Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 365 The end of the trip


The waiter almost squirted out a mouthful of water.

The other diners around also stumbled around a lot!

I originally thought it was a noble man from some family who came here to eat, but who knew he would say such vulgar words!

How can upper class people eat well-done steak? ?

It's so devoid of pomp and circumstance!

In order to show the aristocratic temperament, even if you vomit after eating, you still have to bite the bloody steak!

Nobles should have so many etiquettes and make some inexplicable rules. Only in this way can they declare their status in an arrogant tone when bragging with the common people: "What!? You don't know? How mature is the steak?" "There are only odd numbers, and you actually want them all cooked? Hahaha..." In fact, he almost had his intestines pulled out last night, and it's not easy for him to brag despite being sick today.


Suoke frowned in displeasure: "Can't I eat it well-done?"

"Of course no problem, sir!"

The waiter wanted to laugh a little, but seeing that Suoke's aura was clearly not that of an ordinary person, he nodded professionally and wrote it down.

"Wow! Honey, you're so cool even ordering food!"

False Illusion dragged his cheeks, eyes full of little stars, and looked at Sok infatuatedly. Then he clapped his hands on the table and turned to the waiter: "I don't like steak, please make me a dumpling, little brother!" "

"Dumplings... dumplings?"

The waiter's glasses almost fell off, and he felt extremely depressed.

This is the leading western restaurant in Japan. What does it mean if you come here to eat Chinese food...

But since it is the highest-end restaurant, of course it cannot disappoint customers. Although it cannot be done in its own restaurant, I happened to remember that there seems to be a Chinese restaurant on the street next door, which can be used in emergencies...

So the waiter once again showed his high quality and went to the kitchen to prepare the food after answering.

But at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded from the next table...

"Hmph, vulgar!"

A thin man with a mustache and slicked-back hair sat there in a serious manner, pushing up his glasses: "In such a high-end place, there are actually country people coming to disturb my enjoyment of dining. If you don't understand, Just go to the place where you should go to eat, don't be embarrassed here..." After that, the thin man said to the waiter on the other side: "Waiter, have a steak, medium rare, thank you."

The waiter was about to agree, but a big hand suddenly stretched out from behind and pulled him away. Suok sat down opposite the man, half-smiling but not smiling: "Are you familiar?"

"You're so rude!"

The skinny man snorted coldly: "Please go back to your seat, country people are not welcome here!"

"Oh, Scoy!"

Suok shrugged his shoulders and said fearful words without sincerity in a demonic tone: "Since the respected Lord Tianlong wants to eat more noble food, then I have to offer a piece of 'Heavenly Gold' as a reward. It's all about your will..." After saying that, Suoke's eyes suddenly changed, he stretched out his hand to tear open the rift in space, grabbed a cow from the other end of the earth, and then took it out to dry in the sun under the eyes of countless stunned diners. After making a circle, he brought it back and put it on the person's table.


Suok stretched out his hand to hold down the panicked cow, and shouted sternly at the skinny man: "You want it cooked! If you don't finish eating today, I will stab you to death!" There was a murderous aura around him, and the terror from the underworld , as if everyone’s soul has been frozen!

The man was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

But he didn't move, and the cow being held down by Suok felt uncomfortable. Her four hooves kept kicking, and she kicked him in the face, causing six of her front teeth to fly out.

Seeing this, Suoke's anger was almost gone, and he stuffed the cows back to the pasture in Australia, Earth.

After the meal, Sock and Penguin returned to the hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Suoke saw two children arguing in the lobby. Their faces were red and their ears were red. The argument was quite fierce.

Originally, Suok wouldn't even look at such a thing, but soon, the topic of the two children's argument reached Suok's ears, and he immediately changed his mind and prepared to take a good look at the excitement...

Because what these two little brats were arguing about was who was more powerful, Pharaoh or Datsu, in the Yu-Gi-Oh comics!

"Needless to say! Of course the Pharaoh is very powerful, he knows how to print cards and also speaks nonsense!"

"Bah! Dazi is the best. He can also print cards, and the cards he prints are so shameless. There is no way the Pharaoh can win! Dazi is the strongest!"

"Didn't Dazi still lose?"

"The Pharaoh and President Kaiba are fighting two against one. Even if they win, it won't be honorable. They're just bullying the few!"

"Hmph! Even if we fight each other, we still can't win!"

Suoke listened for a long time, and finally saw that the two children were about to start a fight, so he quickly went over to break up the fight.



One of the two little brats received a punch from Suok on the head. They covered their heads and sat on the ground in confusion, looking at Suok with a fearful look on his face.

"Okay, what's the fuss about!?"

Suok slapped his chest and roared angrily: "I am the evil god of the underworld who is the most awesome! I will tear each of those two shameless seals apart. If you make me angry again, I will tear them all to pieces. elephant!"

The two children finally stopped quarreling, cried "Wow" and turned to go home to find their mother.

In this way, Sok's eight-day and seven-night family trip came to an end quickly.

The school trip to Duel Academy also ended successfully on the same day.

On the cruise ship, the students excitedly showed off to each other what rare cards they had exchanged from other duelists, or the photos they had taken with certain famous attractions. The atmosphere was lively and fiery.

Among them, Kagurazaka, who challenged Kaiba and was beaten to a pulp, attracted the most attention.

Because he resembles Muto Yugi, Kaiba Seto, who never meets duelists, made an exception and accepted Kagurazaka's challenge.

That day, the Haima Paradise was full of people.

Kagurazaka showed a duel level and luck far beyond normal, but ultimately lost to Seto Kaiba.

After all, the shadow is just a shadow, and after all, it cannot compete with the king's old enemy.

But even so, Kagurazaka has become completely popular, not only within the Duel Academy, but after the duel video was wildly reposted and spread on the Internet, even the whole world knew that there was such a powerful duelist in the world!

As a student, it was quite remarkable to be able to put Kaiba into a tough fight for once.

As the saying goes, defeat is still glorious.

Under the setting sun, the cruise ship returned to Duel Academy.

The students dragged their tired bodies back to their dormitories to wash away the fatigue caused by the crazy fun in the past few days, and then fell asleep peacefully.

But a new storm has quietly begun to set off...

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