"Well, Keiping, you don't have to worry."

As he spoke, Noya's head appeared on the computer screen in front of Keiping,"The core network of the Kaiba Group is indeed well-deserved. I feel it's quite interesting here!"

"Hmm, let me see these files, oh? So many precious materials are all the duel videos of everyone in the past! Interesting, really interesting!"

"Keipi, I've decided!"

Looking at Naoya's excited face, Kaiba Keipi couldn't help but asked,"Brother Naoya, what have you decided?"

"Haha, of course I want to become the strongest duelist!"

Nodding to Kaiba Keipi with a smile, Noa's eyes were filled with a strong desire to fight.

"The reason why I lost to Seto was entirely due to my lack of practical experience. Kaiba Group's computers can not only analyze the duelists' detailed data, but also record the duel videos of famous duelists from all over the world. With this information, the day when I surpass Seto will be just around the corner!"

"Guiping, please don't disturb me for a while, I need to study these duel materials carefully!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you guys seem to have the final match of the Duel City Tournament. When that time comes, remember to call me, because I want to record the whole process for future reference!"

After saying these words, without waiting for Keipi to reply, Noa cut off the communication and ran to study dueling techniques. His unyielding look is really very similar to Kaiba Seto.

"It seems that Noa is really going toe-to-toe with your brother this time. Now President Kaiba is going to suffer."

"Haha, Brother Youfeng, you are exaggerating. After all, they both like dueling, so they are a good opponent.

Seeing another talented player who was delayed because of his addiction to playing cards, Li Youfeng and Guiping smiled awkwardly at the same time.

"Well, it's Kaiba's boss's trouble anyway. If there's any headache, it's his, not mine. Haha!"

With a gloating smile on his face, Li Youfeng said goodbye to Kaiba Keipi and turned to the direction of the airship restaurant. After all, he hadn't eaten all morning, and he was really a little hungry.

However, when Li Youfeng was walking alone in the airship passage, his Void page suddenly popped up automatically.

"Oh? Has something new been unlocked? Interesting, could it be that the upgrade and unlocking of the cards are all related to the evil soul of Kaiba Gosaburo that was previously devoured by the white flames?"

With doubt in his mind, Li Youfeng looked up at his own layout frame, and as expected, his layout had changed again.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: 6

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 3 times per game), High Star Start, Low Star Start, Destined to Draw (HP less than 2000 and limited to 1 time per game), Dark Resistance (Passive: Greatly reduce the soul damage received in duels under special circumstances), Fighter's Soul (Active: Enable adjustable���A special duel barrier that can destroy the dark barrier with three modes of damage: slight, severe, and death.

) Summoner's Contract (The next time you draw a card, you will definitely draw a bonded elf card, limited to 1 time per game.

), Fusion Premonition (limited to 1 time per game.


Bonds: Atlas Bug Demon, Vampire Lady, Half-Dragon Maid Laundry Dragon, Nephthys' Connector, Witch Craft Master Weir, Black Magician (Red Robe Version), Silver City Lord Labris.

Unlock:"Labris's Silver City!》

"Silver City? They actually unlocked Silver City for me at this time? Haha, my Bug Deck can finally start to show its power!"

As a heavy pit lover, Li Youfeng's favorite deck in his previous life was based on Silver City, and paired with other decks that were also heavy pit types.

For example, the Ancient Worm series, the Worm Demon series, etc., can all be paired with the extremely tolerant Silver City. Li Youfeng unlocked this deck when the final battle was approaching, and he could completely describe it as sending charcoal in the snow.

In order to seize the time, Li Youfeng hurriedly quickened his pace. After running to the restaurant and ordering a fast food, Li Youfeng couldn't wait to dive into his player room, just because he wanted to rebuild the Silver City deck before the semi-finals started!

Due to the deviation from the route, the time for the duel airship to arrive at the final competition venue was inevitably delayed a lot.

During this time, Isis brought Malik, who had returned to normal, to find Jonouchi and learned the cause and effect of the matter. Jonouchi also generously forgave Malik. At about two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the duel airship finally arrived at the final competition venue of the Urban Duel Competition, the Duel Tower in the heart of Alukatolas!

"Duelists, we have arrived at the final competition venue. Now, I allow you to step into the proud field I have established. Duelists, fight for glory!"

As President Kaiba's extremely second-year speech came out from the duel airship, Li Youfeng also put the deck he had just assembled into the card bag on his waist.

Glancing at the surrounding environment through the window, Li Youfeng smiled and said to himself:"Everything has finally come to an end.

Now let me enjoy the fun of dueling!

Kaiba, Jonouchi, Yugi, hehe, this time the opponent is really a gorgeous lineup, but since I promised Xiaoxun, then I will never give up easily.

I have dominated the world championship five times in my previous life.

Even if I come to this world, I will definitely continue to maintain my undefeated record!

"After adjusting his mentality, Li Youfeng walked out of the room wearing the black windbreaker specially customized for him by Izayoi Kaoru.

After meeting Yugi and other members of the protagonist group who were also heading to the exit, everyone talked and laughed and walked off the duel airship together.

"We can actually duel in a place like this, Kaiba-kun is really generous!"Coming to the entrance of the duel tower, Biao Yugi was the first to exclaim

"Wow, it's so tall, this is the Duel Tower!" Seeing this tall tower standing tall in the ruins of the artificial island, Jonouchi couldn't help but exclaimed,"It looks even bigger from such a close distance, I didn't expect that I could duel in a place like this, hehe~ So, I am already a real duelist!"

"Haha, you are such a bumpkin who has never seen the world!" After getting off the duel airship together with Kaiba Keihei, Kaiba Seto looked at Jonouchi with a sneer of contempt and said,"Jounouchi, you should indeed feel lucky. After all, it is something to be proud of that a mediocre person like you can sneak to the door of the Duel Tower. As for the God Card in your hand, hehe, it's time to change its owner!"

"Kaiba, you bastard, what did you say?"

Veins popped out on his forehead instantly, Jonouchi pointed at Kaiba Seto and shouted,"I've tolerated you for a long time. Let me tell you, come on, I want to fight you in a duel! This time, I will wash away Mai-chan's defeat. The accident in the Duel Kingdom will not happen again. Today, I will let you know how powerful my Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is!"

"Just relying on your mortal bones? You still want to defeat me? Hahaha, stop making me laugh! Jonouchi, I really want to ask you, are you awake? After all, there is a limit to dreaming!"

"Hippocampus, I'm going to fight you, you bastard who's the king of the ruins.……!"

"Jonouchi, forget it, forget it! Anyway, the game is about to start, you can settle the score with him later!"Handan quickly comforted Jonouchi while grabbing him.

"Honda is right, Jonouchi, calm down first." Also stopping Jonouchi, Mitsurugi Ryuji also chimed in,"In a duel like this, the most important thing is the mentality. Impulsiveness is the easiest to make mistakes. Jonouchi, you must calm down."

"Actually, I have a good idea!"

Since he did not fall into a coma like in the original book, Peacock Dance naturally came to the duel tower and nudged Jonouchi with her elbow with a sly smile. Peacock Dance said in Jonouchi's ear in an extremely sinister tone:"Hehe~! Jonouchi, when the groups are divided later, why don't you let Kaiba fight You Feng first? Let's watch that arrogant guy Kaiba get humiliated in front of You Feng. Isn't this much more interesting than a duel between you and him?"

"That's right!" Peacock Dance's words immediately woke Jonouchi up from his dream,"Hehehe~ You are worthy of being Mai-chan, this is a good idea, I'll do as you say, I'll go discuss it with Yugi now"

"Hehehe~ Of course, I can’t wait to see You Feng destroy President Kaiba’s mentality!"

"Hehe~Me too!"

"Wow~ These two are really hopeless!" X2 seemed to see that Jonouchi and Kongquewu were grinning and the devil's wings and horns seemed to have grown on their heads. Honda and Mika Ryuji were both embarrassed.


"Hmm, what's that sound?"

After following his sister Isis on the duel airship, Malik, who had completely regained his kind personality, suddenly found that something seemed to be flying towards him rapidly in the sky.

"Look, there seems to be something flying over there!"

Looking in the direction that Malik pointed, I saw a luxury jet with the Izayoi family emblem printed on it flying towards this side at high speed.

Soon, the plane landed next to the duel airship. As the cabin door opened, I saw Kawai Shizuka pushing Izayoi Kaoru in a wheelchair and walking down carefully.


"Miss Xun?"

"Hello! We are here to join in, too!" Pushed by Shizuka to the front of the crowd, Izayoi Kaoru smiled and said hello,"President Kaiba, I'm really sorry, we came uninvited this time, and I want to cheer for You Feng, I think you don't mind!"

"Humph~, whatever you want! For me, being able to completely defeat You Feng in front of a superficial woman like you is one of the most interesting things in life!"Glancing coldly at Izayoi Kaoru, Kaiba Seto turned around and walked towards the Duel Tower.

"Tsk, what's your attitude! No wonder no girls like him!"Stuck out her tongue at Kaiba Seto, then Izayoi Kaoru smiled and looked at Li Youfeng.

"Boss, why are you here? Are you feeling better?"

"Well, I'm much better now. Besides, I won't fight in the duel. It's fine for me to just watch your duel."

After taking the wheelchair from Shizuka's hands with a smile, Li Youfeng told Izayoi Kaoru about what happened recently. As Jonouchi's biological sister, Kawai Shizuka ran to her brother with great joy.

"Brother, I have watched your duel through live broadcast, you are really awesome. By the way, is your health okay now?"

"Haha, of course there's no problem, my body is very strong!" Showing his biceps to Shizuka, Jonouchi laughed and said,"Just watch me, Shizuka, I will definitely win the championship, and then I'll be the real duel king, hahaha!"

"Eh? Is that really the case? Brother, you must do your best, I will support you!" Although she felt that her brother's chances of winning were slim, Shizuka still chose to support her brother.

"Hehe, just wait and see!"

"Wow, Shizuka is here too, that’s great!"

"Yes, that's right. I never thought that there would be a silver lining after all. Shizuka came at the perfect time!"

The goddess in their mind suddenly appeared at this place. Mika Ryuji and Honda burst into tears. After all, they had been forced to eat a lot of dog food with Jonouchi and Peacock Dance during this period of time.


"Okay, everyone, let's hurry up and enter the Duel Tower. After all, it's getting late and we still have to hold the final match!" Interrupting everyone's reminiscence, Kaiba Keipi consciously acted as a guide.���The door of the duel tower was slowly opened, and everyone walked into the tower. As the referee, Isono had been waiting here for a long time. After seeing that all the duelists had arrived, Isono also delivered the opening speech of the semi-finals very quickly.

"Dear duelists, welcome to the Duel Tower. Now, we are about to start the semi-finals of the Battle City!"

"Now, please ask the four duelists participating in the semi-finals to choose any door and walk into it, and be ready for the duel!"

"As for the spectators, please follow me, I will arrange a better place for you to watch the game!"

"Sister Shizuka, I'll leave my boss to you to take care of him."

After handing the wheelchair handle to Kawai Shizuka, Li Youfeng looked at Izayoi Kaoru and said,"Boss, I'm going up. You can see how I perform later."

"Come on, You Feng, you must take first place!"

"Yes, Brother You Feng, just like Sister Xun, I will cheer for you!"

"Shizuka, you~!"Seeing Kawai Shizuka looking at Li Youfeng with deep affection and having long forgotten about her, not only Jonouchi burst into tears, but even Honda and Miga Ryuji couldn't help but fall into grief.

"Well~ Jonouchi, don't think too much. Anyway, let's all work hard from now on!" Patting Jonouchi's shoulder awkwardly, Pyo Yugi smiled and comforted him.

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