It just so happens that there is a card that replenishes the clock counter in Ed's hand!

He took out a monster card and placed it on the duel disk:

"I want to normally summon."

"【Destiny Hero·Fear Servant】!"

The warrior wearing a brown cloak and using a cane as a weapon came to Ed's field.

"The effect of 【Destiny Hero·Fear Servant】 is activated!"

"When this card is successfully summoned, you can place 1 clock counter on 【Hell's Clock Tower】!"

However, at this moment, Chen Luo interrupted:

"Ed, you want the number of counters of 【Hell's Clock Tower】 to reach 4, and then summon 【Destiny Hero·Fear Man】, right?"

Ed frowned:

"You guessed it."

"After all, you are also using the Destiny Hero deck, so it is normal to guess this."

"But even though you guessed it, you can't stop it!"

"Because the counters of 【Hell's Clock Tower】 will reach 4 soon!"

Chen Luo smiled:

"No, I can stop it!"

"Watch out! I'm going to chain the effect of [Destiny Hero·Fear Servant] and activate the second effect of [Destiny Hero·Phoenix Destroyer]!"

"Choose a card on my field and a card on the field."

"Destroy these two cards!"

"Since the effect of the later chain takes effect first!"

"Therefore, the effect of [Destiny Hero·Phoenix Destroyer] will take effect first!"

"I choose [Destiny Hero·Phoenix Destroyer] on my field and [Hell's Clock Tower] on your field, and destroy these two cards!"

"And the number of counters of the destroyed [Hell's Clock Tower] is 3 at this time!"

· ·········Please give me flowers···· ····

"Therefore, it cannot summon [Destiny Hero·Fear Servant]!"

The [Hell's Clock Tower] on Ed's field collapsed!

The [Destiny Hero·Phoenix Destroyer] on Chen Luo's field turned into a phoenix shadow and flew into the graveyard.

Ed was shocked and said:

"Can the effect of [Destiny Hero·Destruction Phoenix Man] be activated during my turn?"

"That's too outrageous!"

"Damn it, Chen Luo!"

"You actually countered my tactics!"

In the audience, Wanzhangmu said:

"Although I don't know what attacks and effects the [Destiny Hero·Fear Man] summoned by [Hell's Clock Tower] has, it must be very powerful."

..... ..... ....

"Otherwise the summoning conditions would not be so harsh."

"But Chen Luo interrupted Ed's summoning first!"

"He is anticipating the enemy's moves."

"Ed must be furious."

Ed was angry for a long time before he slowly calmed down.

He let out a long breath and said:

"Chen Luo, you are really good at planning duel tactics."

"Originally, according to the negative effect of [Fusion Destiny], [Destiny Hero·Destruction Phoenix Man] would have been destroyed at the end of this turn."

"But you used the effect of [Destiny Hero·Destruction Phoenix Man] to destroy itself."

"This directly avoids the negative effect of [Fusion Destiny]!"

"What a tricky tactic."

However, Chen Luo said:

"Ed, your analysis is completely wrong."

"My tactics are above your analysis!"

"Listen carefully!"

"I will activate the third effect of [Destiny Hero·Destruction Phoenix Man]!"

"When this card is destroyed by battle or effect."

"You can select a Destiny Hero monster from the graveyard to special summon it during the preparation phase of the next turn!"

Ed thought about this sentence and suddenly said:

"Wait! Could it be that this effect can revive [Destiny Hero·Destruction Phoenix Man] itself?!"

Chen Luo smiled and nodded:

"Of course!" Chuan.

Chapter 146 Destiny Hero Doctrinaire!

Ed said in disbelief:

"This [Destiny Hero·Destroy Phoenix Man]'s effect is simply cheating!"

"Definitely cheating!!"

"It can also activate the effect to explode the card during the opponent's turn."

"And after being destroyed, it can be directly resurrected in the next turn."

"How can such a monster exist!"

"Unless it is some targeted card, it is impossible to deal with [Destiny Hero·Destroy Phoenix Man]!"

Chen Luo nodded: "Ed, you are right."

"The effect of [Destiny Hero·Destroy Phoenix Man] is indeed ridiculously strong."

"But this is my Destiny Hero deck!"

Chen Luo had an expression of "My deck is strong".

Ed was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

After a while, Ed said angrily to "Nine Zero Zero":

"Chen Luo, do you really think your deck is strong and that I can't do anything to you?"

"What a joke!"

"I am Ed Phoenix! A professional duelist!"

"Now, let me show you the tenacity of a professional duelist!"

"My turn is far from over!"

"Next, I will activate the magic card [Beyond Destiny] from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is to select a Destiny Hero monster in my graveyard."

"Then special summon a Destiny Hero monster with a level less than half of the selected monster from the deck to the field."

"The monster special summoned using this effect will be destroyed at the end of this turn!"

"According to the effect of [Beyond Destiny], I first select [Destiny Hero·Magic Man] in the graveyard."

"Its star rating is 6 stars, half of which is 3 stars!"

"Therefore, I can special summon a Destiny Hero monster of 3 stars or less from the deck!"

"What I want to special summon is..."

"[Destiny Hero·Disc Man]!"

The warrior with the disc as a weapon came to Ed's field!

[Destiny Hero·Disc Man]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Warrior/1 Star]

[Attack: 300]

[Defense: 300]

"It's not over yet." Ed continued:

"I'm going to activate the effect of [Destiny Hero·Magic Man] in the graveyard again!"

"Exclude this card in the graveyard, and then special summon a new [Destiny Hero·Magic Man] from the deck!"

A [Destiny Hero·Magic Man] came to Ed's field.

In this way, Ed has three monsters on the field!

Wanzhangmu, who was watching the game, said:

"Sure enough, professional duelists should not be underestimated."

"Last round, Ed's board was almost cleared."

"But in just one round, he summoned three monsters!"

"This deployment ability, the Destiny Hero deck is really powerful."

"But...the three monsters Ed summoned are all small fry."

"The highest attack power is less than 1000 points."

"This is too weak."

However, Ed has his own tactics.

He looked at Chen Lu and said:

"Chen Luo, your Destiny Hero deck has the trump card [Destiny Hero ·Destruction Phoenix Man]. "

"And my Destiny Hero deck also has a trump card that is not inferior to [Destiny Hero·Destruction Phoenix Man]!"

"Watch out!"

"This is the counterattack of the Destiny Hero!"

"I will sacrifice the three monsters [Destiny Hero·Devil Man], [Destiny Hero·Fear Servant] and [Destiny Hero·Disc Man] on my field and perform special summons!"

"Heroes who symbolize destruction and annihilation!"

"Destroy the enemy in front of you!"

"Special Summon!"

"[Destiny Hero·The Doctrine Man]! !"

A strong wind suddenly blew on Ed's field!

Then, a monster wearing black armor and having black wings, like a demon, descended from mid-air!

This monster has bloodshot eyes.

On his right wrist, he is equipped with a long sword with a cold glow!

[Destiny Hero·The Doctrine Man]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Warrior/8 Stars]

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