Chen Luo grabbed the dragon horn on Xiao Lan's head and pulled Xiao Lan in front of him: "Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan."

"You have been following me for so long, and you are becoming more and more arrogant in front of me."

"However, your housework ability has not improved at all!"

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

Xiaolan shook her head: "Not ashamed."

Chen Luo rolled his eyes and complained: "You are getting thicker and thicker."

"Forget it, I won't complain about you anymore, I'm going to watch TV, don't disturb me."

Xiaolan was also very sensible, she said "oh" softly, then sat next to Chen Luo and watched TV with Chen Luo.

But before looking at it for a long time, Xiao Lan said: "Master, the weather is a bit cold now. Aren't you afraid of catching a cold just lying on the sofa like this?"

· ·········Asking for flowers···· ····

"I'll go get you a blanket."

Although Xiaolan said she was not good at housework, she was really loyal to Chen Luo.

Chen Luo did not dampen Xiaolan's enthusiasm: "Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

Xiao Lan came to Chen Luo's bedroom in a flash.

He picked up a blanket and ran back.

She sat back on the sofa first.

Then he covered himself and Chen Luo with blankets.

However, this blanket is a bit small.

Chen Luo and Xiao Lan cannot be covered.

Xiaolan, who had a very stubborn temper, kept adjusting the blanket.

I don’t believe you can’t cover me and the master!

However, Xiaolan accidentally used too much force while adjusting the blanket.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The blanket was ripped open.

Xiaolan's expression was panicked at first, then immediately put on a pitiful expression the next second, hugged Chen Luo's arm, shook it gently and said:

"Master, master, I accidentally tore the blanket. I was so reckless."

Chen Luo was very calm:

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Seeing that Chen Luo didn't blame him, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief:

"Master, I'm going to find some needles and thread now to sew the blanket."

Chen Luo quickly stretched out his hand to stop:

"No, Xiaolan!"

"With your personality, it's hard to say whether you can sew the blanket or not."

“Even if you can sew the blanket, you might forget to take the needle away!”

"It would be bad if it pricks me!"

Xiao Lan pouted: "If you don't sew the blanket, how will you cover it?"

Chen Luo: "Let's just keep it covered like this for now."

Xiaolan didn't object, she just pulled the blanket towards Chen Luo, and then leaned directly on Chen Luo.

A master and a servant cuddled up and watched TV.

Another day, morning.

Chen Luo walked out of the castle at nine o'clock.

Today is the second day of the GX Duel Competition, and there are still no classes.

However, the rules of the GX Duel Competition, that everyone must fight a duel every day, still make many participants feel stressed.

Chen Luo was walking on the road while looking for his duel opponent Chuan.

Chapter 186 Death Duelist Tachibana Ikkaku!

When Chen Luo was looking for his opponent, he happened to see Yucheng Judai, Misawa Daichi and others squatting on the roadside chatting.

Chen Luo, who had nothing to do, went over to join in the fun.

Yujo Judai and others were talking about the GX Duel Competition.

Sho Marufuji said bitterly:

"Damn it! I've already lost my GX badge!"

"Ahh! Why is this happening!"

"Why are you trying to catch me and not let me go?!"

"Aren't I just weak in duels?! I provoked whomever!"

“It’s so embarrassing to be eliminated on the first day of the GX competition!!”

As Marufuji Sho spoke, he hammered the ground hard.

The expression was very painful.

He is weak in dueling, but in the GX Duel Competition, he is an experience pack that adds badges to others!

Misawa "917" Dadi said:

"I'm fine."

"So far, I already have 3 GX badges!"

Yucheng Judai scratched his head:

"I have 4 badges!"

"Better than you all!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"According to this statement, then I might be more powerful."

"Because I got 5 badges."

Misawa Dadi looked at Chen Luo in confusion:

"Chen Luo, you were able to get 5 badges?!"

"According to my estimation, you are too strong and no one dares to duel with you. You shouldn't be able to get too many badges."

Chen Luo shrugged:

"There are so many duelists participating in GX, there are always a few brave ones."

Yujo Judai waved his fist and cheered himself:

"It's already the second day of the GX competition!"

"I must earn the GX badge well today!"

"To tell you the truth, in order to win as many victories as possible today, I ate a lot for breakfast! I ate three bowls of rice!"

“Only when you have strength can you draw good cards!”

Speaking of breakfast, Hayato Maeda complained:

"Judai, to be honest, your appetite is even more incredible than your dueling prowess!"

"Your weight is obviously only a little more than half of mine."

"But he ate more than me!"

"This is unscientific!"

Yucheng Judai said:

"That's because I digest it quickly! I convert all the food into duel power!"

Maeda Hayato continued:

"But you are such a big eater!"

"This morning, you finished the side dishes and still ate another bowl of rice!"

"I don't know how you can eat it all!"

"I think white rice has no taste, it's hard to eat it directly."

"If you hadn't eaten all the rice prepared by our Osiris Red Canteen in the morning, I think you could have continued to eat!"

Yucheng Judai scratched his head: "Hearing what you said, I do feel that I am still a little hungry."

"Damn it! Can't our Osiris Red Canteen prepare more rice?!"

"It's too unfriendly to people like me who have a big appetite!"

Chen Luo also complained at this time:

"Ten "Dai, with your appetite, I really suggest that you can participate in a big eater competition when you have nothing to do."

"First, it can make you full."

"Second, maybe you can even win a big eater championship or something?"

Yucheng Judai said:

"Big eater competition? I have heard of this kind of competition."

"It seems that as long as you pay a small amount of money, you can eat as much as you want! It's a competition in heaven!"

"But it's a pity that I have never really encountered it!"

"If I have the chance, I will definitely participate in a big eater competition!"

"Let the world know!"

"Real duelists have big appetites!"

In Yucheng Judai's understanding.

Being able to eat is a necessary condition for becoming an excellent duelist!

If you don't eat enough, how can you have the energy to draw cards!

Luck will not bless the hungry!

Maeda Hayato continued:

"Oh, by the way, have you heard of the rumors about the Death God Duelist?"

Yujo Judai became excited:

"Hmm? Death God Duelist? Can you tell me more about it?"

Maeda Hayato: "Not much to say."

"It is said that in the GX Tournament, a Death God Duelist who can drive the God of Death appeared."

"Not only in duels."

"Even when he is not dueling, there is a phantom of the God of Death around him!"

"It is said that he can use the power of the God of Death!"

"Relying on this power, he is invincible in duels!"

Hearing this, the most rational Misawa Daichi retorted:

"Impossible! The God of Death is absolutely nonsense!"

"There is no God of Death in this world!"

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