Obelisk's God Warrior, attack power 2000.

Seeing the God Warrior being stabbed in the chest and then sprayed with saliva by himself as soon as he appeared, Sky Dragon even laughed in a very human way on the spot. (In the original story, the scene of the traitor Long Ming.)

Yes, you read it right, as if he was watching the God Warrior's joke, Sky Dragon really laughed in a very unkind way!

"I'm so mad!"

Looking back at his own giant god, Kaiba Seto's face became extremely ugly

"Because of the negative effect of the life-threatening treasure card, I can only end this duel within four rounds. Is this bastard Yugi trying to delay time?"

Looking at the Sky Dragon on the field with only 2000 attack points on Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba calculated secretly:"The effect of the Sky Dragon can only last for one round for the God Warrior, so it is too irrational to attack now. It seems that the victory can only be decided in the next round!"

Thinking of this, Seto Kaiba pointed at Yami Yugi and said loudly:"Yugi, don't be too proud. The tactic of delaying time is useless to me, because when I end the round, the God Warrior's attack power will be restored to 4000 points. It is absolutely impossible to defeat it with the attack power of the Sky Dragon alone!"

"I cover a card and the turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card! At this moment, Sky Dragon's attack power increases to 3000 points!"

Osiris's Sky Dragon's attack power is 3000.

Obelisk's Giant God's attack power is 4000.

"Kaiba, you miscalculated this time!"

Pointing at Kaiba Seto, Yami Yugi said confidently:"Now I will let you know why I am willing to reduce the attack power of Sky Dragon in order to cover those two cards!"

"Open the card! The magic card is activated, and the hand is wiped out!"

"The effect of this card is that both players discard all cards in their hands, and then each player draws the same number of cards as they discarded!"

"Want to change the cards in your hand? But the attack power of the god will not change, so there is no point in doing this!"Throwing the cards in his hand into the graveyard, Kaiba Seto was a little confused about the meaning of Yugi's move.

Just when Kaiba Seto was puzzled, Yami Yugi opened another cover card.

"Trap card activated, Alms of the Fallen Angel!" (original animation, no real card)

"In this round, the cards discarded by both parties due to effects return to the hands of their holders!"

"Because I threw away three cards, after recycling them, the Sky Dragon's attack power increased to 6000 points!"

"Is it coming?" Looking at the Sky Dragon whose attack power increased to 6000 points, Kaiba Seto instinctively realized that things were not going well.

"Fight, Osiris's Sky Dragon, attack Obelisk's God Warrior!"

"Superconducting lightning cannon!"

"It's useless, open the cover card!"After waving his hand, Kaiba Seto directly opened the trap card that he took from Yami Yugi at the beginning.

"The fading life starts!"

"Because two turns have passed, you now have to discard two cards in your hand!"

"It's this card indeed!"Looking at the decreased attack power of Osiris's Sky Dragon, although Dark Yugi regretted giving this card to Kaiba Seto, he knew in his heart that if he didn't take this opportunity to replace the Giant God directly, the longer the time dragged on, the more disadvantageous it would be for him!

Osiris's Sky Dragon has an attack power of 4000.

""Obelix's God Warrior, fight back!"


The collision between gods immediately detonated the whole place, and the dazzling light spread across the sky arena. Not only were the spectators in the arena blinded, but even the other duelists watching the live broadcast on TV were also stunned by the shocking duel scene.

However, just as the two gods left the venue at the same time, Yami Yugi's soul and Kaiba Seto's soul were once again transported back to the ancient Egyptian era three thousand years ago by the power of God.

Just like the soul leaving the body, the two people could not help but see some things that happened in ancient Egypt. Kaiba Seto also saw a man who looked exactly like him challenging the nameless pharaoh.

The remains of the statues of the God Warrior and the Sky Dragon!

The ruins of the ancient Egyptian town!

The dim sky!

The arrival of darkness!

Just as the two were puzzled, a huge force sucked them back to the real world again!

""Hoohoo! What's going on!"

Half-kneeling in the arena, Kaiba Seto breathed in the air while recalling everything he had just seen. His face was gloomy. In addition to being greatly shocked by the result, he was also extremely surprised.

"So that's it, is this the memory I lost? Isis, is this the fateful battle you wanted to tell me?"

Compared to Kaiba Seto, Yami Yugi's situation is obviously a little better. After all, he has the company of Osamu Yugi and the guidance of Li Youfeng, so Yami Yugi at this time does not take the past too seriously like in the original book.

As the saying goes, if I get it, I'm lucky, if I lose it, I'm doomed!

Now Yami Yugi wants to cherish this precious time living with his friends.

Standing up from the ring with a gloomy face, Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto looked at each other at the same time.

"Yugi, now I finally understand why you came to me!" After a faint smile, Kaiba Seto folded his hands in front of his chest,"Although I am not interested in what happened in the past, what I hate most is giving up halfway. The duel three thousand years ago should indeed be understood one last time!"

"Yes, Kaiba!"

He smiled and nodded. At this time, Dark Yugi's state of mind was also sublimated. With a sense of relief from the bottom of his heart, Dark Yugi nodded and responded:"Now I finally understand the meaning of that mural. Although I still haven't found my name, it doesn't matter anymore. As you said, I am now standing here as a duelist."

"Let's put an end to the past right here and now!"

"Oh, seahorse! I will definitely give it my all!"

"I put a card on my backcourt, and my turn is over!"

Below the arena

"What's going on? What just happened? Why do Kaiba and Yugi look a little different?"

"I don't know. It was too dazzling just now. When I regained my vision, they were already like that."

"The two gods died together. Did Yugi and Kaiba's souls return to the past?"Glancing at the members of the protagonist group who were talking about it, Li Youfeng suppressed his doubts in his heart. As the only person who knew about it, Li Youfeng would never expose these things to everyone.

In the Sky Arena, since Dark Yugi ended his turn, the initiative fell into Kaiba Seto's hands again.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card, Kaiba Seto looked at Yami Yugi coldly and said,"Yugi, in fact, I have already anticipated that the two gods will die together, so I have already made a second-hand preparation at the beginning. Now, let me end this duel!"

"Open the face-up card on the field and activate the magic card Resurrection of the Dead!"

"Obelisk, obey my call and come back to my field again!"

Due to the activation of the magic card, Obelisk, who was sleeping in the graveyard, was awakened again. With a strong wave, the Giant God Soldier appeared in front of Dark Yugi.

"Game, no matter what card you cover, it can't stop Obelisk. This is the final blow!"

"Just follow God's hand and go to hell!"

"God's hand crushing fist!"

"You won't succeed!" After a loud shout, Dark Yugi decisively threw a card in his hand into the graveyard.

As the card effect was activated, countless Kurosauruses~ Oh no, it was Kurosauruses blocked Dark Yugi!


Based on the absolute theorem of smoke without injury, after the smoke and dust cleared, Dark Yugi was still standing in front of Kaiba Seto intact.


Possessing the special ability to block all combat damage!

The motto is that there is no attack in this world that I can't block. With 200 points of defense, it endured all the pain that this star-level monster should not have endured!

And, with an invincible posture, it brought an angry roar to the opposite duelist!

For example, the current President Kaiba

"Damn it! This is unscientific!!!"

Having his good deeds ruined by a small monster, veins popped out on Kaiba Seto's forehead. He took a look at his hand and gritted his teeth before taking out another card.

"I place this card on the field.……"

"Wait, at this time, I'm going to activate the effect of the card!"

"Trap Card Magician Navigation activated!"

"This card can Special Summon a Black Magic Monster from your hand, and can also Special Summon a Sorcerer-Type Dark Attribute Monster of level 7 or lower from your Deck!"

"My faithful servant, and most illustrious disciple!"

"Heed my call and appear on my field!"

"Black Magician (Attack 2500 Defense 2100), Black Magic Girl (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)!"

"Okay, Kaiba, you can end your turn now!"

"Damn game, I didn’t expect it to be so difficult. No wonder you can fight on equal terms with that bastard You Feng!"

"My turn is over!"

"At this moment, because the effect of the resurrection of the dead disappears, the Giant God must return to the cemetery!"Smiling and pointing at the slowly dissipating Giant God, Dark Yugi began his turn.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

""Hmph, Kaiba, let me deal with your cover card first!"

After sneering, Yami Yugi slapped a card on the duel disk.

"Magic card activated, Dark Magician!"

"Haha! Yugi, I knew you would do this!"

As if he had expected it, Kaiba Seto directly opened the cover card on his field.

(Backfield cover fusion, one of the president's classic dark scenes)

"Magic card fusion activated!"

"I send the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my hand to the graveyard and Fusion Summon them!"

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" (Attack 4500 Defense 3800)

"How is that possible?" Seeing the president actually perform a fusion in the back field, even Yami Yugi couldn't understand it,"Kaiba, when did you get the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons?"

"Haha, of course it was when you activated the hand card to kill just now!"The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and at this time Kaiba Seto's face was full of smug smiles.

"Shit! Are there really three Blue-Eyes White Dragons stuck together?"After hearing what President Kaiba said, Li Youfeng was hit again.

However, what was even more ridiculous was that after hearing this, Yami Yugi, who was standing opposite Kaiba Seto, actually nodded in agreement and said,"Kaiba, your bond with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is really deep!"

Oh my god!

Is this a bond issue?

This is obviously made with 502 glue!

Otherwise, who can draw three Blue-Eyes cards in a row every time?

The probability is almost as good as winning the first prize in the lottery!


You said there is a Blue-Eyes girl helping you behind the scenes?

The Blue-Eyes Girl's bride form, I wonder if you like it?

Oh, that's okay!

"But my attack is not over yet!"

"I normally summon the Black Magic Wand, and then activate its special effect to retrieve a card with the Black Magic character from the deck!"

Watching Yami Yugi take out the deck from the duel disk and start looking for his own���Kaiba Seto couldn't help but click his teeth and said,"The card that You Feng gave you? Tsk~ I didn't expect you to draw such a troublesome card at this time!"

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Thousand Swords!"

"Destroy the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon on your field!"

"Yugi, you want to destroy my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon? I advise you not to dream!"At the moment when the Thousand Blades were activated, Kaiba Seto also played a card.

"Quick attack magic fusion release activated!"

"This card can cancel the fusion status of a monster and Special Summon the fusion material!"

"My soul, my pride, my most faithful servant!"

"Revive from the graveyard, Blue Eze~ White Dragon!"(Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

Following Kaiba Seto's call, three Blue-Eyes White Dragons landed on Kaiba Seto's field at the same time. The Thousand Swords lost their target and therefore lost their effect.

"Damn it, three Blue-Eyes White Dragons were summoned at once, this time the game is in danger!"Looking at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon roaring loudly on Kaiba Seto's field, Jonouchi couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"The attack power of the Black Magician is not as strong as that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. If we lose this opportunity, then the defeat of the game is doomed!"I didn't expect such a reversal to happen. Peacock Dance also looked solemn.

"Game! Come on!"

"Don't give up on the game!"

"Come on, brother, you are the real duel king!"

The duel has evolved into the current situation. Everyone knows that for the two people in the arena, this round will be the final round to decide the winner.

Whether it is the fans of the game or Kaiba Keipi who worships his brother, they all use all their strength to cheer for the players in the duel.

"Don't worry, Keipi, I'm in very good shape now. After all, I'm the strongest duelist!"

Turning to Kaiba Keipi with a confident smile, Kaiba Seto slowly said,"Play the game! Just use whatever tricks you have. When your turn ends, that is, when you lose, the battle for the Duel King can only be between me and You Feng. This is the main reason why I have never regarded you as my rival!"

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