Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 375 The Broken Divine Sword flashes

But at this most critical moment, time seems to have stopped.

The world also became quiet.

"I am waiting……"

France was stunned: "What?"

"I'm waiting for this moment!"

Kagurazaka suddenly opened her eyes wide, and drew an arc with her right hand like a king wielding a sword: "The permanent trap 'Dimensional Sphinx' is activated!"

[Dimensional Sphinx, continuous trap card, effect: Activate by targeting 1 face-up attack position monster on your field. When the target monster is attacked by an opponent's monster with more than twice its attack power, it inflicts damage equal to the difference in attack power of the two opponent monsters, and this card is destroyed when the target monster leaves the field. 】

"Are you crazy!?"

France roared angrily: "Trap cards are ineffective against gods!"

"Not to God, my goal has always been you, France!"

Behind Kagurazaka, a sphinx stone statue glowing with purple fluorescence slowly rose up. Its power enough to counter the gods has been conveyed to the 'Rock Banbing': "When the difference in the attack power of the fighting monsters between the two sides is two times, If the above is the case, I will give you the difference in health damage! All attacks will be returned to you intact. It is you who deserve to be punished by God! Accept the sanction!!!"

Rock soldiers, attack: 800

Winged Dragon of the Sun God, Attack: 5799


France's eyes were splitting, and he was inexplicably horrified: "My life value is only 1. If this attack is successful, then I will die with that kid immediately... No! He still has two cover cards, maybe they are covered with ' Cards like 'Bringer of Peace' will protect him from harm..."

"No! I can't sit still and wait for death!!!"

Thinking of this, France did not hesitate to insert the last card in his hand into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "Activate the quick-attack magic 'Fusion Release'! I want to separate God and I into two bodies again, so you If the selected target disappears, the attack will be useless!"

[Fusion release, quick attack magic card, effect: It can only be activated by targeting 1 fusion monster on the field. That Fusion Monster returns to the owner's Extra Deck. After that, if a group of Fusion Material Monsters used in the Fusion Summoning of the monster returned to the Extra Deck are gathered in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon that group on your field. 】

As the space distorted, France's body turned into purple smoke and returned to the ground.

The Sun God, who had lost all his strength, fell heavily and let out a feeble cry.

France, LP: 1→5800

Winged Dragon of the Sun God, Attack: 5799→0

Since Malick had done this in the first film, no one at the scene raised any questions.

Instead, there were endless exclamations, shocked that France could survive in such a desperate situation!

"Huh...it's really dangerous..."

France spent the rest of his life, gritting his teeth and angrily yelling at Kagurazaka: "I was almost plotted by you, a fake, brat. When my next turn comes, I want you to know that you pissed me off. What an irrational thing it is..."

"You have no next turn, France."

Kagurazaka reached out and pressed the start button of another magic trap area on the duel plate, and said coldly: "God's combo is still going on, chain trap two - 'Dimensional Mirage' is activated! When the opponent launches an attack during the battle phase , if the attacked monster is not destroyed, then the attacking monster must attack again!"

[Dimensional Mirage, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: Activate by targeting 1 monster in attack position on the opponent's field. If the attack position monster on your field is not destroyed by the battle of the target monster, the target monster is forced to attack again, and this card is destroyed when the target monster leaves the field]


France panicked: "Wait a minute! Gods will not be affected by traps. Your traps are ineffective against gods..."

"In a duel, no matter how powerful a god is, he still needs someone to control him..."

Kagurazaka interrupted France's struggle mercilessly and shouted: "Franc! It's you who issued the attack command, not God! So the 'Winged Dragon of the Sun God' must continue to attack the 'Rock's Banbing' Launch an attack! And this time... the balance of power between the two sides has been completely overturned!!!"

Winged Dragon of the Sun God, Attack: 0

Rock soldiers, attack: 800

Seeing the extremely weak Sun God on the ground raising his head and trying to launch an attack, France almost collapsed: "No... this is impossible... this is impossible!!!"

The weak golden flame spurted out again.

But the brave and fearless warrior holds his head high, has no fear, and is an enemy of God!

"Take the move!"

Kagurazaka's courage reached its peak in an instant: "The counterattack of the 'Rock Banbing' - a flash of the Shattered Divine Sword!!!"

There was a "crack" sound.

The rock soldiers broke through the sun god's flame armor and chopped off the god's head with one sword!

France, LP: 5800→5000

Deathly silence all around!

Everyone couldn't believe that a miscellaneous fish with only 800 attack power actually killed a god! ?

When the silence stretched to the extreme, at a certain point, earth-shattering cheers and applause finally broke out!

"Well done! Great, Kagurazaka!"

"For a moment, I actually thought you were more handsome than Mr. Muto Yugi! That's amazing, Kagurazaka!"

"Ah! Kagura-senpai, please date me!!!"

"Pharaoh! Pharaoh! Pharaoh!" (Dadeji Temple: Haha!)

So exciting!


They never thought that a student from the Duel Academy could actually show such miraculous dueling skills and chains!

At this time, France was finally afraid!

I originally thought that if I controlled God, I would be able to fight through obstacles without fear, but now just a little devil beat me to the point where I have no power to fight back!

This guy……

How terrifyingly powerful is he?


France bit his lip hard and managed to wake up: "I still have up to 5,000 health points. He will definitely not be able to defeat me in one round! As long as he can still draw cards, I will do it again in the next round. There is a chance...I still have a chance!"

Thinking of this, France shouted loudly towards Kagurazaka: "My turn is over! You are welcome to let me go! In my next turn, I will definitely call God to punish you again! Definitely!!!" "

"I already said, you don't have another turn..."

Kagurazaka reached out and pulled out a card from the top of the deck, and opened the last cover card: "As expected...how can I miss you in the final blow, Mahat...Trap card 'Magician's Guide Formation' Activate! Come out, my most loyal servant - the black magician, the black magic girl!!!"

[Magician's Guide Array, Trap Card, Effect: Special Summon 1 "Black Magician" from your hand. After that, special summon 1 dark attribute monster from the magician type with level 7 or lower from the deck. ②: If there is a "Black Magician" on your field, you can banish this card from the graveyard and activate it by targeting 1 face-up magic or trap card on your opponent's field. The effect of that card is invalid until the end of the turn. This effect cannot be activated during the round when this card is sent to the graveyard. 】

After traveling through thousands of years, the supreme magician who vowed to protect the king to the death has arrived!

Black Magician, Attack: 2500

Dark Magician Girl, Attack: 2000

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