Raising his duel disk as well, Jonouchi said confidently:"Kaiba, I am different now than before. I am the first person to kill gods, and I have even killed You Feng before, so you~ are no problem either!"

"Stop flattering yourself. If you hadn't played dirty tricks beforehand, do you think you could have defeated You Feng? You're just a mediocre person, and you just got lucky. Don't you have any self-awareness of your own abilities?"

Kaiba Seto's face was full of disdain for Jonouchi's words.

"Humph! Jonouchi, don't be so thoughtless when you say some things. When I defeat you later, don't run into your sister's arms crying and acting like a spoiled child!"

"What did you say?"

Looking back, he saw Kawai Shizuka, who was standing below the arena, blushing because of what he said. Jonouchi felt that his blood pressure was also a little high.

"Seahorse! You bastard, I'm not done with you!"

"Humph, you little bastard, just let it go.���!"


Jonouchi LP4000

Kaiba Seto LP4000

"I'll take you down if you attack first, seahorse, just clean your neck and wait for death!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

In order to prove his strength and wash away the shame of being killed instantly by Kaiba Seto in the Duel Kingdom, Jonouchi put in a lot of effort this time.

"I Normal Summon from my hand, Legendary Blackstone!"

"Next, I release the legendary Black Stone, and then Special Summon a Level 7 or lower Red-Eyes monster from my deck!"

"I choose to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"(Attack 2400 Defense 2000)

"Next, I activated the Magic Card, Pot of Greed, and drew two cards from the deck!"

"Red Eyes See Through Activation!"

"The effect of this card is to send a Red-Eyes monster in your deck to the Graveyard, and then select a Spell or Trap Card with the Red-Eyes character on it!"

"I send Red-Eyes Thunder King to the graveyard, and then cover these two cards, and my turn is over!"

When he found that his ace monster did not appear on Jonouchi's field, Kaiba Seto sneered and said,"Humph, Jonouchi, why don't you summon Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon? Are you scared?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I have my own plans!"Hearing Kaiba Seto's ridicule, Jonouchi immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Pot of Greed is activated, I draw two more cards from the deck."

Looking at the card he drew, Kaiba Seto shook his head slightly and said,"It seems that the goddess of victory is still on my side. After all, I drew this card in the first round. This is the rhythm that I want to kill you again!"

"If you can do it, then come on!" Jonouchi is extremely sensitive to the word"instant kill".

"Then I won’t be polite. I will activate the magic card from my hand, Fusion!"

"Jonouchi, see once again with your own eyes the most perfect creature that once sent you to hell!"

"Then send the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to the graveyard for a Fusion Summon!"

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" (Attack 4500 Defense 3800)

"It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon again?" Seeing the monster that defeated him in one round, Jonouchi's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He secretly glanced at the cards on his field and immediately activated the control key on the duel disk.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Red-Eyes' triumph!"

"The Triumph effect of Red-Eyes is activated. The effect of this card is that if there is a Red-Eyes monster on your field, you can activate it by targeting a Normal monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon this monster!"

"Red-Eyes Thunder King is considered a Normal Monster in the Graveyard, so I will Special Summon it in Attack Position, Red-Eyes Thunder King!" (Attack 2500 Defense 1200)

"Kaiba, the fusion monster cannot attack in the first round, you miscalculated!"

"Idiot!"Looking at Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto sneered contemptuously,"Of course I know this, so you don't need to remind me, but now, I want to activate the effect of this card!"

"Quick attack magic, fusion release!"

"I cancel the fusion effect of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, then Special Summon three Blue-Eyes White Dragons!"

"Look here, Jonouchi, this is my most loyal servant and the most beautiful and powerful dragon in the world!"

""Come, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" x3 (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

"Summoning three blue-eyes white dragons in an instant?!" Seeing the three blue-eyes white dragons suddenly appearing on the field, Jonouchi's face was also shocked.


"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack the Red-Eyes Thunder Emperor!"

"The explosive gust of wind of destruction!"

"Haha, Kaiba, you've fallen into the trap!" Instead of being panicked by the attack of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Jonouchi calmly played another face-down card on the field.

"Trap Card activated, Wall of Severance!"

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, and can reduce the attack power of the monster in attack position on the opponent's field by the number of monsters on the opponent's field x 800 points!"

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Attack 3000>600!


Seeing his Blue-Eyes White Dragon instantly turned into a Blue-Eyes White Bug, Kaiba Seto's old face almost turned liver-colored.

Facing a Blue-Eyes White Dragon with only 600 attack points, the Red-Eyes Fierce Thunder King was not polite at all. He directly swung his claws and smashed a Blue-Eyes White Dragon that was attacking him into pieces.

Kaiba Seto LP4000>2100

"Wow, hahaha! Kaiba, you didn't expect that I had secretly adjusted the deck before the duel with you, and I added this card to the deck after consulting You Feng! How is it? This taste must have made you extremely comfortable, you deserve it! Hahaha!"

""You fucking bastard!"

He was tricked!

Because he underestimated Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto was in trouble this time!

"Jonouchi, don't be happy too soon, my turn isn't over yet!"

Staring at Jonouchi's smug look, Kaiba Seto gnashed his teeth and shouted,"This monster can be special summoned from the deck without fusion. I will send two Blue-Eyes White Dragons to the graveyard and then special summon them!"

"Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon!" (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

"I cover two cards and my turn is over!"

""Haha! It's my turn, draw a card!"

With an excited look on his face, he drew two cards from the deck and said with a sly smile,"Kaiba, I know the effect of your Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon very well. Although it cannot be destroyed by battle, You Feng has already shown me how to kill it!"

"Magic card, hammer attack!"

"The effect of this card is to destroy the face-up monster with the highest attack power on the field. Now you can see who has the highest attack power on the field. Destroy it, Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon!"


With the activation of the magic card Hammer Strike, the Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon was directly blown into pieces. Without the protection of the monster, Kaiba Seto was completely exposed to Jonouchi.

"Well done to Jonouchi!"

"I can’t believe that idiot Jonouchi is going to be an upset again!"

"Come on, Jonouchi, kill him!"

"Brother! Come on! You are the best!"

Seeing that Jonouchi had already taken the upper hand in the arena, Madoka, Honda, Ryuji Mika and Shizuka Kawai all cheered with great excitement.

"How could this happen? Brother, be careful!" Seeing Kaiba Seto in trouble, Kaiba Keihei immediately shouted loudly

"Haha, Kaiba, you're done!"

With victory within reach, how could Jonouchi miss such a good opportunity? When he thought about defeating Kaiba Seto, Jonouchi, who was already in an excited state, immediately gave the order to attack.

"Let’s fight, Red-Eyes Thunder King, attack directly!"

"Humph, Jonouchi, this time, you underestimated the enemy!" With a smile on his face, Kaiba Seto directly opened the face-up card on the field,"Magic card activated, resurrection gospel!"

"This card can revive a Level 7 or 8 monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it to my field. Revive, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Hit me back with the explosive hurricane bomb of destruction!"

"What? Oh! No! Ah!" Seeing the Blue-Eyes White Dragon suddenly appear in front of the Red-Eyes Thunder King, Jonouchi screamed immediately.

Unfortunately, the Red-Eyes Thunder King, who had already launched the attack, couldn't stop his feet at all, and crashed directly into the shock wave ejected by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

���Blue-Eyes White Dragon: I'll let you show off!)


Smashed into pieces by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack, the Red-Eyes Thunder King could only point his middle finger at Jonouchi and quickly roll to the graveyard.

Jonouchi LP4000>3500

"Damn it! You beat me back, but don't get complacent, Kaiba. My continuous trap card, Red-Eyes' Triumph, has not yet activated its effect!"

"I Special Summon it in Defense Position! Come back, Red-Eyes Thunder King!"

"Hehe, what do you think, Kaiba? I am now ten times stronger than before. Even if you destroy my monster, I can still maintain my own field. My turn is over!"

"Humph, are clown-like tricks worth bragging about? This is so funny, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Putting the card he just drew on the duel disk, Kaiba Seto said loudly:"Activate the magic card, the life-threatening treasure card!"

"According to its effect, I draw five cards from the deck, and then throw all the cards in my hand into the graveyard in my fifth turn after activation!"

Looking at Jonouchi's backcourt, Kaiba Seto said coldly:"Your continuous trap card is very annoying, so let this card retire now!"

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Crush and Smash!"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be activated when there is a Dragon Monster on our field. Select a Magic Card or Trap Card on the field, destroy it, and inflict 500 damage to the controller!"

"I choose to destroy, Red-Eyes Triumph!"

As the magic card was activated, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on Kaiba Seto's field suddenly kicked the ground, and a shock wave hit Jonouchi's field. With a sharp explosion, Red-Eyes Triumph was directly blown into pieces.

Jonouchi LP3500>3000

"Damn it!" When his key card was destroyed, Jonouchi's face immediately turned dark,"Kaiba, you are quite capable!"

"Don't be too surprised, this is just the beginning!" With a disdainful sneer, Kaiba Seto then slapped another card on the field.

"Magic card, enemy controller activated!"(Anime original effect!)

"This card can be activated by paying 1000 life points. By entering the correct password, you can control one of the enemy's monsters this turn. I choose to enter, up, down, left, right, AB, and then choose to control Red-Eyes Thunder King!"

Kaiba Seto LP2100>1100

Honda:"Oh no, there is only one Red-Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode left on Jonouchi's field. It is impossible to resist Kaiba's attack!"

Miga Ryuji:"I didn't expect Kaiba Seto to be able to turn a disadvantage into an advantage in an instant. He is really a true duelist."

Peacock Dance:"No, Jonouchi's expression is still very calm. He must have some tricks up his sleeve!"

Kawai Shizuka:"Brother, come on!"

Seeing the Red-Eyes Thunder King running to Kaiba Seto's field because of the activation of the magic card, the audience below the arena also became nervous. Just as everyone expected, Kaiba Seto, who got the Red-Eyes Thunder King, also decisively launched an attack.

"Fight, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack the Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

""Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"


Hit head-on by the white shock wave, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon was instantly smashed into pieces.

Jonouchi LP3000 > 2400

"Jonouchi, the game is over, you still can't escape the fate of being killed by me in one second! Red-Eyes Thunder King, attack directly!"

"Kaiba, I won't be killed by you so easily!" With a wave of his hand, Jonouchi directly opened the face-up card on the field,"Activate Trap Card, Red-Eyes Soul!"

"The effect of this card is that you can target and Special Summon a Red-Eyes monster in your Graveyard!"

"I choose to Special Summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon in Defense Position!"

"Humph, Jonouchi, I didn't know you clown are so durable!" Folding his arms, Kaiba Seto said,"But it doesn't matter, your failure will not change! Red-Eyes Thunder King, attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"


Because its defense is not as good as the attack power of Red-Eyes Thunder King, after a bang, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon that just jumped back to the field was directly sent back to the graveyard.

(Red-Eyes Black Dragon: You are such a jerk, is my value just to take the bullet for you?)

"I'm covering a card on the backfield, Jonouchi, let me enjoy your ugly struggle. My turn is over!"

"At this moment, since the effect of the enemy's controller is invalid, Red-Eyes Thunder King returns to my field again!"

"Please, my deck, respond to my fighting spirit!"

Although he now has an advantage in life value, Jonouchi knows that there is no monster on his field that can defeat the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon with 3000 attack points definitely has the ability to kill the game instantly. If he still can't draw the key card, then the only thing waiting for him will be a miserable defeat.

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