Franz was reluctant when he heard this:

"Chen Luo! What stupid things are you talking about!"

"I also know the monster [White Bone], and the reason why I know it is because [White Bone] is ridiculously weak!"

"It can be said that there are not many monsters weaker than [White Bones]!"

"You actually want to defeat the Winged Dragon with such a weak monster."

"That's the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"Franz, you don't believe it, do you?"

"But after this duel, you will know the truth and falsehood."

"After I summon the monster, I declare the round is over!"

"It's your turn, Franz!"

Franz frowned as he looked at Chen Luo's scene.

It's not that he thought Chen Luo's scene was that strong.

But I think Chen Luo's scene is too weak!

Now, Chen Luo only has one 1-star [Bone Nightmare] on the field.

In addition, there is not even a cover card!

Is this the strength that has defeated three phantom demons and professional duelists?

It's too weak!

It's simply not worthy of its name.

Bekas, who was watching the battle, also said:

"Chen Luo, are you serious about dueling?"

"I feel like you're so weak in this scene."

"This duel is of no small importance, it is about whether the [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] can be brought back."

"If you can't get it back, there will be endless trouble!"

Chen Luo waved his hand:

"Becas, don't worry."

"Now that I have accepted this duel."

"Of course I have no intention of losing."

"And, Franz."

"It's your turn now."

"Start your turn now."

Franz snorted coldly:

"Chen Luo, since you are so ignorant."

"Then I won't be polite!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

"I want to normally summon [Apostle of the Sun God] from my hand first!"

A monster wearing a golden robe and a golden mask came to Franz's field.

【Apostle of the Sun God】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Angel Race/4 Stars]

[Attack power: 1100]

[Defense: 600]

"The effect of [Apostle of the Sun God] is activated!"

"When this card is successfully summoned, it allows me to add up to two [Apostles of the Sun God] from the deck to my hand!"

Franz turned over the deck and added 2 [Apostles of the Sun God] from the deck to his hand...

Yucheng Judai said:

"Replenished two hand resources at once?"

"This Franz's deck looks really strong."

"However, even if Franz replenishes his hand resources, he still needs 3 sacrifices to summon [Wings of the Sun God Dragon]!"

"More resources in hand does not mean more monsters on the field!"

"If Franz wants to summon [Wings of the Sun God Dragon], it will probably take at least one or two rounds."

However, Franz sneered after hearing Judai Yujo's comments:

"Stupid, so stupid!"

"You have never seen the power of my deck!"

"My deck is a specialized God deck built around [Wings of the Sun God Dragon]!"

"If I want to summon a god, it won't be too easy!"

"Let you humble mortals see the chain of gods!"

"I want to activate the quick-attack magic card [Trap Accelerator] from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is to discard a card in your hand."

"In this round, I can activate trap cards directly from my hand!"

"And the trap card I want to activate is this one."

"[Blood Compensation] 4.4!"

A Trap Card appears on Franz's field.

The card picture of the trap card shows a bleeding hand.

Franz said:

"The effect of [Blood Compensation] is"

"During my main phase or the opponent's battle phase, I can pay 500 health points to perform a normal summons!"

"And this effect is not limited to once per round!"

"I want to pay 1,000 health points first and perform two normal summons!"

"And what I want to summon are the two [Apostles of the Sun God] that I just retrieved from the deck!"

Two [Apostles of the Sun God] came to Franz’s field!

At this time, Franz has a total of 3 [Apostles of the Sun God] on the field! .

Chapter 177 The Winged Dragon appears!

Judai Yujo looked at Franz's scene and said in surprise:

"That's how 3 monsters were summoned?".

"The summoning efficiency is a bit too high!"

"Moreover, the effect of [Blood Compensation] can continue to be activated."

"Could it be..." Yucheng Judai thought of a terrifying possibility:

"Isn't Franz going to summon God in his first turn?!"

Franz laughed:

"Hahaha! That's it!"

"Watch it!"

"I want to activate the effect of [Blood Compensation] again!"

"I will sacrifice the three [Apostles of the Sun God] on my field! Perform a superior summons!"

"The god of fire and sunshine!"

"Burn all enemies to death with fierce flames!"

"Summoned by superiors!"

"[Winged Dragon of the Sun God]!!"

Golden flames ignited on Franz's field!

Then, a golden god descended from the sky!

He came to the duel field with a majestic power!

[Winged Dragon of the Sun God]

18 [Attribute/Race/Star: God/Mythical Beast Tribe/10 Stars]

[Attack Power:? ]

[Defense Power:? ]

Yuujo Judai widened his eyes and murmured:

"God...really came!"

"I can be considered to have seen the Winged Dragon with my own eyes."

However, the summoned Winged Dragon seemed to have bipolar disorder.

It kept roaring.

It even wanted to kill Franz!

But at this moment, Franz snorted:

"God, you are still as manic as ever!"

"But I will stop you!"

"I will activate the Field Magic Card [Bound God Tomb] from my hand!"

Three stone pillars rose around Franz's field.

A chain extended from each stone pillar.

Locked up [Sun God's Winged Dragon].

[Sun God's Winged Dragon] stopped roaring.

Bekas said:

"[God Binding Tomb]? Is this the card you, Franz, use to assist in controlling Winged Dragon?"

Franz nodded:

"Yes! With [God Binding Tomb], Winged Dragon must obey my orders!"

"Come on! I will explain the effect of [Sun God's Winged Dragon] first!"

"The attack power of this card is the sum of the attack power of the sacrificed monsters!"

"I just used 3 [Apostles of the Sun God] as sacrifices!"

"Therefore, the attack power of [Sun God's Winged Dragon] is 3300 points!"

[Sun God's Winged Dragon] Attack power:? →3300!

Yuki Judai said with emotion:

"A monster with 3300 attack power can be summoned in the first round! And it's the famous Winged Dragon!"

"This Franz is really well prepared."

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