(Because a reader raised a question in the previous chapter, the author will explain the problem with the card Dragon Ruler here.

The effect of this card is mainly used to retrieve and use magic cards special for Dragon monsters (such as Dragon Summoning Flute and Dragon Resurrection Rhapsody).

Its card name can be used as Dragon Ruler and can use corresponding magic cards.

The previous reader raised the problem of the card name.

What the author wants to say is that Dragon Ruler can be used as Dragon Ruler, but it is just the card name.

This sentence means that Dragon Ruler can only be regarded as Dragon Ruler in name, and in terms of monster effects, it cannot have the special effects of Dragon Ruler at all, which means that this card cannot provide effect resistance for Dragon monsters.


Looking at the monster on Kaiba's field, Yami Yugi couldn't help but ponder after drawing a card.

"The attack power of the monster on Kaiba's field is obviously higher than that of Queen Knight, but he didn't attack. Is he on guard against my two face-up cards? Or does he have other plans?"

""Other me, be careful, this may be a trap set by Kaiba." Just when Dark Yugi was hesitant, Oya Yugi suddenly reminded him from his mind.

Unlike the original Yu-Gi-Oh, the current Dark Yugi cherishes the time he has with Oya Yugi, and the relationship between the two is closer than in the original with the help of Li Youfeng. Therefore, even in the duel, Oya Yugi will occasionally give Dark Yugi some suggestions.

"aibo! I know this is probably a trap, but if we shrink back, the cards on the back of Kaiba will never disappear, so now we have no choice but to move forward bravely."

"Well, you are right, another me, come on!"

(Aya Yugi: Go ahead bravely, another me!)

After reaching a consensus with Aya Yugi, Yami Yugi raised his hand and played a card.

"I Normal Summon, King Knight, Defense Position!"(Attack 1600 Defense 1400)

"The special effect of King Knight is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, it can be activated to special summon a Guard Knight from the deck!"

"Come out, Guard Knight!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1000)

Seeing that Dark Yugi had gathered three monsters on the field first, the audience below the arena immediately became excited.

"Awesome, three monsters were gathered in just two rounds. Could it be that Yugi summoned God first?"

"It's hard to say. After all, he has already used Normal Summon. Whether he can win or not depends on the next round."

"I just don't know how Kaiba will respond, but looking at his expression, it seems that Yugi's every move is within his calculations."

In the Sky Arena

"Hippocampus, since you don’t dare to attack me, let me attack first!"

(All readers should be very clear about Yami Yugi’s personality. As long as he can attack, this guy has never been afraid!)

"Fight, Guard Knight, attack X-Boss Ganon!"

"Yugi, stop dreaming and open the card!"Just as Dark Yugi launched his attack, Kaiba Seto directly activated a trap card on his field.

"The attack is disabled!"

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when the opponent declares an attack, negating the attack of a monster and forcibly ending the battle phase!"

"Even at the beginning, the monster with higher attack power than me did not launch an attack, and even covered this card in the backcourt. It seems that Kaiba wants to play the same trick as Yu Feng!"

Looking at Kaiba Seto's operation, Yami Yugi immediately recalled the scene when Li Yu Feng fought against the thief Keith in the Duel Kingdom.

"In that case, I will cover a card on the backcourt and end this round!"

"My turn, draw a card!"After a cold smile, Kaiba Seto added the card he just drew to his hand and suddenly opened the last cover card on the field.

"Magic card activated, soul exchange!" (original anime effect!)

"The effect of this card is that, during this turn, I can sacrifice two monsters on the opponent's field for a Higher-Level Summon. Yugi, just open your eyes and watch your own defeat, haha!"

"Open the cover card!"

Just as Kaiba Seto laughed, Yami Yugi also opened a cover card on his field.

"Magic card activated, change of heart!"

"The effect of this card is that you can take control of a monster on your opponent's field during the End Phase of the turn. I choose to control X-Boss Cannon!"

"Damn Yugi!" Seeing that Yugi also buried the Minotaur card, Kaiba Seto's face immediately darkened.

As a duelist, almost all players have a common problem, that is, it's okay if I am good at you, but if you are good at me, then I will be very angry!

Of course, if the card you are good at is an ordinary card, it's okay, but if it is a cute girl card, then I'm afraid someone will have to go to the hospital.

(Meika: Sorry~ Master, I am no longer pure, woo woo~!)

After all, the hatred of having one's wife stolen from him is irreconcilable!

Seeing the monsters on his field running to Yami Yugi's field, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but think of the humiliation he suffered in the duel with Li Youfeng.

"Game, I didn't expect you to play this game, but unfortunately, I am no longer the same person I used to be. The same trick can't work on me a second time!"

(At this moment, Kaiba Seto once again transformed into a gold saint!)

Gritting his teeth, he showed a magic card from his hand and said loudly:"Magic card activated, enemy controller!" (The original effect of the anime, you don't need to release your monster, but you need to pay 1000 life points)

"By paying 1000 life points, this card can take control of a monster from the opponent's field. I enter the password, up, down, left, right, AB, and then select X Boss Cannon!"

Seahorse Seto LP4000>3000 laughed wildly and raised a card high. Seahorse Seto's face was full of smug expression.

"Haha! Game! Now, I have three monsters on my field. Open your eyes and watch carefully, Oberisk! Listen to my call and appear.……"

"Open the face card!"

Pointing at the card in Kaiba Seto's hand, Yami Yugi said loudly:"Light Sealing Sword!"

(This card is not a trap card in the original anime, and its effect is to select a card from the opponent's hand to activate. The author has taken a screenshot, so you can understand it.)

"The effect of this card is that you can choose a card in your opponent's hand to ban for three rounds. I chose the card in your hand!"


As fast as it was said, like a flash of lightning across the sky, a long sword directly nailed the card in Kaiba Seto's hand to the ground.

As if to mock Kaiba Seto, the long sword also made a very crisp"ding" sound.

(Obelisk: Damn, you idiot, are you drunk?! What the hell are you talking about? You caused me to be stabbed in the chest for no reason!)

""I'm a jerk!!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the God Card in his hand was taken away by Yami Yugi in such a humiliating way. One can imagine how Kaiba Seto, who failed in his show-off, felt at this moment.

(Kaiba Seto: Blasting!!!)

(Yan Yugi: I let you show off, let's see if you can still raise the card!)

""Hehe, Kaiba, I'm sorry!" Nailing Obelisk to the floor, Yami Yugi showed a smug smile,"Thanks to you for holding up Obelisk's card, otherwise I wouldn't know which card to seal. Although it's a God Card, it's just a card if it's not summoned!"

Killing people and destroying their hearts!

Having been in contact with Li Youfeng for such a long time, Yami Yugi has also learned a little bit of Li Youfeng's words of killing people and destroying their hearts. Seeing Kaiba Seto putting on a stinky face with veins on his forehead, Yami Yugi is in a more cheerful mood at this time.

"Do you think you have won? My turn is not over yet!"

Putting the last card in his hand on the duel disk, Kaiba Seto directly activated the effect of this card.

"I activate the Spell Card from my hand, Pot of Greed!"

"Draw two cards from your deck!"

Pointing at Yami Yugi angrily, Kaiba Seto directly ordered an attack,"Since I can't gather all the sacrifices, then you can't either. I Normal Summon, Y Dragon Head, Attack Position!" (Attack 1500 Defense 1600)

"Game, even if you can't summon God, you are still no match for me!"

"XY combination! Dragon Cannon!"(Attack 2200 Defense 1900)

"XY Dragon Cannon, attack the King Knight!"

Looking at the monster in front of him, Yami Yugi sneered,"Kaiba, have you forgotten that there is a covered card on my field?"


"Trap Card Activated! Incapacitate the Attack!"

Yes, what Yami Yugi activated at this moment was exactly the same cover card as the one on Kaiba Seto's field!

"Humph, Kaiba, what a pity, your turn ends here!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect a little dwarf like you to be so difficult to deal with! Just wait, Yugi, even though Obelisk has been sealed, I still have a way to summon God out!" With a reluctant look at Yami Yugi, Kaiba Seto had to end his turn.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"


Looking at the card he just drew, Yami Yugi's face showed a solemn expression.

"I still haven't drawn Osiris's Sky Dragon yet, and I don't have a monster that can defeat the Dragon Cannon this turn, so I can only be patient for now."

"I cover two cards onto the backfield and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but smile.

"Game, I have to say your luck is really bad. Do you think I can't do anything to you just because you sealed my God Card?"

"What do you want to say?" Seeing Kaiba suddenly become so confident, Yami Yugi's face also became tense for no reason.

"What I want to say is that there is no need to wait for three rounds, because the God Card will always come into the hands of the strongest duelist!"

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Heaven's Voice's Obedience!"

"The effect of this card is that you can declare a monster of level 8 or higher from your deck and make it my servant!"

"The card I declared is, Sky Dragon of Osiris!"

""Say, Yugi, find the Sky Dragon in your deck and give it to me!"

With a smug look on his face, Kaiba Seto slowly walked to the center of the duel field. At the same time, Yami Yugi also walked over with a blank expression, and took out Osiris' Sky Dragon from the deck and handed it to Kaiba Seto.

Below the Sky Arena.

Seeing that Kaiba Seto actually got another God Card from Yugi, as Yugi's support group, Jonouchi and others immediately became nervous.

"Oh no, Kaiba actually has two God Cards in his hand, plus the XY Dragon Cannon on the field, the game is now completely in a passive situation!"

"There is only one more sacrifice left to summon the God Card. If Kaiba summons the God Card first, then Yugi will be in real danger."

As a duelist, Jonouchi and Mamoru are naturally much stronger than Honda and others, and they have a deeper understanding of the current situation.

However, after seeing that Li Youfeng was still calm, Jonouchi couldn't help but ask:"Youfeng, why aren't you worried about Yugi at all? His God Card was taken away by Kaiba!"

"Is that really the case?"

Li Youfeng, who was standing next to Izayoi Kaoru, smiled and shook his head slightly,"I'm afraid President Kaiba miscalculated this time, because Yugi has long been on guard against Obelisk's God Warrior. Just wait and see, I think President Kaiba will soon return the Sky Dragon to Yugi!"

Everyone:"So Yugi has been prepared for this?!"

After hearing Li Youfeng's guess, Jonouchi and other members of the fan club were even more looking forward to the next development.

"Wow! You Feng, how do you know so clearly?"After hearing Li You Feng's analysis up close, Izayoi Xun, who was sitting in a wheelchair, had many little stars in her eyes, like a little fan girl.

"Of course it was analyzed!"

""Haha, you are worthy of being my shop assistant, you are so knowledgeable!"

Seeing Li Youfeng so confident, Izayoi Kaoru felt that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Pretending to be calm, Izayoi Kaoru slowly stretched out her right hand and took Li Youfeng's left hand. When she found that Li Youfeng also gently held her hand back, her face became redder.

As everyone's attention was on the Sky Arena, no one noticed this extremely inconspicuous little action.

Of course, except Kawai Shizuka.

"Brother Youfeng, Miss Xun."

Looking at the two people holding hands silently, Shizuka felt happy and aggrieved. She was happy because she hoped that Li Youfeng and Izayoi Xun could live a happy life. She felt aggrieved because she secretly regretted why she was not the first to appear beside Li Youfeng.

"It doesn't matter. My brother once said that as long as you use the hoe well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down! Shizuka, you have to keep working hard!"

In the Sky Arena

"This card is hidden quite deep. No matter what, it seems that even if I don't take action, you won't be able to draw the God Card no matter how hard you struggle in this duel!"

"Do you understand now? Yugi, no matter what kind of god you are, you will only obey my orders, because I am the strongest duelist!"

Saying mocking Yami Yugi, Kaiba Seto turned around with a smug look on his face and was about to return to his own venue.

However, at this moment, Yami Yugi smiled and spoke

"Hehe, that's hard to say! Kaiba, first of all, I want to thank you for helping me find this God Card from the deck."


After hearing what Yami Yugi said, Kaiba Seto suddenly stopped and turned around with an incredible look on his face. What caught Kaiba Seto's eyes was Yami Yugi's smiling face that showed that his conspiracy had succeeded.

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