Yu-Gi-Oh: Opening Dark Ghost Deck

Chapter 170 The Creation God of Light is Compulsory!! (8/6! Plus the second update!!)

"You Feng actually covered the monster area in one breath!! As expected of You Feng!!" Han Wu was excited when he saw this.

"However, the opponent has the cracking dragon on the field, so he can't break through the defense line at all!" Lin Xian frowned.

"Not only that, because of the effect of cracking the dragon, as long as the card is on the field, all the monsters on the opponent's field that are specially summoned will have their attack power reduced by level X200!!" Mu Yuxi said softly, Ning Yuxiao's machine-type card There are too many strong cards in the group, although You Feng's solution is very strong, but if you don't solve the cracking dragon, you are still in danger.

"My round... You Feng's fingers flashed golden again, because he gave birth to 3900LP, and he could draw once every 2000LP, so he could draw once again! This is the terrible thing about the creator god of light.

"Your defeat will be decided by this card!" When You Feng said this, he drew out the card in his hand, swung it open, and aroused an air current.

Then 933 made an astonishing move! You Feng didn't even look at the cards in his hand, he directly inserted the cards into the duel plate very quickly and simply, that is, he didn't even look at them!


After seeing You Feng's actions, the audience went crazy!!

Ning Yuxiao was so shocked on the spot that this guy didn't even look at the cards, and even inserted it into the duel plate in the magic trap area. What's going on?

"What, what..." Instructor Du became unfavorable even when he rarely spoke, and was completely stunned.

The barrage is even more crazy!!

"F*ck!! I'm blown up!! This f*ck was inserted into the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate without even looking at it, and also said, your defeat has been decided on this card, it is simply domineering and tall, But what if f*ck is a monster card for a while?"

"How domineering this is, what am I, only to find out that I was kneeling and watching."

"I don't know what to say, in short, it's over, it's too awesome!"

"I pray that one is a monster card! (Funny!).

"It's awesome! If it's really this round that defeats the opponent, then it's really awesome!"

"I rub it, it's also pretending, why You Feng can convince me again and again..." Lin Xian's jaw was completely shocked, and this trick is really not something that everyone can do.

"I. I took it..." Han Wu smacked his tongue.

"You Feng! You are destined to be my man!" Seeing this, Tang Xiaoxiao was completely convinced by You Feng's charm. It was the first time he liked someone to this extent.

Mu Yuxi's face was also dull, unable to understand.

In fact, everyone has a question in their hearts, what if this is a monster card?

All of a sudden it attracted everyone's attention.

Activate "Magic Card! Heart Change! Before the end stage, you can gain control of one of the opponent's monsters!" You Feng's gentle smile made many girls' hearts be captured again. This kind of fairy-like feeling (ahdb) is like The other party is the Holy Son of Light.

Sacred and inviolable, thousands of girls are destined to lose sleep today.

"Heart change?! Stupid! Your field is full of monsters. Wait, don't tell me." Ning Yuxiao no longer had the mentality to disguise any more, so she couldn't help sneering. Suddenly dumbfounded.

"When our area is full of monsters, when you transfer the opponent's monsters over, because there is no area, it will be sent to the graveyard!" You Feng sounded like a judgment again, as if giving final judgment.

"How is it possible, I don't even know this rule?" Ning Yuxiao was dumbfounded, and the crack dragon was sent to the cemetery.

Because the hysterical dance is to be summoned as much as possible, You Feng couldn't keep a vacant seat just now, so he thought of cooperating with the heart change to send the crack dragon to the cemetery.

In fact, this effect really exists, but You Feng himself did not expect that it was the idea of ​​Harakti, the creator god of light possessing You Feng.

She understands that there are many rules that many people don't understand yet.

But no matter what, this rule exists, not just gibberish!

The barrage started to explode like crazy!!

"It's so awesome!! I actually chose to use this effect to destroy the cracking dragon. My God, who would have thought of this, let alone thought of it, I didn't even know I could do this."

"From today onwards, You Feng is my idol!! Who fucks me!"

"Awesome!! One word is awesome! I really licked You Feng!"

"Which city is You Feng in! I must find him!"

"I don't know if Bai Fumei, who is worth tens of billions of dollars, will like him."

"I'm fascinated! AWSL!"

You Feng raised his sacred golden pupils and opened the last sentence lightly: "Ugly people can't survive under the light after all, your defeat, I will personally decide!"


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