"My turn, draw a card..."

Although Chen Luo is at a disadvantage on the field now.

But he is not in a hurry.

Because he has a lot of hand resources.

He looked at his hand, then looked at Yucheng Judai's field, and then said:

"Judai, your life is like a candle in the wind!"

Yucheng Judai widened his eyes:

"What did you say?"

"You are not going to say that you can beat me this round?!"

Chen Luo nodded:

"Of course!"

"And there are many ways to beat you!"

"I will choose one of the simpler methods."

"I will first Normal Summon [Elemental Hero·Solid Man] from my hand!"

The monster wearing solid metal armor came to Chen Luo's field.

[Elemental Hero·Solid Man]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Earth/Warrior/4 Star]

[Attack: 1300]

[Defense: 1100]

Yujo Judai sighed:

"Another Hero Monster I haven't seen before."

"Chen Luo, how many cards do you have that I haven't seen before?"

Chen Luo said honestly:

"More than you can imagine."

"The effect of [Elemental Hero·Solid Man] is activated!"

"When this card is successfully summoned, it allows me to special summon a 4-star or lower Hero Monster from my hand!"

"I choose to special summon [Phantom Hero·Bionic Man]!"

[Phantom Hero·Bionic Man] is back!

Chen Luo said:

4.4 "The two effects of [Phantom Hero·Bionic Man] are activated in sequence."

"First, the first effect sends the hero monster [Elemental Hero·Shadow Mist Girl] in the deck to the graveyard."

"At the same time, the effect of [Elemental Hero·Shadow Mist Girl] allows me to add a hero monster from the deck to the hand!"

"I still choose to add [Elemental Hero·Liquid Man] to the hand!"

"Then, the second effect of [Elemental Hero·Bionic Man] is activated, banishing a monster in the graveyard, allowing me to add [Fusion] from the deck to the hand!"

Yucheng Judai said in confusion:

"[Fusion] is searched again."

"What are you going to fusion summon this time, Chen Luo?"

Chen Luo smiled slightly:

"This time I want to fusion summon..."

"Phantom Hero Fusion Monster!".

Chapter 157 The coordination of three types of hero cards!

Chen Luo took out the [Fusion] he had just retrieved from his hand and put it on the duel disk:

"I want to activate the magic card [Fusion]!".

"This time, I choose to use the three monsters on my field, [Elemental Hero·Solid Man], [Phantom Hero·Bionic Man] and [Elemental Hero·Liquid Man] in my hand as fusion materials!"

"A warrior that symbolizes absolute power!"

"Blast everything with your fists!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Phantom Hero·Tri-One]!"

The warrior in bright red armor fell from the sky!

It landed on Chen Luo's field like a meteor!

As he landed.

The stone slabs on the ground were directly smashed!

[Phantom Hero Trinity]

[Attributes/Race/Stars: Dark/Warrior/8 stars]

[Attack: 2500]

[Defense: 2000]

Yuujo Judai was surprised:

"A fusion monster from the Phantom Hero series of cards?!"

"It's really the first time I've seen it."

"But, Chen Luo."

"This [Phantom Hero Trinity] seems a bit weak at 18."

"It uses 3 monsters as fusion materials, but its attack power is only 2500 points."

"It's not even as powerful as the [Elemental Hero Gold Blade] on my field!"

Chen Luo paused and said calmly:

"Don't worry, Judai, you will soon know what is powerful."

"First, I activate the effect of [Elemental Hero·Liquid Man] as the fusion material."

"Draw two cards from the deck and discard one card."

"Then, the second effect of [Phantom Hero·Trio] on my field is activated!"

"During the turn this card is fusion summoned, the attack power becomes twice the original attack power!"

"That is to say, it becomes... 5000 points!!"

[Phantom Hero·Trio] Attack power: 2500→5000! !

Yuujo Judai widened his eyes:

"Ah? 5000 attack power?!"

"Is this how powerful the Phantom Hero is?!"

"It's even more powerful than the legendary [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!"

"The power of the hero deck can actually expand to such an extent!"

The spectator Misawa Daichi said:

"Wow, [Phantom Hero·Trio] with 5000 attack power!"

"This is almost invincible!"

"However, Yuujo Judai's current health is a full 5700 points!"

"It's not easy to defeat!"

At this time, Chen Luo said:

"[Phantom Hero·Trio] has the effect of doubling attack power."

"This card can attack three times per turn."

Yuujo Judai couldn't believe his ears:


"5000 attack power, and can attack three times!"

"This is simply too outrageous!"

"This monster is too violent!"

Chen Luo smiled:

"How can you become a hero without a certain degree of violence!"

"Come! I declare the battle stage!"

"First use [Phantom Hero·Trinity] to attack the [Elemental Hero·Golden Blade Man] on your field Judai!"

[Phantom Hero·Trinity] almost teleported in front of [Elemental Hero·Golden Blade Man]!

Hit him with one punch!

[Elemental Hero: Golden Blade Man]'s armor was shattered, and his body was even beaten into the graveyard!

At the same time, Yucheng Judai's health dropped sharply by 2,400 points!

It dropped from 5700 to 3300!

Chen Luo continued:

"[Phantom Hero·Trinity]'s second attack!"

"Attack [Elemental Hero·Steam Healer]!"

[Elemental Hero·Steam Healer] is no match for [Phantom Hero·Trinity]!

He was directly beaten away by the latter!

Yucheng Judai's health dropped by another 3,200 points!

From 3300 to 100!

Yucheng Judai sighed and said:

"I'm really going to lose."

"[Phantom Hero·Trinity] can still perform an attack, right?"

"Chen Luo, declare the attack and end this duel."

Chen Luo said:

"[Phantom Hero·Trinity] is said to have the ability to attack three times."

"But he's not in a position to attack directly."

Shidai Youcheng was overjoyed:

"Can't make a direct attack?!"

"Doesn't this mean that I haven't lost yet?!"

"I...seem to have lost too."

"Because even if I don't lose this round, I can't draw cards next round. I can't counterattack at all!"

Chen Luo smiled and said: "Don't worry, Judai."

"There's no next round."

"The duel will end in this round."

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