"You make money so fast."

Just when a few people were chatting.

They suddenly heard someone appearing to be dueling not far away.

Moreover, they seemed to hear the words "Electronic Dragon".

Yucheng Judai said in surprise:

"I thought I heard someone over there talking about electronic dragons."

"Is it possible that Caesar will duel over there?"

Misawa Dadi said:

"It's very possible, let's go over and take a look."

Everyone followed the sound and walked over.

Not long after, they arrived at the place where the duel took place.

But by this time the duel was over.

As the winner of the duel, Kaiser Liang looked at his defeated opponent with pride:

"You are really weak."

"Is this kind of strength worthy of being a professional duelist?"

"It seems that there are a lot of rubbish in the Professional Duel League."

Yucheng Judai greeted:

"Caesar, it's you."

"As expected, you are here to participate in the GX Duel Competition."

"It's just that this is what you're wearing?"

Yucheng Judai looked at Kaiser Liang's clothes and said:

"You are dressed in black, and you look like you have a chuunibyou."

Misawa Daichi on the side said:

"Caesar Liang, I heard that you seemed to have been depressed for a while after being defeated by Ed."

"Then he came back with a thunderous attitude~~"

"But your duel tactics after your comeback feel a bit cruel."

Kaiserliang smiled arrogantly:

"Is it cruel? I don't think so."

"In order to win, I will use any duel tactics!"

Yucheng Judai frowned and said:

"Caesar, your idea is a bit extreme."

"I remember when you were in Duel Academy, although you valued winning, your personality was not so extreme."

Caesar Liang said:

"I was very naive at that time!"

"In a duel, you should always respect your opponent and the deck."

"But now, I understand everything!"

"Duel, the only important thing is victory!"

"Everything else can be used and discarded!"

"If I were to say that I would respect the deck and the opponent."

"Then now I will only respect victory!"

Yucheng Judai frowned and said:

"Caesar, your idea is not just extreme."

"It can even be said to be extremely excessive."

"What on earth did you go through? How did you end up like this!"

Caesar Liang did not hide anything, he said bluntly:

"After I was defeated by Ed, my confidence was frustrated and I lost several duels in succession."

"So much so that my status in the professional dueling league plummeted."

"I even thought I would never win again."

"It was then that I came into contact with underground dueling."

"In the underground duel where injury or even life and death were the stakes, I finally understood the true meaning of duel!"

"Except for winning or losing, everything in a duel is bullshit!"

"It was precisely because I had the belief that I had to win that I recovered from the defeat! Only then did I wake up from the hell of losing streaks."

"The me now is much better than the childish belief I had back then."

"No one can be my opponent!"

Having said this, Kaiserliang paused for a moment before continuing:

"During the beginning of the GX Duel Competition, I dueled with many opponents."

"But those opponents are too weak!"

"Even if my opponent is a professional duelist, I can't feel the slightest threat!"

"It just makes me feel bored."

"Chen Luo." Kaiser Liang looked at Chen Luo: "You are a strong man without a doubt."

"Even beat Ed Phoenix, who beat me before!"

"It won't be boring if I duel with you."

"Not to mention, I lost to you once before!"

"I challenge you to a duel here!"

"Do you dare to take it? Chen Luo."

"First of all, I want to remind you, don't use my previous duels to evaluate me now."

"." My current strength is much stronger than you knew before! "

Chen Luo took a step forward and said:

"Caesar Liang...or should I call you Hell Caesar Liang."

"But is there a possibility."

"Even if you become stronger, you are still no match for me?"

Caesar smiled brightly and said:

"Haha, Chen Luo, you are really confident."

"Then let's use the duel to explain everything!"

"Let's see who is the stronger one!"

As he spoke, Caesar placed the dueling disk in front of him and assumed a dueling posture!

On the other side, Chen Luo also started to choose a deck.

He knew that Caesar Liang's Electronic Dragon deck now contained cards from the Electronic Flow.

Chen Luo's system also sells electronic flow cards!

He opened the system and chose to use 1 victory point, adding a large number of electronic flow cards to his electronic dragon deck.

Then, he took out the Electronic Dragon card deck at this time and flipped through it one by one to get familiar with it (Nuohaohao).

Caesar Liang on the opposite side said:

"Chen Luo, you are familiar with the deck before the duel again."

"Is it possible that you are using a new deck this time that you don't usually use?"

Chen Luo looked down at the card and responded to the Taoist Committee:

"It's not a new deck, but a deck that I have used before and you have also seen."

Caesar Liang said: "Hmm? What deck?"

Chen Luo: "Cyber ​​Dragon deck."

Caesar Liang became more and more confused:

"Chen Luo, based on my last duel with you, you are very familiar with the Cyber ​​Dragon deck."

"You don't need to familiarize yourself with it on the spot."

At this time, Chen Luo had finished reading the deck. He put it away and said:

"My Cyber ​​Dragon deck has evolved recently."

"So it's better to familiarize yourself with it.".

Chapter 199: The Cyber ​​Stream Monster Appears!

Caesar Liang asked in confusion:

"Chen Luo, you said your Cyber ​​Dragon deck has evolved? What kind of evolution is it?"

Chen Luo didn't say it clearly, but just said:

"You will know after the fight.".

At this time, both sides have prepared their decks and duel disks.

The duel officially begins! !

Caesar Liang attacks first!

He said:

"My turn, draw a card!"

"I will first activate the magic card [Angel's Charity] from my hand!"

"According to the effect of this card, I can first draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards from my hand to discard."

The power of this card [Angel's Charity] is self-evident!

It is a top card for drawing cards and stacking graves!

After exchanging a round of cards, Caesar Liang said:

"Chen Luo, let me show you a monster that surpasses ordinary Cyber ​​Dragons!"

"I will normally summon from my hand"

"[Cyber ​​Dark Horn]!"

A bat-like monster made of black steel and covered with sharp blades appeared on the field.

This monster exudes a terrifying fighting spirit.

[Electronic Dark Horn]

[Attribute/Race/Star Rating: Dark/Mechanical/4 Stars]

[Attack Power: 800]

[Defense Power: 800]

Yuki Judai, who was watching the battle, was surprised:

“Ah? [Electronic Dark Horn]? 933 has never heard of this monster.”

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