Yu-Gi-Oh: Jaden, Do You Call This A Hero?

Chapter 83 Judai, Are You Serious?

Masaaki Miyashita did not continue to stay.

After saying goodbye to Jaden Yuki, he left the hotel and rode his motorcycle away.

Sitting on the chair in the room, Jaden Yuki crossed his legs and propped the back of his head with his hands.

Thinking back to the woman Miyashita Masaaki.

Jaden Yuki always felt that he felt a strange sense of déjà vu on her.

"Judai, it seems that you are very interested in that woman."

Yubel's figure appeared beside Jaden Yuki.

She folded her arms and looked at Jaden Yuki.

The words were still as full of yin and yang as before.

Jaden Yuki pouted and ignored her.

"There are still three days until the next game, have you thought about what to prepare?"

Seeing that Jaden Yuki ignored him, Yubel was not annoyed either.

After all, she already knows the character of Jaden Yuki very well.

Know when to say the best words.

"get ready……………"

Jaden Yuki glanced at the current time.

Thirteen fifteen in the afternoon.

I still have a lot of time to squander.

Usually when there is no game.

Jaden Yuki had nothing to do, so he played games in the room to pass the time.

After all, Haima Company started as a game company.

In the hotels they arranged for the duelists, they collected all kinds of games, which were absolutely rich in variety.


Although Jaden Yuki has a temperament beyond his age.

But in fact, because deep down in my heart, I'm still a bit of a nerd.

to him.

Just give food and drink to the network.

Let Jaden Yuki live in this room full of video games for a year, and he won't get tired of it.

"Playing games?"

Turning on the game console, and handing one of the controllers to Yubel, Yujo Hiyo said with a smile.


Looking at the dim golden light shining in Jaden Yuki's pupils.

And feel the materialization of your own body.

Yubel fell silent.

How could she not know.

Jaden Yuki in order to let himself play games with him.

Also deliberately used the power of the Overlord.

"You really know how to use your power in incredible places."

After taking the game controller, Yubel couldn't help complaining.

"When it's time to relax, you have to relax, you have to play well in duels, and you have to play other games well, so it can be called a game.

Jaden Yuki sat cross-legged on the ground and chose a game.

"This game is still very simple, even a beginner like you can get started quickly."

Jaden Yuki looked at the screen that appeared on the screen, adjusting the difficulty of the game.

"You guy, are you serious..."

Yubel looked at the gamepad in his Dragon Claw.

I always feel that this fragile thing will be crushed into pieces as long as I exert a little force.


It is indeed the first time she has come into contact with these things.

She can be said to know nothing about these strange buttons.

"Come and try it, it's very simple, and you can get started quickly"||. " Jaden Yuki patted the seat next to him and motioned Yubel to sit down.

Yubel frowned, although he was a bit reluctant, but he still couldn't hold back Jaden Yuki.

Sit down next to Jaden Yuki.

The screen starts to enter the loading page.

As the game begins.

Jaden Yuki also began to teach Yubel some basic operations.

Although it is the first time to come into contact with this kind of thing.

But I have to say that the adaptability of elves is far beyond human imagination.

Yubel's progress is even faster than ten generations imagined.

"It's amazing Yubel, I didn't get it."

Jaden Yuki smiled and wiped his nose, "Then I have to work hard, otherwise I'm afraid I can't even compare to you, a novice."

He squinted at the boy beside him who was addicted to the game.

The corner of Yubel's mouth raised unconsciously.

Do not know why.

The smile on Judai's face at this time reminded her of the little prince she guarded thousands of years ago.

same appearance.

same smile.

Yubel has long forgotten why he made up his mind to accept those inhuman transformations to protect the boy in front of him.

but now.

Look at the smile on Jaden Yuki's face.

Deep in Yubel's heart, it seems that the answer of the year has emerged.

"Ten generations... Maybe, you can smile more."

"Huh? Why did you suddenly say such inexplicable words?"

...... Hmph, just casually speaking. "

Yubel closed his eyes and chuckled three times.

She didn't know why she said such a thing.

Really, it's kind of inexplicable.


When I was having fun playing a two-person game.

The cell phone on Jaden Yuki's waist rang untimely at this time.

After pausing the game, Jaden Yuki turned on the phone.

When seeing the caller, Jaden Yuki raised his eyebrows.


"Tenth generation boy, congratulations for winning the championship in C area and stepping into the final semi-finals.

On the other end of the phone, Bekas's haunting voice rang in Jaden Yuki's ear.

Hearing this voice, Jaden Yuki knew that he was alive.

"Mr. Bekas's news is really not well-informed."

"It's already the third day, did Mr. Bekas just come to congratulate me?"

Jaden Yuki propped his face and couldn't help complaining.

"Hehe... Judai boy is not someone who cares about such small things, right?"

"Besides, the performance of the tenth generation boy has already caused a sensation in the entire dueling world."

"This is indeed something unexpected."

Bekas stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and glanced at the video of the duel being played on the computer behind him.

"Being able to break through that blockade, tenth generation boy, your strength is getting stronger and stronger."

"Mr. Bekas should stop talking about this kind of unnecessary praise..." Jaden Yuki interrupted Bekas, "What's the matter?"

"Hmm... The Dark Duelist appears."

On the other end of the phone, Bekas' heavy voice appeared.

Dark Duelist?

Jaden Yuki's eyes froze.


into the night.

New York street corner.

Jaden Yuki, wearing a duel disk, sat on a park bench and yawned.

"Is there any mistake, in the middle of the night, would anyone really come to this kind of place?" Jaden Yuki looked around with a dim golden light in his pupils.

Because it was late at night, the surroundings of the park were quiet.

Don't say anything about the so-called dark duelists.

Not even a cat or a dog can be seen.

"It seems that not all the information is accurate."

Yubel floated aside, crossed his arms and said.

"Well, just wait another ten minutes."

Jaden Yuki glanced at his watch, "And that dark duelist is just a petty criminal, he seems to be wanted for burglary, right?"

"Are criminals starting Dark Duelists these days?"

"This volume is too powerful."

Jaden Yuki smacked her lips, complaining in her heart.

However, the dueling world is indeed so outrageous.

People who have the power of elves, if they go astray, they will fall into darkness.

It will indeed cause great problems to the security of the society.

And this kind of person is very common in the GX world...

"." Curry Curry!"

Just when Jaden Yuki couldn't wait any longer.

The sound of the winged chestnut ball suddenly rang in Jaden Yuki's ears.

"What's wrong?"

Jaden Yuki saw the winged chestnut ball appearing beside him, and seemed to let himself keep up with it.

"This little hairball seems to have found something."

Yubel snorted and looked at Jaden Yuki, "Follow up and have a look."

Jaden Yuki got up and caught up with Yuzuba.

The chestnut ball with wings flew towards the depths of the park, and the white light on its body illuminated the surrounding scenery in the dark night.


Suddenly, a scream sounded in the darkness.

Jaden Yuki and Yubel looked at each other, and immediately followed the feathered chestnut ball and rushed over.

"Kuri Curry!"

The feathered chestnut ball stopped, pointing forward and shouting.

But in the alley ahead.

A figure with its back to Jaden Yuki was standing in the darkness.

At his feet, lay a person quietly.

The duel cards were scattered on the ground, exuding a faint dark aura.

"That's the Dark Duelist?" Yubel looked at the man who fell on the ground, "It seems that this man has already solved it in advance."

"Who is he, and does he have the same goals as us?"

Jaden Yuki shook his head and did not answer Yubel's question.

Although I don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend.

But from this person, Jaden Yuki felt a trace of familiarity.

Seems to have noticed Jaden Yuki.

The man turned his face slightly, but all he could see was a mask in the dark who got the money.

"Jaden Yuki..."

He immediately turned around and unfolded the dueling disk on his arm.

Seeing the opponent unfold the duel plate, Jaden Yuki will naturally not be timid to fight.

But as the duel disk unfolded, a name appeared in Jaden Yuki's mind.

Ed Phoenix.

This body shape.

In the darkness, this familiar silhouette is somewhat similar to [Elemental Hero - Phoenix Man].

"Then it's such a coincidence... Did you actually have a duel with Ed in advance?"

Muttering in a low voice, Jaden Yuki looked at the black figure in front of him.

"Do you want a duel?"

Sombra didn't respond.

He seemed to be thinking about whether he wanted to fight the boy in red in front of him.

Just then, a siren sounded in the distance.

Hearing the siren, the black figure immediately turned and left, disappearing into the darkness.

".....…have they gone?"

Looking at Ed who disappeared into the dark alley.

Jaden Yuki murmured in a low voice, showing a disappointed expression.

"Unfortunately, I thought I could get the hero of destiny today..."

"It turned out to be a good thing. Bekas's commission was not completed, and the hero of fate who was supposed to fly away..."

Put away the dueling disk.

Jaden Yuki left the park quickly before the outsiders arrived. .

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