Was it the ancient machine deck used in the duel when he first entered school, the labyrinth deck used in the duel with the labyrinth brothers, or the alliance deck used in the duel with Wan Zhangmu.

Not knowing the composition of Chen Luo's deck is very troublesome for a theoretical duelist like Misawa Daichi.

Only after he knew what Chen Luo's deck was, he could design the corresponding tactics.

Then, Chen Luo took out a deck that Misawa had never seen before.

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"I want to normally summon [Mecha Mechanical Skeleton] from my hand first!"

A small orange-red robot came to Chen Luo's field.

[Mecha Mechanical Skeleton]

[Attribute/race/star rating: earth/machine race/4 stars]

[Attack power: 1800]

[Defense: 0]

"The effect of [Mecha Mechanical Skeleton] is activated."

"When this card is summoned successfully, it allows me to add a [Mecha] monster other than this card from the deck to my hand."

"I choose to add [Mecha Fortress] to my hand!"

Misawa Dadi looked at Chen Luo's operation in shock:

"You...your deck is a mecha deck?"

"What kind of deck is this?! Why haven't I heard of it at all?"

"Chen Luo, how many decks have you hidden?!"

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"I do have a lot of decks."

“It’s really hard to count in a moment.”

Misawa Daichi was really panicked.

He had never heard of mecha decks.

He has no idea how to deal with this deck!

This means that he is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of intelligence!

Chen Luo continued:

"Next, I want to activate the effect of the [Mecha Fortress] that was just added to my hand."

"Throw the mechanical monsters in my hand with a total of 8 stars or above into the graveyard."

"Then you can special summon [Mecha Fortress] from your hand or graveyard."

"This effect also applies when [Mecha Fortress] itself is thrown into the graveyard."

"I want to discard the [Mecha Fortress] and [Mecha Demonized Warehouse Soldier] in my hand."

"The levels of the two monsters are 7 stars and 4 stars respectively. The total is 11 stars, which meets the star requirements!"

"Therefore, I can special summon [Mecha Fortress] to play!"

"The Iron God of War."

"Use technology and machinery to dominate the duel field!"

A tank-like robot rushed to Chen Luo's field!

The robot's tracks made a clicking sound.

On the robot's shoulder, a huge cannon is very scary!

【Mecha Fortress】

[Attribute/race/star rating: earth/machine race/7 stars]

[Attack power: 2500]

[Defense: 1600]

Yujo Judai who was watching the battle said:

"Chen Luo is a very powerful guy."

"I'll analyze it based on the duels I've seen."

"He can summon powerful monsters almost every turn."

"I really have to admire him when it comes to summoning monsters."

Teacher Kuronos was so angry that he pounded the table:

"Damn it! Why is Chen Luo always able to summon high-star monsters so quickly!"

"Don't let him win again?!"

Misawa Daichi's face was very serious.

He said:

"Chen Luo, as expected of you!"

"This kind of summoning efficiency is simply amazing!"

"However, the final winner of this duel must be me!"

Chen Luo: "Really? Then let's have a duel to find out."

"I declare the battle stage!"

"First use [Mecha Mechanical Skeleton] to attack the [Mathematician] on your field!"

[Mecha Mechanical Skeleton] kicked [Mathematician] away with a flying kick.

[Mathematician] was destroyed and entered the cemetery.

Misawa Dadi's health has been reduced by 300 points, from 4000 to 3700!

Chen Luo continued: "My attack is not over yet!"

"Next, I will use [Mecha Fortress] to directly attack you on Misawa Earth!"

[Mecha Fortress] The cannon on the shoulder fired a cannonball.

After the cannonball drew a perfect arc, it landed in front of Misawa.

Misawa Earth’s HP: 3700 → 1200! !

In just one round, Misawa Earth entered a state of severe disability.

The audience in the stands commented one after another:

"This duel was so brutal. This was Chen Luo's first round, and he beat Misawa Dadi to a pulp."

"I feel like one or two more rounds and this duel will be over."

Misawa Daichi slowly walked out of the smoke of the shells.

To be honest, Chen Luo's mecha deck was beyond his expectation.

However, he didn't think he would lose just like that.

There are endless possibilities hidden in his deck!

After Chen Luo finished attacking, he covered another card and announced the end of the round.

It’s Misawa Earth’s turn again.

"My turn, draw a card!"

"I want to activate the magic card [Angel's Alms] first!"

"The effect of this card is, let me first draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards in my hand to discard!"

During the GX era, many powerful cards were not banned.

For example, [Pot of Desire].

Another example is this [Angel’s Alms].

Chapter 45 The Power of Chemistry

[Angel's Alms] How strong is this card?

In short, it is on the same level as [Pot of Greed].

[Pot of Greed] is to increase the hand cards unconditionally.

[Angel's Charity] is to draw cards and add to the graveyard unconditionally.

After activating [Angel's Charity], Misawa Daichi first drew three cards from the deck.

Then he selected two of them and threw them into the graveyard.

"Chen Luo, this turn, I will show you how my ultimate deck unfolds!"

"I will first Normal Summon [Hydrogen Dragon] from my hand!"

It seemed that a dinosaur made of mud and water came to Misawa Daichi's field.

[Hydrogen Dragon]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Water/Dinosaur/4 Star]

[Attack: 1600]

[Defense: 1000]

"It's not over yet!"

"Next, I will activate the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead] from my hand!"

"Use it to revive another [Hydrogen Dragon] in my graveyard!"

The second [Hydrogen Dragon] also appeared!

"I will activate the equipment magic [Premature Burial] again!"

"The effect of this card is that by paying 800 life points, you can revive a monster in my graveyard!"

"The one I want to revive is... [Oxygen Dragon]!"

The emerald green pterosaur appeared with a cry.

[Oxygen Dragon]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Wind/Dinosaur/4 Star]

[Attack Power: 1800]

[Defense Power: 800]

The teacher Chronos who was watching the game said excitedly:

"Oh oh oh, Misawa Daichi summoned three monsters, two hydrogens and one oxygen."

"Two hydrogens and one oxygen, isn't it water in chemistry?"

"It seems that Misawa Daichi's trump card is about to appear!"

"Misawa's trump card is a very tricky monster. I dare not say that it will defeat Chen Luo, but at least it will give Chen Luo Luo has caused a lot of trouble."

"Oh, Chen Luo, it's time for you to embarrass yourself!"

Sanze Daichi looked at Chen Luo:

"Chen Luo, let me show you one of the trump cards in my deck!"

"I will activate the magic card [Chemical Bond H2O] from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is to send the two [Hydrogen Dragons] and one [Oxygen Dragon] on my field to the graveyard."

"Then you can special summon from the deck, hand or graveyard..."

"[Water Dragon]!"

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