"Chen Luo, you think you can defeat me so easily!"

"I want to open Gaika!"

"Trap Card [Incapable of Attack]!"

"According to the effect of this card, I want to negate the attack of [Armored Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon]!"

A cyclone suddenly appeared in front of [Armored Prison Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon], blocking all its attacks.

Chapter 203: Armored Emperor Dragon! Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon!

I have to say that among all the attack pits, [attack incapacity] can be said to be the most stable one!

What I’m talking about here is not the strongest, but the most stable!

The reason is that the card type of [Attack Incapacity] is a counterattack trap card!

If you want to invalidate the Counter Trap Card, you can basically only use the Counter Trap Card!

Other monster effects, quick-attack magic cards, and even the activation of chain counter trap cards cannot be used!

Therefore, this [Attack Incapacitation] indeed saved Caesar’s life!

Caesar Liang said:

"Phew, I was almost defeated by you, Chen Luo!"

"Fortunately, I'm not a vegetarian either!"

"And, due to the effect of [power combination]."

"Chen Luo, at the end of this round, you will receive the original attack power value of [Armored Prison Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon], which is 2000 points of effect damage!"

"Chen Luo, you have tricked yourself!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"Treat yourself? I don't think so."

"Although my attack was negated."

"But, my turn is not over yet!"

"Next, I announce the entry into Main Phase 2!"

"At this stage, I want to summon new monsters from the electronic flow cards!"

Kaiserliang said doubtfully:

"Are there any new monsters in the electron stream?"

Chen Luo: "You will know soon!" As he spoke, Chen Luo pointed to the [Armored Prison Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon] on his field:

"I'm going to send [Armor Dragon, Electronic Dark Dragon] equipped with [Electronic Terminator Dragon] to the graveyard, and then special summon monsters from the extra deck!"

"The ultimate electronic dragon monster!"

“Returning from the abyss of technology.”

"Show your true power!"

"Special summons!"

"[Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]!!"

There was a storm on Chen Luo's court.

The earth is cracked.

The space is distorted!

Countless electric lights fell from the sky, crackling on Chen Luo's field!

From the electric light, an ultimate steel monster slowly appeared!

This steel monster has four heads!

Three of the heads are the three heads of [Electronic Terminator Dragon], and the remaining head is [Electronic Dark Demonic Horn]!

It’s not hard to tell just from the appearance!

This monster is the common trump card of both internal and external electron flow!

[Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]

[Attribute/race/star rating: dark/machine race/12 stars]

[Attack power: 5000]

[Defense: 3800]

After this ultimate electron flow monster appeared.

The emotions in the eyes of everyone around him were the same.

Shocked, doubtful, disbelieving!

Caesar Liang exclaimed:


"There is no need for fusion magic, but you can just send the monsters on the field to the graveyard to special summon the fusion monster from the extra deck?!"

"Is there another way to summon this?!"

"This is simply unheard of!"

Chen Luo explained calmly:

"There are two ways to summon [Armor Emperor Dragon: Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]. The first is to use Fusion Summon, and the second is to summon [Electronic Dark] monsters with a star level of 10 or below equipped with [Electronic Terminator Dragon]. From the field to the cemetery.”

"Here, I'm using the second method."

"Furthermore, because [Armored Prison Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon] was sent to the cemetery."

"Therefore, the effect of [Power Combination] that inflicts damage on me will not activate!"

[Power Combination] The animation effect of this card is different from the actual card effect.

If it were a real card effect, Chen Luo would have received 2,000 points of damage no matter what!

But Chen Luo is now using the animated version of [Power Combination]!

The description of the animated version of [Power Combination] is:

If the fusion monster summoned using [Power Combination] is not on the field at the end of this turn, the negative effects of [Power Combination] will not take effect.

Yujo Judai who was watching the battle said:

"I understand, Chen Luo is using the effect of [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] to avoid the side effects of [Power Combination]."

"However, although Chen Luo's health does not need to be reduced."

"But the newly summoned [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] has 3000 less attack power than [Armor Prison Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon]."

"I don't know whether Chen Luo is losing money or making money."

However, summoning [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] is still not Chen Luo's limit!

Chen Luo took out another card from his hand:

"I want to activate another magic card from my hand."

"." [Offerings to the deceased]! "

"The effect of this card is to destroy a face-up monster on the field at the cost of discarding a card in your hand!"

"What I want to destroy is naturally Caesar showing you the [Armor Black Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon]!"

A violent explosion sounded.

[Armor Black Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon] has entered the cemetery!

Caesar said with a cold face:

"Chen Luo! Don't think you're the only one who's hiding something behind your back!"

"Tell you what!"

"You are seeking death by destroying [Armor Black Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon]!"

"See clearly!"

"At this time, [Armor Black Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon] is equipped with the monster card [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon]!"

"When [Armor Black Dragon·Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon] is destroyed, [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon] as an equipment card will also be destroyed!"

"And when [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon] is destroyed, its effect will be triggered!"

"You can return a monster on the field (Nuohaohao) to the owner's hand!"

"Hahaha! Chen Luo!"

"I want your [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] to return to my hand!"

"This way, you won't have any monsters on the field!"

A gust of wind suddenly rose in Caesar's field!

He rushed towards [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]!

However... this gust of wind did not have any impact on [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] at all!

Kaiserliang said in surprise:

"According to the effect of [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon], [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] should be returned to the deck!"

"Why is it still on the field!"

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"That's because one of the effects of [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] is"

"This card will not be affected by the opponent's effects!"

Chapter 204 This is the Armored Emperor Dragon!

Kaiserliang said in surprise:

"What? [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon] will not be affected by the activated effect."

"Doesn't that mean that only some sustainable effects can affect it?!"

"This is a bit ridiculous!"

"Wait!" Kaiserliang realized something at this time:

"Chen Luo, could it be that you already knew the effect of [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon] before using [Offering to the Dead]?"

Chen Luo nodded honestly:

"Yes, I know about the card [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon], and I also know that when it is destroyed, it can return a card on the field to the hand."

"It's precisely because I know.".

"That's why I first summoned the unaffected [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], and then destroyed the [Armor Black Dragon·Electronic Dark Dragon] equipped with [Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon]."

Caesar was silent.

He couldn't help but admire Chen Luo's precise tactical planning.

Especially when it comes to the order in which cards are used.

Nothing wrong at all!

The logic is outrageous!

Misawa Daichi, who was watching the battle, also said 933:

"Chen Luo's understanding of duel logic is as good as the top theoretical duelists!"

"He really made the duel watertight!"

However, Chen Luo's round is still not over!

Chen Luo continued:

"Now I want to use the second effect of [Armor Emperor Dragon·Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]!"

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