Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 373 I don’t admit that this turkey is the real sun god!

"My turn then!"

France drew a card from the duel plate and shouted: "Draw a card!"

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew from the ground, blowing up France's windbreaker. The surrounding trees swayed, and the students fell to the ground unsteadily!

Damn it?

Suoke, who was watching from the side, subconsciously blurted out: "Pretend to be like the wind and always accompany me?"

The little penguin on the shoulder opened his eyes and waved his arms and said: "No, dear, this guy just had a seizure..."


The corner of Sok's mouth twitched.

This joke is not funny at all...


Kagurazaka's eyes became slightly serious: "You seem to have drawn a very special card, France."

France glanced at the card drawn in his hand, with an arrogant and confident smile on his lips, raised his head and said to Kagurazaka: "Are you afraid of a kid who only knows how to imitate but has no soul of his own?"

Kagurazaka was not moved by his words at all and said calmly: "I'm not afraid. Start your turn quickly, France."

"Hey, the brat can't get in..."

After Frances frowned, he reached out and took out a card from his hand and slapped it on the duel plate: "Let me use the majesty of God to tell you how weak a deck without its own duelist's soul is! Attack means Summon the 'Messenger of the Sun God'! Depending on his effect, I can add the other two 'Messengers of the Sun God' in the deck to my hand!"

[Messenger of the Sun God, 4 stars, light attribute, attack: 1100, defense: 1600, effect: When this card is summoned successfully, add 2 "Apostles of the Sun God" from the deck to your hand. 】

"Messenger of the Sun God?"

Kagurazaka was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "As expected... Is the one I just drew the 'Winged Dragon of the Sun God'..."

"Hahaha, your intuition is very keen..."

Frances smiled grimly and inserted a card from his hand into the duel plate: "Next, there is the ritual of calling the gods. Be prepared to be burned by the gods! I activate the magic card 'Trap Propeller' from my hand. '! The effect of this card is that by discarding a card in my hand, I can activate the trap card directly from my hand! And the trap card I chose is - the permanent trap 'The Price of Blood' is activated!"

[The Price of Blood, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: You can pay 500 basic points to normally summon 1 monster. This effect can only be activated during the main phase of your own turn and the combat phase of the opponent's turn. 】

France's pupils shrank slightly and he said with a ferocious smile: "The effect of this card is that every time I pay 500 health points, I can get an additional chance to normal summon..."

Kagurazaka's eyes widened: "Do you think you are going to do it in the first round...!"

"That's right!"

France laughed wildly and summoned all the remaining two "Messengers of the Sun God" from his hand: "I pay 1,500 points of life and get three additional normal summoning opportunities!"


"I dedicate the three-body 'Messenger of the Sun God' as a sacrifice to you, come...!!!"

"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!!!"

The sky was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, and there was lightning and thunder in an instant, and even the heaven and earth seemed to be swallowed up!

In the dark clouds, a golden sphere that shimmered with dazzling light and was as hot as the sun slowly fell down.

That is the initial form of the Sun God!

Seeing this scene, Kagurazaka suddenly remembered the note that Sok had forced on him before the duel. He quickly took it out from his arms, pressed the notes on it and began to recite the priestly language of the ancient Egyptian manipulator god!

The ancient mantra passed through the thick "shell" and reached the ears of the Sun God.

At that moment, God emerged from his cocoon and spread his wings!


How could this guy pronounce this! ?

"Just try to be clever with me!"

France was horrified and roared: "I won't let you succeed!!!" Without any time to think, France took out a tape recorder from behind as quickly as possible and started playing the same words that Kagurazaka said. The mantra!


Sok next to him recognized Malik's voice at the first sound.

No wonder this guy has the confidence to control the Sun God. He is so well prepared. He even has the recording of the top eight in the Duel City.

The sun god in the sky was halfway through breaking out of his shell when he suddenly stopped.

It seemed a little confused, not knowing which way to fly.

Now both sides know how to incantate, and depending on who can recite it quickly, God will obey whose order.

But I struggled to read Kagurazaka for the first time, and it wasn’t as fast as Malik’s reading on the tape recorder!

The students watching nearby complained in their hearts.

What the hell is this a duel?

Why is it like a tongue twister contest?

Although at present, Kagurazaka is no longer comparable to Malik's recording, France himself has not been idle and started to use trash talk to launch verbal attacks on Kagurazaka to ensure that the other party completely loses all competition. Possibility of manipulating God: "It really scared me. I didn't expect you kid to actually copy the pronunciation of the mantra on the paper. Unfortunately, I am more skilled. You are no match for me in terms of opportunism! Hahaha!" !!”

Soon, the recording finished playing.

The complete body of the Sun God finally appeared, and finally landed on France's field!

Winged Dragon of the Sun God, 10 stars, divine attributes, attack: 3300, defense: 4800

Although it is only a replica, the earth-shaking sense of majesty and the majesty that only God can exude cannot be underestimated by anyone!

Suddenly, a solemn BGM sounded.

Everything is a foregone conclusion, and there is no point in reciting the mantra anymore.

Kagurazaka's tone faltered, and she was about to stop at that moment.

But at this moment, Suoke suddenly shouted: "Keep reading, Kagurazaka! This god is fake, there is no need to be afraid of it!"

France said angrily: "This card is also a card made by Pegasus. It is essentially no different from the real card of God! Gods will not be fooled by mortals!!!"

"What do you know??"

Sock sneered and mocked: "When the real God comes, the BGM of 'God's Coming' should be played, followed closely by the 'Wrath of God' BGM. The BGM of your fake god's appearance is not even up to par." , you still dare to claim to be genuine?”

"Stop making fun of me!"

Suok waved his hand suddenly and shouted loudly: "Without the 'Wrath of God', I would not admit that this turkey is the real Sun God!!!"

For a moment, France was shocked by Sok's soaring courage and could not move.

Kagurazaka was also infected by Sok's spirit and finished the remaining spell in the loudest voice.

At this time

A miracle happened...

The Winged Divine Dragon that originally bowed down on France's field actually fluttered its wings, moved its camp and came to Kagurazaka's field, making a deafening cry full of murderous intent!

Including Kagurazaka, all the students around were shocked!

This is okay too! ?

This duel is becoming increasingly incomprehensible!

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