he skillfully stated the various attributes of the Archangel of Nothingness, and said in a deep voice: "I have studied all the duel data and information of Teacher Suoke. This card should be the only one in the Martyr series except for The strongest monster besides the 'Martyr Hell God' is almost impossible to defeat... If you want to attack it, you can only use cards that gain control or ban..."

"Gaining control?"

Marufuji Sho, who was next to him, was stunned and suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! I remember that the dark doll in Mr. Sok's deck has the effect of controlling the enemy!"

"That's really a strategy."

Dai Misawa, who had been observing the duel battlefield, suddenly frowned as he spoke, and said with a slight hesitation: "But... I always feel that Teacher Suoke will use a simpler and more crude way to solve the current dilemma..."

"It's still the battle stage, Teacher Sok!"

Kagurazaka waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "Go, the 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness' attacks the 'Great Ax Dragon Man'! The Spear of Soul Judgment!!!"

The Archangel of Nothingness raised his right hand in response, and a golden spear as fast as lightning instantly penetrated the 'Giant Ax Dragon Man' on the Sok field!

The monster was destroyed, but because of the characteristic of the 'Great Ax Dragon Man' that it would transform into a defensive position after attacking, this attack did not cause any damage to Sok's health.

Was it luck, or had he guessed it a long time ago...

Kagurazaka narrowed her eyes slightly and said word by word: "End the round."

"Then, my turn, draw cards."

With a swipe of his index finger, Sok pulled out a card from the deck and inserted it into his hand. After taking a look at it, he slowly inserted the card into the duel plate: "'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness' is based on the pinnacle of martyrdom. One of the three gods, her attributes are 'gods' that are insurmountable by mortals, so if you want to deal with her, of course you have to use gods..."

Snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky, and the crisp sound of bells loomed in the clouds.

"Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong..."

In a trance, an evil spirit chanted, and an old man riding a three-headed hell dog sled fell from the sky and landed on the field of Kagurazaka.

The old man climbed out of the sleigh awkwardly, patted the non-existent dust on his body naively, politely took off the red cotton hat on his head, and bowed slightly towards the Archangel of Nothingness like a gentleman.

"Happy Satan's Day, beautiful goddess!"

The ferocious face spoke blessing words, but the devil's whisper made everyone present feel terrified!

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

In the snowstorm, the Archangel of Nothingness was quickly submerged in white.

Then the strong wind roared, rolling snowflakes into the sky, but the Archangel of Nothingness disappeared without a trace.

Old Man Satan replaced the Archangel of Nothingness in the monster area, and turned around to greet Kagurazaka enthusiastically: "Hey, lovely kid, this is the first time we meet. I am Old Man Satan. After the duel is over, I need a ticket to go to hell. Is it a one-way ticket?”

[Old Satan, 6 stars, divine attributes, attack: 1200, defense: 2500

Effect: Sacrifice a monster on the opponent's field and normally summon it on the opponent's field. This card cannot be specially summoned, cannot be sacrificed, and cannot attack. When summoned on the opponent's field, you draw a card. After entering the field and every time Turn, cause 500 points of damage to the controller of this card, and make all empty spaces on the field of the controller of this card unable to place monsters. At the beginning of the third opponent's turn after entering the field, this card is destroyed]

"It's actually...it's this monster...!"

Kagurazaka watched blankly as the Archangel of Nothingness on her field was forcibly sacrificed and sent to the cemetery. Because it was not considered destruction, her immortality ability no longer worked.

I had mixed feelings, but in the end I just sighed with regret.

The monster that was so powerful and invulnerable was now easily cracked.

The undead phantom god with unlimited attack power has been replaced by a low-level monster with only 1200 attack power, which cannot be sacrificed or attacked. It will also cause damage to itself every round. This feeling of suffocation is far from that of Old Man Satan. God’s attributes can be relieved.

But having come this far, Kagurazaka is not too disappointed.

Thinking on the bright side, at least Old Man Satan's defense power is still 2500, which can barely be used as a barrier to protect himself.

Sok reached out and pulled out a card from the deck. His face was dull, making it difficult to see his inner emotions: "Because of the effect of Old Man Satan, I draw a card and end the turn."

Kagurazaka, LP: 3000→2500

"My turn, draw a card!"

Kagurazaka drew a card from the deck. After seeing the card clearly, Kagurazaka felt a sudden joy in her heart.

It’s ‘Martyr, Hell’s Right Hand This’!

This card can summon any monster with "Martyr" in its name from the deck regardless of the conditions! As long as Old Man Satan is destroyed, he can summon the strongest Hell God in the Martyr series, and then no matter what means Sok uses, he will be unable to reverse the situation!

After taking two deep breaths, Kagurazaka tried to pretend to be calm and ended her round.

Seeing Kagurazaka's concealing expression, Sok suddenly felt a little funny.

This is the most fundamental difference between the first and second games of Yu-Gi-Oh! If you are facing Yugi Muto or Seto Kaiba now, they will definitely say that the lower gods have no effect on the upper gods.

Thok drew a card from his deck and ended his turn without doing anything.

The game is actually over. Unless Tenjin Dang is drawn, no matter what happens, it will not change the fate of Kagurazaka's defeat.

As for whether Kagurazaka will have a reversal, Sock is not worried at all.

If you don't even know how to speak nonsense, there is no reason why you can succeed in magic.

Kagurazaka, LP: 2500→2000

"My turn, draw a card!"

Kagurazaka once again drew a card from the deck. After taking a look at it, her heart skipped a beat again!

It's "Olihagang Winged Dragon"!

This kind of highest-level phantom god, which is hard to find in the market even for big capitalists like Kaiba, is like a weed on the roadside in Sok's deck. A lot.

Just looking at these cards is a supreme pleasure.

"My turn is over!"

Kagurazaka inserted the card into her hand and ended her turn.

Only the last round left!

If Sock cannot defeat himself in this round, then when it is his turn again, it will be his moment of victory!

"My turn, draw cards."

Sock drew a card as usual, but this time he did not end his turn easily. Instead, he said something that sounded a little inexplicable to Kagurazaka: "Now you have two cards in your hand, and my hand is Six cards, there is an Old Man Satan on the field, and your health points are only 2,000 points left..."

Kagurazaka blinked blankly: "What do you mean?"

"Humph, last round, you used Chaos Warriors to fight me, so in this duel, I will use Chaos Demonic Dragon to end the duel..."

Suok slowly pulled out a card from his hand and raised an evil smile: "Do you still remember the eight-star dragon monster I added to my hand using the 'Crystal Dragon' effect? ​​Now, it's time for you to admire its true form. Sorry... I will exclude the dark attribute 'Destruction Dragon Gandora' and the light attribute 'Crystal Dragon' from the graveyard...!"

"Come out! -'Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End'!!!"

The Dragon of Finality showed its majesty in the chaos. It was a pity that it was forbidden to be used in the original world because it was too powerful. In this time and space where Sok exists, its majesty is fully extended!

Chaos Emperor Dragon!

When Sok is not using the martyr's signature, the 'nuclear warhead' that can still end everything no matter how much time and space it spans!

"Then, this is the final attack..."

Suok raised his right hand high and shouted sternly: "Pay me a thousand health points to activate the Chaos Emperor Dragon's ultimate ability - the Holy Fire of Annihilation! All the cards on the field and in our hands will be sent to the graveyard. Then every card sent to the graveyard due to this effect will give you 300 points of damage!"

Sock, LP: 2000→1000

As the health points were paid, everything was completely destroyed, and along with it, Kagurazaka's vulnerable health points were annihilated.


Obviously after one more round, I can win...

Just one step away...

But why is it that despite losing, there is no humiliation and unwillingness like before? Why do I still feel so full of satisfaction in my heart?

In this life, if I can use an invincible deck even once, I will have no regrets.

After sorting out the deck of cards and placing them neatly on the ground beside him, Kagurazaka opened his arms calmly towards Sok and said with relief: "I lost, Teacher Sok... I am willing to admit defeat, whether it is my soul or Whatever, if you want it, please take it..."

Suoke looked at Kagurazaka with unknown meaning, and slowly said: "Before you die, do you have anything else to say?"


What words...

"Ah, of course there is..."

Kagurazaka narrowed her eyes and suddenly showed an extremely bright smile: "It's such an honor to be able to duel with you, Mr. Sok!"

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