Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 393: Fallen, cute to death Takado

"Thump thump thump! thump thump, thump thump thump, thump thump thump!"

The execution song of the Great Evil God sounded at the right time.

The radio next to the little penguin has also been missing for a long time!

"My soul, become my indestructible blade, and convey the power of cutting everything to the elf swordsman!"

Sok threw all the cards in his hand into the graveyard. His eyes gradually turned into two colors, one black and one white. His clothes stood up without wind. The chaotic aura exploded instantly. The power of the Great Evil God of Chaos was fully displayed at this moment: " Are you ready to be cut to pieces by a thousand cuts, Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God? Next...it will be me, the Great Evil God of Chaos, who will give you the death penalty. You must...enjoy it, hahaha..."

"Activate the Soul of the Berserker, select the 'elven swordsman who overturns the enemy' as the target, and draw a card!"

Sok used all his strength to flip over the top card of the deck and show it: "Lion Wizard, monster card, additional attack!"

The 'Elven Swordsman who tormented the enemy' immediately turned cold, rushed to the twelve-dimensional fusion god, and stabbed his heart with a knife!


The twelve-dimensional fusion god screamed, his body floating in the air swaying as if he was about to fall at any moment.

But it’s not over yet!

"Continue drawing cards! The second Lion Wizard, additional attack!"


"Continue drawing cards! The third Lion Wizard, additional attack!"


"Continue drawing cards! It's the Lion Wizard again, and the attack continues!"

The Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God's skin and flesh were torn apart with each slash. The 'troublesome Elf Swordsman' had already slashed the Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God a dozen times, and the opponent's health had long since returned to zero.

But Sok had no intention of stopping, he kept drawing cards, and kept drawing monster cards!

"Degenerate, cute card!" (Draw a card, a monster card!)

"Depraved, kado is so adorable!"

"Depraved, kado is so adorable!"

"Degenerate... eh? Oliha Gangtianshendang? No matter! I said it is a cute card, it is a card that is cute!!!"

The screams above the duel field never stopped.

Not only the Chaos Phantom Demon, but also Yubel and Yujo Judai were awakened by the screams of the twelve-dimensional fusion god.

Seeing the morbid and crazy murderous intent on Suoke's face and the 12-dimensional fusion god who was chopped into more than a dozen pieces and was still being whipped, he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to express his anger. The three of them huddled together to keep warm, shivering. .

Completely opposite to Hibiki Momiji’s philosophy!

They never thought that a duel could be so bloody and terrifying that it would make people tremble deep in their souls.

I believe they will never forget this terrible nightmare.

Finally, when the last card in the deck was drawn, the already red and hot "Berserker Soul" finally burned completely, and the duel disk in Sok's hand immediately collapsed and was completely scrapped.

This made Sock feel that there was something wrong with it.

I was originally planning to add two to three hundred cards to the duel plate and kill him for two or three hours to relieve his anger.

Damn, how dare you cheat in a duel with me!

Don’t you know that I hate cheaters the most? Anyone who dares to make me angry will end up like this!

The virtual illusion disappears.

The 'elf swordsman who tormented the enemy' looked back at Sok one last time and disappeared.

Sok curiously turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and asked: "Hey, madam, what does he mean by looking at me?"

The little penguin dragged his chin and thought for a while, then said with some uncertainty: "He seems to be saying... I am a cannon fodder swordsman, too."

"that's true!"

Suok clicked his tongue and said: "A level 4 cannon fodder swordsman slashed a level 13 fusion god with more than thirty swords to save the world. What an inspiring story!"

The twelfth-dimensional fusion god failed to succeed and was hacked to death by soldiers with an attack power of 1400.

It was very frustrating to die.

But it's not over yet.

This guy was originally just a puppet controlled by Oliha Gangyuan Shen. Not counting a duel, I could beat him to death with my fists.

But what we have to face next...

He is his last enemy in this world!

Tsk, martyr...

It was originally just a fake card produced by ZZ Youth Hall to restrain the Oriha Gang deck in the real world, but in this world, it seems destined that Martyr and Oriha Gang have become old enemies.



Suok inadvertently glanced at his feet, where Yujo Judai, Yubel and the Chaos Phantom were nestled together, looking at him tremblingly.

Oh, now is the time...

Suoke floated to the ground, changed back to his human appearance, and walked up to the three of them.

Glancing at the Chaos Phantom, Suoke whispered in a cold voice: "Get out."

As if he had been granted amnesty, the chaos phantom rolled and crawled away and disappeared, leaving Judai and Yubel huddled together to keep each other warm and dependent on each other.

Stretching out his right hand, Sok's palm was aimed at the top of Yubel's head: "If you have any last words, tell me."

Yubel was desperate. After seeing Sok's cruelty and terrifying strength, she had no intention of resisting at all. She just closed her eyes and said nothing.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Sok!"

Yujo Judai suddenly woke up and saw the hell flames igniting in Sok's palm. He quickly stood in front of Yubel: "I...I know you don't like me, but this is a lifetime request! Please let it go. Yubel! As a substitute, it doesn’t matter even if you kill me!”


Sok looked at Judai with a half-smile: "You would actually plead for this monster that controls your body?"

"It's not a monster! It's Yubel!"

Judai firmly rejected it, and then his eyes became a little complicated: "During the time when I became the Overlord, I have remembered everything... whether it was things from childhood or earlier... even once, I want to be able to protect her, Just once!"

Yubel was stunned: "Judai..."

"is that so?"

There was still no emotion on Suoke's face: "But her body has been crushed by Exodia's undead. If there is no support, she will disappear from this world soon. Even if I let her go, she will He won’t survive more than a week.”


Judai turned his head and looked into Yubel's eyes in shock: "How could..."

"Huh, actually it's not impossible..."

Suok changed the topic and suddenly said: "If you use super fusion to fuse her soul into your body as a fusion material, then she will not have to die. However, this time because of her ambition, the twelve dimensions have suffered huge losses. Trauma, can you promise to restrain her from causing trouble again?"

Judai nodded quickly: "I can..."

"It's okay."

Suoke snorted coldly and retracted his right hand: "You have to remember, even for Muto Yugi, I never gave him face, but this time is an exception. I reluctantly agreed to let her go."

Judai's eyes lit up: "Really!? Thank you, Mr. Sok!"

"Of course it's fake."

Sok immediately turned his back and slapped Yubel's soul into pieces with his backhand.

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