A few days later.

Kaiba Paradise, the World Duel Invitational Tournament.

The wide competition venue is the size of a football field.

The audience is packed with people, and many fanatical fans have even held up banners and shouted the names of their idols.

Yusuke Judai came to the lounge with a backpack.

At this moment, all the participants of this invitational tournament have gathered in the lounge.

Yusuke Judai's appearance also attracted the attention of others in the lounge.

"Is this one of the two remaining duelists that the organizers haven't announced?"

"Humph, I thought he was some expert, but turns out he's just an ordinary kid?"

"Yujo Judai......Duel rating is only one star? What a joke."

Yucheng Judai's appearance immediately caused other duelists in the lounge to discuss in low voices.

Many duelists cast curious glances at Yucheng Judai.

They seemed to be wondering how this boy with only one star duelist rating was invited by Becas to participate in such a world-class event.

"Yujo Judai......"

On the lounge chair, Ed, wearing a silver-gray suit, sipped his tea while looking at Yujo Judai.

The inexplicable words that the King Sai said to him a week ago still made Ed very concerned. He was very curious about what was so special about this young man.

"It seems that these guys' eyes are not very friendly."

Yubel's voice sounded in Judai's ears.

It is not difficult to see that the duelists gathered here looked at Yuki Judai with some unfriendly eyes.

"Um......Besides, there are a total of 16 people in the invitational tournament, and there are only 15 duelists here, including me."

Yu Cheng Judai glanced at everyone in the room,"And, these people have appeared on the list before."

"In other words, there is another contestant whose identity has not been made public yet."

Yubel obviously noticed this as well.

As he was thinking, the TV screen in the lounge suddenly flickered and lit up.

Becas's face emerged from the TV and appeared in front of everyone.

"Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in the invitational tournament held by our company."

"I guess everyone except the last duelist has arrived by now, right?"

Bekas asked with a smile on his face.

"They are indeed here, but what do you mean, Becas?"

At this time, a blond man with a somewhat unfriendly expression walked in front of the screen and pointed at Yuki Judai behind him without any hesitation.

"That kid’s duel rating is only one star, right?"

"We are basically the top 20 duelists in the world. What do you mean by arranging a guy with a one-star rating here?"The blond man's words also made the other duelists in the room nod in agreement.

A duelist with a one-star rating.

This is almost the same as a beginner.

Such a person can actually compete with them on the same stage? Isn't this too much of an underestimation of the world's top duelists?

"Oh? You are the ninth-ranked player in the world duel points, Frog Johnny, right?"

Becas still had a faint smile on his face.

"That's right." Frog had a proud look on his face. He was ranked ninth in the world duel points. This title alone was enough to show how powerful he was.

"Hehe, but duel points don't really have any real effect on duelists."

Who knew that Becas changed the subject ?

"Even the Duel King Muto Yugi didn't even make it into the top 10,000 in the world duel points ranking."

"Does Johnny Boy think that the Duel King is a weakling?"

""What!" Frog's expression changed, and he wanted to refute something, but he couldn't say it in the end.

Indeed, the world duel points are ranked according to the professional duelists' wins in the professional duel world.

However, the legend of the duel world, the duel king Muto Yugi, has never set foot in the professional duel world.

This is why there is no Muto Yugi on the world duel points list.

But as Becas said, does the absence of a name on the list really mean that this person is not strong enough?

"But, but, is this little brat worthy of being compared with the Duel King?......"

Frog gritted his teeth and asked back

"This is hard to say......."

With a calm expression, Bekas said something that made the entire lounge explode.

Not to mention the others.

Even Yuki Judai was a little stunned.

Isn't this bragging a bit too much? Is

Bekas trying to attract hatred for himself?

Just as Yuki Judai thought.

The other duelists looked at Yuki Judai with some hostility.

Bekas, the father of Duel Monsters, actually said that this duelist with a one-star rating in front of him has the strength that can be compared with the Duel King.

Isn't this evaluation too much?

You know, that was what the father of Duel Monsters said. If this gets out

, even if the boy in front of him is just a waste who doesn't know how to duel, it will definitely have a sensational impact in the duel world!


"I actually received such an evaluation from Mr. Beckas."

"It seems that this guy named Yujo Judai might really be as Saiou said.......It should not be underestimated."

Ed took a sip of tea and looked at Yujo Judai with increasing interest.

"Now that everyone knows each other"

"Then, let's start the grouping of the competition."

Seeing that everyone's emotions have been aroused,

Bekas smiled and snapped his fingers.

Everyone's duel disks immediately vibrated, and their duel matches and opponents appeared.

Yucheng Judai also took out the duel disk from his backpack.

His match was the first one after the opening ceremony.

And the opponent...

Yujo Judai frowned slightly.

He looked up, only to find Frog staring at him with a cold face.

Is this the guy he will face in the first round?......

Frog Johnny.

A duelist using the powerful mainstream deck of this era, Frog Cannon!............

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