"The three-magic card deck is indeed strong enough."

"It's so easy to summon higher-level monsters."

"The most terrifying thing is that the attack power of [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] can also increase with the increase in the number of trap cards in the graveyard."

"It's so scary!"

"The world is not really going to fall into darkness!"

"Should I find a place to hide first?"

"No, we have to evacuate the students first."

After summoning [Godly Flame King Uriah], the expansion of Kagemaru is not over yet!

He continued:

"Chen Luo, the three fantasy magic decks are different from the decks you are using."

"The power of the three-magic card deck is the power of a gap."

"It's all-round powerful!"

"I just spent a lot of cards in my hand to summon [Godly Flame King Uriah]."

"Now, I will replenish my hand with cards!"

Kagemaru placed a card in the field magic area of ​​the duel disk and said:

"I'm going to activate the field magic [Paradise Lost]!!"

The duel venue immediately became dark and scary!

The ground became dry and cracked.

There are even ghostly sounds ringing around!

Looking at this piece of [Paradise Lost], Chen Luo's eyes became unusually serious.

Kagemaru said:

"The effect of [Paradise Lost] is activated!"

"Once per turn, when I have any one of the three Phantom Demons on the field."

"I can find that one from the deck and draw two cards!!"

If you want to say which card in the Three Fantasy Demon deck is the most important to Chen Luo.

There is no doubt that this is [Paradise Lost]!

As long as there are three phantoms on the field.

[Paradise Lost] is equivalent to providing a card difference of two cards every round!

What is the concept?

[Pot of Desire] can only provide the card difference of one card, but it is gone after one use!

And [Lost Paradise] is a field magic card that can always provide card differences!

It can be said that the card [Lost Paradise] supports half of the strength of the Three Fantasy Demon deck!

If you don’t resolve this card [Paradise Lost] quickly.

It will snowball infinitely!

After replenishing his hand of cards, Kagemaru said:

"Next, I declare the battle stage!"

"Use [Godly Flame King Uriah] to attack Chen Luo, the defensive monster on your side of the field!"

· ·········Asking for flowers···· ····

"A timid monster."

"Be destroyed by the power of the three phantom demons!"

[Godly Flame Emperor Urlia] spit out a stream of flames and hit Chen Luo's monster.

According to the rules of duel, when the face-side defending monster is attacked, it will be reversed to the face-side position.

Chen Luo suddenly laughed:

"Kagemaru, this is the moment I've been waiting for!"

"Reverse it, my monster!"

Chen Luo's inside monster was reversed to face.

This monster card is [Magical Grocery Merchant]!

【Magical General Merchant】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Insect/1 Star]

[Attack power: 200]

[Defense: 700]

..... .... 0

"The effect of [Magical Grocery Merchant] is activated!" Chen Luo said immediately:

"When this card is reversed, I will continue to turn over cards from the top of my deck until I turn over the magic and trap card."

"Add the turned up magic and trap card to your hand."

"Send all other cards revealed to the graveyard!"

[Magical Grocery Merchant] is the core of the Chaos deck.

You can stack tombs and search for magic traps at the same time!

Very useful!

Chen Luo placed his hand on the top of the duel plate and began to turn over the cards.

He picked up the first card he turned over and showed it:

"The first card I turned over was [D.D. Crow]."

"It's a monster card, not a magic trap card."

"According to the effect of [Magic Grocer], I will send [D.D. Crow] to the graveyard, and then continue to turn over cards."

"The second card I turned over." Chen Luo took the card in his hand and said:

"It's the [Mysterious Piper], and it's also a monster card!"

"I'll send it to the graveyard and continue turning over cards."

"The third card I turned over was [Bone Pig Throw], which is also a monster card."

"Send to the cemetery."

"The fourth card is [Holy Magician], sent to the graveyard."

"The fifth card..." Chen Luo laughed:

"What I found this time is not a monster card."

"But the quick-attack magic card [Tornado]!"

"I will add this card to my hand!" Chuan.

Chapter 111 Chaos Warriors! Messenger of enlightenment!

Chen Luo's wave of tombs and check cards directly confused Kagemaru.

Good guy, how many cards have you piled up?

And what Kagemaru couldn't accept the most was that

Chen Luo finally retrieved a quick-attack magic card [Tornado].

The effect of [Tornado] is to destroy any magic trap card on the field.

Just enough to destroy Kagemaru's field magic [Paradise Lost]! .

Kagemaru is not a fool, he also knows how powerful [Paradise Lost] is.

If this card is destroyed, he will be distressed for a year! !

He gritted his teeth and said:

"Chen Luo, you are very lucky."

"You can actually retrieve [Tornado]."

"But you can't win a duel with magic and trap cards alone."

"The subject of the duel is the monster!"

"Now, the "870" effect of your [Magic Grocery Merchant] has been activated."

"Then [Divine Flame Emperor·Uria]'s attack continues!"

The flames from [Divine Flame Emperor·Uria] hit [Magic Grocery Merchant] at this time.

The defense of [Magic Grocery Merchant] is very low.

It was destroyed immediately.

But because [Magic Grocery Merchant] is in defense mode.

Therefore, Chen Luo did not suffer any combat damage.

After the attack, Yingwan announced:

"My turn is over."

"It's your turn, Chen Luo."

"Tremble under the power of the Three Phantom Magic."

"Then you will find out."

"All your efforts in this duel are in vain!"

Chen Luo smiled:

"Yingwan, do you really think you are invincible just because you have the Three Phantom Magic deck?"

"Then I will show you."

"What is true invincibility?"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I will activate the quick-attack magic card [Whirlwind] first!"

"According to the effect of this card, destroy your field magic [Lost Paradise]!"

[Lost Paradise] was blown to pieces.

Although Yingwan felt distressed, he still said:

"If the field magic is destroyed, it is destroyed."

"But, Chen Luo, how are you going to deal with [Divine Flame Emperor·Uria] on my field?!"

Chen Luo smiled:

"This is too easy."

"Let me show you a monster whose combat power far exceeds that of the three phantom magics."

"I will exclude [Holy Magician] and [D.D. Crow] in the graveyard and perform special summons!"

"The attributes of these two cards are light and dark!"

"One soul guides light, and the other soul guides darkness!"

"Light and darkness will eventually create a chaotic environment!"

"Break out of the chaos!"

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