This Akers ranking in the professional dueling league is even higher than Ed Phoenix!

This means that his duel strength is overall stronger than Ed!

Not only that, this Akers also has one of the most amazing achievements!

That is the opponent who duels with Akers for the first time, and they will all lose to Akers!

The reason is that Akers' weird deck is very difficult to deal with without understanding it!

Saio knocked on the table and said to himself:

"As for Akers, there should be a high chance that he can defeat Chen Luo."

"Okay, it's decided it's him!"

Saio found Akers' number and called Akers.

The call went through within seconds.

A gloomy voice rang from the phone:

"Hey, who is it?"

Saio said bluntly:

"My name is Saio Takuma, and I am the manager of professional duelist Ed Phoenix."

Akers said:

"Oh, Ed Phoenix, I know that guy."

"You are a professional duelist like me."

"You are his agent, so what do you want?"

Saio said:

"I would like to invite you to a duel."

Akers said doubtfully:

"Oh? A duel?"

"Who is the opponent?"

"What do I gain from this duel?"


"The opponent is Chen Luo from Duel Academy."

"You should have heard of this name too."

"And the advantage...heh, Chen Luo is very popular in the duel world now. If you can defeat him, you will definitely become famous!"

"And I will also provide you with a certain amount of money."

"How about it, do you want to take this job?"

Akers laughed:

"Chen Luo from Duel Academy, I've actually heard of him."

"To be honest, I hate him."

"He is obviously just a student, but he dares to be so famous, and even surpasses us professional duelists!"

"It's so ungrateful!"

"I've wanted to teach him a lesson for a long time!"

"Since you provided this opportunity, I won't be polite!"

"When will I fight him?"

"I'm free the day after tomorrow in the afternoon."

Saiou thought for a while:

"Let's make it the afternoon of tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow, you go to Duel Academy first. My staff will arrange everything there."

After hanging up the phone, Saio called Manjomu again, explained it, and asked Manjomu to help arrange for Akers.

time flies.

Came the day after tomorrow.

Chen Luo, Yujo Judai, Misawa Daichi and others are playing basketball on the basketball court of Duel Academy.

Chen Luo, in addition to being good at duels, is also very good at sports.

Normally, he would exercise from time to time.

Although the world of Yu-Gi-Oh is a world dominated by playing cards...

Good health is still important!

For example, in the future, Chen Luo will ride a motorcycle to fight high-speed duels. How can he ride a motorcycle and play cards without a good physique?

Therefore, Chen Luo attaches great importance to exercise.

Just when Chen Luo and others were playing basketball.

Wan Zhangmu walked to the sidelines.

Yucheng Judai saw Wan Zhangmu and said:

"Wan Zhangmu, do you also want to come and play basketball together?"

Wan Zhangmu said proudly:

"Play basketball? I don't want to play!"

"My current goal is to let the Society of Light dominate the world!"

"Playing basketball is too childish!"

Yujo Judai: "Wan Zhangmu, it's time for you to graduate from the second disease."

"Just talk about dominating the world or something."

However, just when Yucheng Judai and Banzhangmu were chatting.

Chen Luo ducked past Yu Cheng Judai who was supposed to be defending.

Then jump high into the air.

He dunked the basketball on the rim hard!

Maybe Chen Luo used too much force, or maybe the basket here was in disrepair.

The glass on the basket was directly exploded by Chen Luo!

Broken glass fell to the floor.

This caught the attention of the teacher who was looking after the basketball court.

The teacher came over hurriedly and said:

"Hey, Chen Luo, why did you dunk the basket?"

"You have to pay for this."

Chen Luo said calmly:


“It’s okay to lose money.”

"But I want the whole school to be informed about my dunk!"

"The more notifications, the better!"

The teacher was confused and said:

"Huh? You just dunked a basket."

"There is no need to report it to the whole school."

Chen Luo said seriously:

"No! Please, absolutely, definitely inform the whole school about me!"

The teacher scratched his head in confusion:

"If you insist on asking the whole school to report it, that's not impossible."

Chen Luo smiled slightly.

Here’s your chance to fill the cup!

For a man.

Dunking the rim while playing basketball is not a negative news!

But a solid positive record!

Let me ask, which teenager who plays basketball has never dreamed of dunking on the rim one day? ! .

Chapter 167: Card Destruction VS Deck Destruction!

As soon as Chen Luo put down the basketball, Wan Zhangmu came up and said:

"Chen Luo, someone wants to challenge you to a duel!".

"The person who wants to challenge you this time is a professional duelist!"

"Do you dare to challenge?!"

Chen Luo smiled slightly.

Someone comes to give you victory points again?

This is too polite!

So he said:

"Someone challenged me? Sure."

"Where is that person?"

Manjomu: "Come with me."

Yujo Judai and others heard that there was a duel to watch, and the duel with Chen Luo was even a professional duelist!

They immediately followed him to watch the fun.

Professional duelists are more or less powerful, so we should be able to see a wonderful duel.

Everyone followed Manjomu to a gravel beach.

On the gravel beach stood a man with a gloomy face and glasses.

When the man saw Chen Luo, he said:

"Chen Luo, you really dare to come."

"Let me introduce myself first."

"My name is Ex."

"I am currently a professional duelist in the Professional Duel League."

Chen Luo began to recall the plot in the GX animation.

The deck 18 used by Ex is also unique in the entire GX.

He used a deck destruction deck!

It is a deck that uses the tactic of destroying the opponent's deck, causing the opponent to lose the duel because he cannot draw cards.

Among the many decks in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Deck-destroying decks are a long-lasting theme.

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