Silver Meteor said confidently:

"I'm ready!"

"Chen Luo, let me show you how powerful my deck is!"

The duel begins!

Chen Luo gets the power to attack first!

He said:

"Draw a card on my turn."

"I'm going to Normal Summon [Nuclear Rockman] in Defense Position first!"

A monster made of rocks and with bloodshot eyes came to Chen Luo's field.

[Nuclear Rockman]

[Attributes/Race/Stars: Earth/Rock/4 Stars]

[Attack: 1200]

[Defense: 1000]

In the audience, Yuki Judai said:

"Chen Luo, this guy, seems to be using a deck he hasn't seen before."

"He has so many decks!"

Chapter 161: Huge Battleship! Giant Core!

After summoning [Nuclear Rockman], Chen Luo puts up another card and announces the end of his turn.

Silver Meteor was a little confused:

"Chen Luo, is this all you have for your first turn?"

"A monster and a face-up card?"

"It's a little too weak!"

"I feel like you don't deserve your reputation."

"But that's just right!"

"As long as I defeat you, I can become a professional duelist!"

"Chen Luo, you will be my stepping stone!"

"Now, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at his hand, Silver Meteor couldn't stop smiling!

This card is so perfect!

Every card is just right!

He first took out a monster card and said:

"I'm going to Normal Summon [Assault Core] from my hand first!"

A square space battleship slowly landed on Silver Meteor's field.

[Assault Core]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Machine/4 Star]

[Attack Power: 1300]

[Defense Power: 2000]

Silver Meteor said:

“The effect of this card [Assault Core] is very simple. This card can be used as a giant battleship monster in the card name.”

“Next, I will activate the magic card [Double Summon] from my hand!”

“The effect of this card allows me to perform a summon once this turn!”

“Then, I will activate the magic card [Star Blast]!”

“The effect of this card is that I choose a monster on the field or in my hand.”

“Then I pay 500 times the life value.”

“And for every 500 life points I pay, the star level of the selected monster will be reduced by 1 star!”

“I will pay 1000 life points to reduce the star level of [Giant Battleship·Giant Core] in my hand by 2 stars!”

Silver Meteor’s life value: 4000→3000!

At the same time, the star level of [Giant Battleship·Giant Core] changed from 6 stars to 4 stars.

Silver Meteor said proudly:

"It has become a 4-star [Giant Battleship·Giant Core] and can be normally summoned!"

"I will summon it directly to the field!!"

Another spaceship landed!

This spaceship is equipped with four cannons on its hull!

In the center of the spaceship, there is a strange spherical light as the core.

[Giant Battleship·Giant Core]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Mechanical/6 Star]

[Attack: 2300]

[Defense: 1100]

Hayato Maeda, who was watching the battle, said:

"This Silver Meteor is quite powerful."

"It actually summoned a high-level monster with 2300 attack power in the first round."

Silver Meteor said proudly:

"More than that!"

"The effect of [Giant Battleship·Giant Core] is activated!"

"When this card is successfully summoned, place 3 counters on this card!"

"[Giant Battleship·Giant Core] itself will not be destroyed by battle!"

"But one counter must be removed every time it fights!"

"Until there are no counters left, [Giant Battleship·Giant Core] will be destroyed in the damage step of the battle."

The effects of the giant battleship series monsters are a bit confusing.

But in fact, it can be simply understood as follows.

Giant battleship monsters need to consume counters every time they fight.

Only when the counters are consumed will they be destroyed by battle.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Luo's deck.

Because Chen Luo had already made a plan to win this duel by using effect destruction!

After summoning the monster, Silver Meteor said:

"Now, I declare the battle phase!"

"First, use [Assault Core] to attack [Nuclear Rockman] on your field, Chen Luo!"

The attack power of [Assault Core] is 300 points higher than the defense power of [Nuclear Rockman].

The latter was naturally defeated and destroyed on the spot.

Yu Cheng Judai, who was watching the game, said:

"I didn't expect Chen Luo's monster to be destroyed so easily."

"Next, Chen Luo will probably face the direct attack of another monster of Silver Meteor [Giant Battleship·Giant Core].

"However, Chen Luo has a cover card on the field."

"Maybe it can block the attack of [Giant Battleship·Giant Core].

But Chen Luo's subsequent actions proved that.

Yu Cheng Judai's reasoning was wrong!

Chen Luo said:

"Silver Meteor! I'm waiting for your attack!"

"You've fallen into my trap!"

"Listen! I'm going to activate the effect of the destroyed [Nuclear Rock Man]!"

"When this card is destroyed in battle and sent to the graveyard, you can select a magic card [Steel Core of Nuclear Beast] or a 4-star or lower Nuclear Monster from the deck to add to your hand!"

"I choose to add [Steel Core of Nuclear Beast] from the deck to your hand!"

Silver Meteor said disdainfully:

"I thought it was some powerful effect... ..... ”

“It turns out it’s just a search!”

“Chen Luo, you searched the card from the deck.”

“But it won’t be used until the next turn!”

“And this turn, you will be directly attacked by my monster!”

Chen Luo said calmly:

“That’s not necessarily true, is it?”

“My effect hasn’t been activated yet!”

“Next, I’m going to activate an effect of [Nuclear Provider] in my hand!”

“When a Rock monster on my field is sent to the graveyard, this card in my hand can be directly special summoned to the field!”

“You should be able to guess from the name [Nuclear Rock Man].”

“[Nuclear Rock Man] is a Rock monster!”

“Therefore! I can summon [Nuclear Provider]!”

A huge khaki robot came to Chen Luo’s 4.4 field!

This robot carries a huge toolbox on its back.

The toolbox is full of various repair equipment.

[Core Provider]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Earth/Rock/4 stars]

[Attack: 1400]

[Defense: 1600]

Silver Meteor frowned:

"You actually special summoned a monster directly from your hand."

"Chen Luo, you really have the ability."

"In this case, my monsters really can't attack you directly."

Chen Luo laughed:

"Silver Meteor, you don't think my effect is over, do you?"

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