"Then it's settled later."

"I'm really looking forward to that day."

Asuka Tenjouin gave Chen Luo a shy and coquettish look, opened her red lips slightly, and said in a tone that seemed to be resentful and coquettish:

"Chen Luo, you are a pervert."

Chen Luo: "Yes."

Asuka Tenjouin: "???"

Are you not pretending at all? !

Not only did he not pretend, Chen Luo also said as a matter of course:

"Isn't it normal to have a dirty mind towards your girlfriend?"

Asuka Tenjouin didn't know how to refute for a while.

She could only say hesitantly:

"What you said seems to make sense."

After washing their hands, the two came to the living room.

It was only nine o'clock now, and it was still a long time before lunch.

So Chen Luo suggested:

"How about we watch TV together?"

Asuka Tenjouin nodded:

"Okay, okay, let's watch TV."

"Let's sit on the sofa and watch it."

The sofa in Chen Luo's living room was facing the TV.

Asuka Tenjouin sat on the sofa first, patted the seat next to her, and motioned Chen Luo to sit over.

After Chen Luo sat down, Asuka Tenjouin directly leaned her head on Chen Luo's shoulder.

Feeling the sense of security coming from Chen Luo.

Asuka Tenjouin's mouth was about to crack into a slit!

Cuddling with her boyfriend is happiness!

Chen Luo turned on the TV with the remote control and asked:

"Asuka, what TV show do you want to watch?".

Chapter 117 It should be the belt.

Faced with Chen Luo's inquiry, Asuka Tenjouin said casually:

"TV show? I don't care.".

"Chen Luo, watch whatever show you like, I'll watch it with you."

"It just so happens that I also want to know what show you like to watch."

Chen Luo usually likes funny shows and horror shows.

I like shows that are both scary and funny the most.

Not long after, Chen Luo found a funny horror movie and asked Asuka Tenjouin:

"Asuka, do you want to watch a funny horror movie?"

At this time, Asuka Tenjouin's attention was all focused on Chen Luo, and she didn't care about the program at all:

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Chen Luo watched the movie quietly.

Asuka Tenjouin really leaned on Chen Luo's shoulder, with her hands around Chen Luo's waist.

Squinting her eyes, don't mention how happy she was.

As for TV?

What is that? !

However, not long after, Chen Luo suddenly stretched and was about to stand up from the sofa.

Asuka Tenjouin hurriedly asked:

"Chen Luo, what's wrong? Don't you want to watch 18 movies?"

Chen Luo: "The movie is over, what else is there to watch."

Asuka Tenjouin looked at the TV.

At this time, the TV was playing the last cast of the movie.

Asuka Tenjouin wondered:

"Ah?! Is this movie so short?"

"It was over in just a short while?!"

Chen Luo said in surprise:

"This movie lasted two hours."

"It's already eleven o'clock now."

Asuka Tenjouin suddenly realized that she had been immersed in happiness and didn't realize the passage of time at all.

Two hours passed without her noticing.

Sure enough, time flies when you are with someone you like.

Since it's already noon.

It's time to make lunch.

Asuka Tenjouin stood up and walked to the kitchen:

"Chen Luo, I'm going to make lunch."

"You watch TV for a while."

Chen Luo: "I'll help you."

Asuka Tenjouin said with a smile:

"No, I can do it alone."

"For the two of us, three dishes are enough. I don't need you to help me."

"You, just take a rest."

"You must be very tired from fighting with Qixing during this period. You need to rest more."

Asuka Tenjouin stubbornly refused to let Chen Luo help.

Chen Luo had no choice but to stay in the living room and continue watching TV.

But not long after, Asuka Tenjouin came back strangely and said:

"Chen Luo, why are there so many fewer plates in the kitchen?"

"I remember that there were quite a lot of plates when I came to cook last time."

"This time, there are only seven or eight left."

Chen Luo: "..."

What else could be the reason for the decrease in plates?

Xiao Lan broke them!

But Chen Luo could only take the blame:

"I accidentally broke a few plates."

"Are there not enough plates left?"

Amanagain Asuka: "It should be enough."

"I just felt strange, so I came to ask you."

"Then I'll go back to cooking."

Amanagain Asuka returned to the kitchen.

But a few minutes later, she came back again!

This time, she was holding a spatula that was broken in half:

"Chen Luo, I can understand that you broke the plates."

"But how did the spatula break?"

However, this time Chen Luo also showed a surprised look.

He really didn't know that the spatula was broken.

After all, Chen Luo can't cook, and he has been to the kitchen only a few times, and he doesn't even look at the spatula.

But with a little reasoning, you can know who did the good deed.

There are only three permanent residents in the castle.

Chen Luo, the female vampire Camilla and Xiao Lan.

First of all, it must not be Chen Luo who did it, otherwise he would not be surprised.

Secondly, it was not Camilla.

Camilla, who turned into a rag doll, had difficulty moving, let alone breaking the spatula.

There is only one truth.

It could only be Xiao Lan who broke the spatula.

Chen Luo covered his head and complained in his heart:

My Xiao Lan, are you here to be my maid, or to tear down the house!

Even Huskies can't tear it down like you!

After calming down for a while, Chen Luo said:

"I accidentally broke the spatula."

"Will this hinder cooking?"

Asuka Tenjouin: "It will hinder a little, but it's not too critical. I'll use a spoon instead of a spatula."

"Then I'll go back to cook."

Until dinner, nothing else happened.

Asuka Tenjouin made three delicious dishes.

The two of them finished eating quickly.

In the afternoon, the two of them watched TV together again.

It was not until the evening that Asuka Tenjouin stood up from the sofa:

"Chen Luo, it's getting late, I have to say goodbye."

Chen Luo: "Then I'll take you there."

Asuka Tenjouin did not refuse, but she was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, she waved to Chen Luo:

"Chen Luo, come here."

Chen Luo: "Hmm?"

Asuka Tenjouin: "I want you to get closer to me."

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