Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 355 The magic sword that kills companions

"Damn it, let me go!"

Yubel opened Jonouchi's hand on his head, and said with an unhappy expression: "I don't know why this body is rejecting you, or even afraid of you... But, I have decided to use you as the first person for my resurrection. It’s a blood sacrifice!”

After saying that, Yubel immediately opened the duel plate and shouted angrily: "Come on! Duel!!!"

"Why suddenly..."

Jonouchi was stunned for a moment and scratched his head inexplicably: "I don't understand a word of what you are saying, but the white hair on your head seems familiar to me..."

"Hmph, since you are not prepared, then I will attack first!"

Yubel looked at Jonouchi coldly, and drew a card from the virtual duel board: "My turn, draw a card! I summon the Lotus of the Sacrifice, and then overwrite a cover card to end the turn! Okay, it's your turn, Rude guy!"

[Lotus of the Sacrifice, 1 star, dark attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: If this card exists in the graveyard during your own end phase, you can special summon it in face-up attack position on your field. While this card is face-up on the field, the controller takes 1000 points of damage each time during your preparation phase. 】(animated version)

"It seems like the logic doesn't make sense..."

Jonouchi sighed helplessly, reached out and took off the duel plate from his waist and put it on his hand: "Then, I will let you calm down first, and then I will have a good talk with you about the duel!"

Uebel, LP: 4000

Within the castle, LP: 4000

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Jonouchi drew a card from the deck, took a look at it, and inserted it into the duel plate: "I activate the magic card 'Unexpected'! Based on the effect of this card, I can special summon a normal monster from the deck. ! Come out, axe-raider!"

[Great Ax Raider, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1700, defense: 1150, description: a warrior holding an axe. The one-handed ax attack is quite powerful. 】

"Next, I'm going to equip him with the special equipment magic card for the warrior clan - the 'Lightning Sword'!"

Jonouchi drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk, shouting: "With the power of the Lightning Sword, the Giant Ax Raider's attack power is increased by 800 points! This way, your health can be greatly reduced in one go! Go ahead, Great Ax Raider, Lightning Slash!!!”

Great Ax Raider, Attack: 1700→2500

[Lightning Sword, Equip Magic Card, Effect: Only warriors can equip it. The equipped monster's attack power increases by 800. The attack power of all water attribute monsters on the field is reduced by 500. 】

The giant ax in the hand of the giant ax attacker immediately turned into a sharp sword that was swept by electricity. Then, he jumped up and chopped the lotus of the Sacrifice from head to tail, breaking it in two!


After a shrill scream, the offering lotus exploded and was sent to the cemetery.


Jonouchi clenched his fist proudly: "The attack worked, but your health will be severely damaged now, kid!"

"Hmph, what are you talking about..."

Yubel sneered and waved his hand: "Because of your reckless attack, my trap cards can also be activated! The cards you use very closely reflect your character, you roughneck..."


Jonouchi was shocked: "No way! Is this a card that destroys my monster!?"

"The trap card 'Demon World Impatiens Flower Seed' is activated!"

Yubel narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "The demon phoenix is ​​a demon plant that feeds on damage. In the battle just now, the 2000 points of combat damage will be turned into nutrients for its growth, and two demon phoenix derivatives will be generated. Therefore, the damage I received was only 500 points."

[Devil Impatiens Flower Seed, Trap Card, Effect: It can only be activated when a monster in face-up attack position on your field is destroyed by battle. In that battle, negate every 1000 points of battle damage you received, and Special Summon 1 "Demon Impatiens Token" (Plant Type, Dark, 1 Star, Attack/Defense 100) on your field. Then the combat process ends. 】

Yubel, LP: 4000→3500

"What, you scared me..."

Jonouchi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought my monster would be destroyed just after it was strengthened, but it turned out that it was just a trap card used to summon sacrifices..."

"That's right, it's a sacrifice."

Yubel sneered and drew a card from the deck, and said gloomily: "It's my turn, draw a card! I want to offer the two 'Devil Impatiens derivatives' on the field as sacrifices, and summon them in attack position ...Yubel!”

In an instant, a white light engulfed the derivatives on the field and condensed on Yubel's body!

Immediately afterwards, the world seemed to turn into the color of the film exposure, and the copy of Yubel's real body split from her body!

Stretching the devil's wings, the three eyes on Yubel's face stared sharply into the city at the same time, emitting the terrifying aura and power of the highest-level devil!

[Yubel, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: This card will not be destroyed by battle. The controller of this card takes 0 combat damage and inflicts that amount of damage to the opponent. This card will be destroyed if you do not sacrifice 1 monster on your field during your end phase. When it is destroyed by a method other than the effect of this card, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel-The Hated Knight" from your hand, deck, or graveyard. 】

"Hum hum……"

Yubel raised the corner of his mouth: "I will not be destroyed by battle. Every time you are hurt, I will return it to you intact! Okay, use the lightning sword in your hand to pierce my body, giant axe." Raider!"

Upon being provoked, the giant ax attacker's eyes immediately glowed red and he rushed directly towards Yubel!

Jonouchi was shocked: "Hey! Wait a minute!"

But it was already too late. The lightning sword penetrated Yubel's chest without any hindrance. The huge pain caused Yubel's pupils to shrink violently, but then she pulled the sword out of her chest with a sickly smile on her face. Shot through the air into the heart of the city!


Jonouchi covered his chest and knelt on one knee, his voice trembling as he said, "Is this... a dark game?"

"This is not a dark game."

A morbid smile appeared on Yubel's face, and he said word by word: "The past me exists in the card, so the real pain cannot be fully conveyed to the player, but... now I have come to your world, Then of course all the pain I have endured will be completely shared with you, hum, how about it, it feels pretty good, right?"

"Huh...this kind of supernatural thing is really a headache..."

Jonouchi reluctantly stood up from the ground, and his originally entertaining eyes gradually became serious: "Then, it's my turn, draw a card!" He pulled out a card and added it to his hand, and then Jonouchi added another card from his hand. Another card was selected from the hand and put into the duel plate: "Please give me power, Lady Luck! Summon the 'One-Hit Killing Samurai' in attack position! Then, equip him with the magic card 'The Demon that Kills His Companions' sword'!"

[The magic sword that kills allies - Burns the soul, equips a magic card, effect: once per round, liberates a monster other than the equipped monster. Until the end of the round, the equipped monster's attack power increases by the original attack power of the liberated monster. 】

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